Blogs from Paris, Île-de-France, France, Europe - page 369


Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 18th 2005

Got here yesterday to great weather. Took 235 photos, will try to post some tonight. At Bryan's suggestion took 3mg melatonin and it seems to work fine. Probably all in my head though. Went to the top of Notre Dame. Walked around and went to cafes. Berthillion is closed Mon and Tues, so we'll save that for tomorrow! You know we love it. Been struggling finding Wi-Fi (or Wee-Fee as someone here said). And web cafe wouldn't let me plug in laptop. Hey - I'm paranoid about key sniffing attacks, what can I say? We're outside a cafe now, but it's actually kind of cold today. Probably will just sack up and pay the 5euro/15min in-hotel access tonight to get some photos up. On to Luxembourg Gardens...... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 17th 2005

In Paris there are not many street performers, but one of the popular activities is rollerblading around cups in a slalom. The cups are quite close together and there are all these different styles of traversing them; some fast and some slow. I was experimenting with the camera here a bit to try and capture the motion with blur. These guys all had iPods. I estimate over 75% of people in Paris with music players had iPod. They love it. These were taken on the South bridge to Notre Dame. We've added some more pictures to yesterday's post, so take a look at it again!... read more
Duner Kid
Bo Jangles

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 17th 2005

Arrived in Paris at 10AM. Decided to take the RER (train) into town from the airport to save a little $$. Unfortunately we stood in a long line at the ticket machine before discovering 1) it didn’t take US credit cards and 2) it didn’t sell the kind of tickets we wanted. We got a 3 day Paris Visite pass which gives you unlimited usage of the Metro and RER. It’s nice to have a pass so that you don’t have to stop to buy a ticket each time you get on and calculate the exact ticket price for each destination. We headed for the hotel on the Ile de St. Louis first. We had walked by this hotel the last time we were in Paris (Feb. 2002) and decided we would stay there on our ... read more
St. Chapelle
Croque Madame

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 15th 2005

Well, the weather here this week has been absolutely stunning- I've been out in skirts and tanktops almost every day. Today at last I may need a sweater, but I am still enjoying sunshine and a completely blue sky, much to my delight. This fabulous weather has encouraged me to explore the various gardens of Paris while they're glorious rather than in cold and rain which could happen any day. So last weekend I went with my friend for a walk along the Promenade Plantee which runs from the periphery of Paris in the 12th (very close to where I live) all the way over to the Bastille. It's essentially a promenade with lots of gardens and little parks but set up for walkers and rollerbladers and bikers etc.. It's really pretty cool because it's not ... read more
view from along the promenade

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 14th 2005

12th, 13th and 14th October 2005 Paris, France. Tour Day 1 Finally, after seven months of being in the near distance of it, I am able to say that I have been to Paris, France.....and it is spectacular! Stunning! Grandiose! But let me begin at the beginning; not with birth as Dickens once did, but at the conception of the trip. Having worked almost two whole months without a holiday (ah, but it's a hard, hard life), and with some misgivings on attempting foreign countries and even more foreign languages unescorted, I gave in to the hated idea of package tours and organised a twelve-day taster of Western Europe with a company called Topdeck. We set off early yesterday morning, leaving England via ferry from the famous white cliffs of Dover, which I am sorry to ... read more
The (Rainy) White Cliffs of Dover
La Tour Eiffel, all lit up!
View of Arc De Triomphe from the Eiffel Tower

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 14th 2005

As cliched and dull as it may sound Paris definitely lives up to its tag of being one of the gorgeous and magical cities that this world has to offer. Last time I left Paris, newly engaged I left with some sadness, sure that I would probably never see this enchanting city again for many, many years. So you can imagine my excitement when just short of four years later I found myself on the Eurostar on my 29th birthday whizzing through the English countryside en route to gay Paris. We couldn't wait until we got there for pastries and coffee so having filled out bellies we sat back and opened birthday cards and presents, only to look over to the couple in the seats next to us to see them doing exactly the same thing! ... read more
St Chappelle - a bit like the inside of a faberge egg!
Sun streams through the stained glass windows of St Chappelle
A market stall in St Germain de Pris - heaving with cheese, bread and saucisson

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 12th 2005

It’s Wednesday night and I am tired after long days at school. It’s hard to fall asleep though, because every few minutes the street erupts with cheers and cars honking their horns. France is playing Cyprus in “football” and every male in Paris over the age of two is watching this match. I’m sure that about half of them at least are watching on the TV in the bar about a block down, so I might as well be watching too. In fact, during dinner tonight the table suddenly started shaking and there was pounding overhead; at this point, I thought maybe there was an earthquake but Victor informed us about the game and grabbed his plate to go sit in front of the TV. So now it France 3, Cypress 0 and the renowned French ... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 11th 2005

This weekend I went to an art opening in the Palais de Tokyo. This thing was huge, with each room representing a different theme. The exhibit didn't seem to have a cohesive theme in itself. One room was devoted to the Rolling Stones, one was devoted to paintings with glitter, one (huge) room contained a dimly lit Marilyn Manson-wannabe concert, and several other rooms were by invitation only. The sidewalk and road in front of the Palais de Tokyo was completely filled with peoples' scooters. It was crazy and fun. After that, I went to a cafe in Montmartre with my American friend Mark and my French roommate Laetitia. It was so much fun - this cafe was very difficult to find. We had the address on the recommendation of some German friends, but the walk ... read more
this was the glitter-paint room
nutella ice cream!

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 11th 2005

Bonjour Tout le Monde! Testing, testing. How do we like the new travel blog concept? I think this will be easier for me to use than the mass e-mail list. This way I don’t feel like I am imposing my life on you all, but at the same time you can check out what I am up to. Hopefully it will also make me feel more comfortable blabbering on about what is going on for me ... so just check out my site when you feel like seeing what Winnie is up to! I start classes this week. Up until now I have been taking a French grammar course that was from 2 - 5 PM. The past week I had no class and so I took a trip down to the south of France. My ... read more
Regatta near Cannes
Alysse, me, Kt

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris October 11th 2005

Its taken me a while to get online. After several failed attempts, I figured out that the numbers along the top of the keyboard do not work, so the computer would not accept my password! This morning I tried the numbers at the right--bingo! Now that Im finally on, Im struggling with the different keyboard. Wouldnt you know it: some of the most common letters and characters are interposed or put in awkward places! I havent yet found an apostrophe. Some highlights of Paris: the food, of course! Street food is so good too. On Sunday, Robin and I shared a gyros that included frites. I watched the man pile lettuce, tomatoes, donner kebab meat, frites on top of a pita and wondered how we were going to eat it. He skilfully formed it all into ... read more

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