Blogs from Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Europe - page 92


Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna December 23rd 2002

Monday (Overcast, rain, snow) After breakfast went to supermarket, not open, no snacks for train ride. Caught train at 9:26am, got our own private cabin, 6 seats to ourselves. Weather very bleak, couldn't even see mountains for the clouds. German landscape pretty dull. Austria beautiful, neat, tidy, snow everywhere, like a Winter Wonderland. Got to Vienna 2:05pm, very cold & snow on the ground! Found hotel (Anatol Hotel) not far from station, 4 star, very nice. Checked in, went to supermarket for food. Stayed in our room & ate like little pigs. Didn't go back out, too cold. Played dots & dashes 'til Rob gave up & once again watched Eurosports, CNN & 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' in German!... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna August 18th 2001

I remember the chocolate boobs.... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna May 8th 2001

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna December 23rd 2000

Well it seems most of my travelling is done when it is very cold. This was also the case on my first trip to Vienna. Like all my trips there is usually a reason why I end up going to one place or the other. This trip was no different. It started because we needed a place to go and see while Mike was in Germany. No sooner had he arrived than we were out of work. This left us free to go and do whatever we wanted for the two weeks he was there. Dave from the Old Dublin used to work in a place called Molly Darcy's in Vienna. As such he had been telling us all to go and check it out since he arrived in Germany around when we did. Did any ... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna July 16th 1997

Day 15 I'm not dead. I'm not dead!! Woohoo! I am not dead!!! The almighty vengeful one did not take me out in my sleep. The glorious sun, created no doubt by a glorious God (or god-like invisible friend), sauntered in, poked me in the head and handed me the good news. Wow! I am amazed. It turns out that my prayers and pleas for forgiveness have been answered after all. Despite telling his divine zombies to piss off and take a holy hike, he has allowed me to continue my existence. I guess there are still grains of sand left in my hourglass of time. He wants me to continue. I feel so blessed. He wants me to travel the globe, to hang out in his many houses, to drink beer from all of the ... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna May 3rd 1996

Geo: 48.2201, 16.3798abc... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna March 20th 1995

Geo: 48.2092, 16.3728The Honeymoon ... Had a lovely time in Vienna, stayed in our friend CM's place & met his future (Swiss) wife but then he had to go away for work so we had his apt. to ourselves -it was good but it geared towards older people and the bloody shops close really early on a Saturday or only open the 1st Saturday of the month or something so that needs to be taken into acocunt when you planning any itinerary there. Coffee house culture is good there, the trams are ace & no. 1 & 2 get all the sights in, and U-bahns are easy, Habsburgs' summer residence Schönbrunn is fab (I think this is generally thought to be the better residence & it is good). And Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Strauss are all buried ... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna August 4th 1990

Vienna was a good night's sleep away, so that was our next destination. We had to share the compartment on the train with two Japanese guys, which made it very cramped. On the assumption that they couldn't understand, we shared stories about life at college, which consisted mainly of drunken depravity and sexual conquest. When we all got off the train the following morning, they happily grinned at us and said "Goodbye" in perfect English! First order of the day was to get some local currency. We were all very bitter and twisted when it cost us £2 to change a £10 travellers cheque. I think that if any of the Euro-sceptics in our political parties were to go inter-railing, they would soon be in favour of European monetary union. Bloody pain in the backside changing ... read more
Local Band
Ferris Wheel
Give Me Five

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna September 10th 1988

Geo: 48.22, 16.37... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna July 1st 1985

Geo: 48.2201, 16.3798Marilies' wedding... read more

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