Blogs from Region Syddanmark, Denmark, Europe - page 14


Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark July 15th 2012

Zie foto's: De streek van/rond Fredericia, Juli 2012.... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark » Esbjerg July 13th 2012

Hey Leute! So these last two weeks have been pretty busy, and I've just got back from Denmark. I already visited the country last year, but this time I went to Jutland in the West. I was with 4 of my Erasmus friends, one of whom is Danish, and we stayed at her place in Esbjerg. Whilst the weather was pretty dull (well it is as north as Scotland), we made the most of it, and toured the city the first day, seeing the town centre and visiting the white men, for whom the city is most famous for. In the evening we took a ferry to the island of Fanø, which looked very traditional and for the first time we had been there was sunny! On the second day we took the train to Ribe, ... read more
Mennesket ved Havet
Olympic Flame

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark » Assens September 18th 2011

Det er nu så tæt på at jeg skal af sted, at jeg er begyndt at pakke og blive lettere nervøs. Men nervøsiteten gør mig ingen ting, jeg har nærmest manglet den her på det sidste. Men nu hjælper den mig med at huske det hele og dobbelttjekke. Der er blevet hilst på de fleste venner og familien har også nået at sige farvel, så jeg føler mig helt klar. Lad mig nu komme afsted! ... read more
Alt der skal pakkes

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark » Kerteminde August 8th 2011

Kerteminde, 08.08.2011. Am Sonntag fand in Kerteminde das jährliche Hafenfest statt. Die Kerteminder müssen artig gewesen sein, denn das Wetter – am Samstag noch regnerisch – zeigte sich von seiner sonnigen Seite. Wir statten dem Fest natürlich einen Besuch ab. Das Zentrum und der Hafen sind in etwa 20 Fussminuten vom Campingplatz aus zu erreichen. Der Weg dorthin führte zuerst an einer alten Windmühle und dann an schönen alten dänischen Fachwerkhäusern vorbei. Auf dem Festgelände floss das Bier in Strömen. In den Festzelten spielten verschieden Musikgruppen, von klassischen Fischerchören bis Hardrock war alles vertreten. ... read more
Hölzerner Bartli am Wegesrand
Die alte Mühle
Und die junge Müllerin

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark July 14th 2011

Jane & Jonna met me at the airport & we went back to Jane's apartment in Copenhagen. After dropping off the bags, we went into town & saw parts of old Copenhagen including the old harbor area called Nyhavn, with it's quaint coloured buildings & yachts from around the world. Copenhagen is currently hosting a display of baby elephants called Elephant Parade raise funds to save Asian elephants from extinction, so I'm on a mission to see how many baby elephants I can capture. ... read more
Baby Elephant
Old buildings

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark » Aabenraa June 19th 2011

Na een lange tijd geen tijd te hebben gehad om in mijn blog te schrijven kan ik dan nu eindelijk al mijn avonturen vertellen. Zo ben ik vorig weekend na op woensdag naar het Campus festival te zijn geweest voor een lang weekend met negen anderen naar Aabenraa geweest in Denemarken en waren dit weekend mijn ouders samen met mijn broertje in Leipzig. Ik zal eerst vertellen over Denemarken. Inés haar familie heeft vlak bij Aabenraa een huisje aan de Oostzee en daar zijn wij voor het pinkster weekend naar toe geweest. Het was een heerlijk lekker rustig weekendje. Het eerste deel van het weekend heb ik al in Denemarken met pen en papier opgeschreven, dus dat ga ik nu lekker overtypen; Na een lang weekend met veel zon en strand stond Donderdag alweer een ander ... read more
het huis
het huis

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark » Odense September 8th 2010

Saturday 4th September 2010 Today a short drive to Odense on the middle island of Denmark. In the afternoon we took a walk ( 2 miles ) into town to visit the Hans Christian Andersen museum and his childhood home. On the way we passed the local Odense brewery of Albani with a gigantic can advertising the beer. ... read more
Hans Christian Andersen
HCA childhood home

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark » Kolding September 5th 2010

Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd September 2010 Visit to the original Legoland at Billund which will be the most northerly point on our trip. Thanks to those little interlocking building blocks, the whole world plays with the Danish language. They are playing with Lego, a name constructed out of the Danish expression leg godt, meaning "play well." We had a great time - out of season meant no queues so we were able to do the whole place with as many repeat rides as we liked and with the park closing at 5pm it meant we could have a leisurely meal back at camp. ... read more
They knew we were coming !
Just like the real thing !
Extreme Racer - over the top

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark » Esbjerg September 5th 2010

Wednesday 1st September 2010 Today is about the sea and man's connection with it with a visit to Esbjerg's maritime museum and a look at the sculpture 'man meets the sea'. Man meets the Sea (Danish: Mennesket ved Havet) is a monument of four 9 metre (27 feet) tall white males, located north of Esbjerg by Sædding Beach on the south-west coast of Denmark. The sculpture was designed by Svend Wiig Hansen and installed on 28th October 1995. The maritime museum consists of 3 areas. The seal sanctuary, aquarium and maritime exhibition. At the end of the day we took advantage of the camp site jacuzzi which we had exclusive use of for an hour. Camping is such a hard way of living ! ... read more
Maritime Museum Boatyard
Common Seals
Aquarium touch tank

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark » Esbjerg September 1st 2010

Tuesday 31st August 2010 As the school year started yesterday with a field trip to the Vikinge Centre today was a day to get down to some other school work. The reading book this half term is the diary of Anne Frank whose house we visited in Amsterdam. The boys started their own diaries as part of their lessons and maths revision included times tables. We also took some time to catch up with domestic chores before heading off for a walk on the coastal path. Altough it was sunny when we set off we ended up getting a soaking on the way back and enjoyed all the more a hot cup of tea and biscuits on our return.... read more
On the shore
Coast north of Esbjerg

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