Blogs from Chiriquí, Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 4


It's the last Saturday afternoon before Christmas, its warm and sunny with a light salty seabreeze, and my third Balboa is tasting just fine.... I'm sitting in a restaurant overlooking Panama's Chiriqui National Marine Park and the islands that seem to stretch forever into the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean to our south. We are staying on Boca Brava island, where the rainforrest and the ocean meet on a black sand beach. We've been in Panama a week now, and apart from Panama City, its been pretty much all sea, sand, jungle and amazing wildlife. Firstly we stayed on the Azuero coast near tranquil Malena beach, where the local people have a turtle conservation project. They collect the eggs and protect them from predators until they are hatched, at which point they release the baby turtles into ... read more
Capuchin monkey, Coiba Island
Boca Brava south to the Pacific

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Volcan December 18th 2014

Our service trip to Cerro Punta was really beautiful and fun! It started out with about an hour bus ride, on which I did Bethany's makeup. She trusts me =) A Deaf sister from Volcan congregation, Adelin, took us around the town. We got to see Beth's old study Mitzaela and show her some nice videos and catch up a bit! We did lots and lots of walking in Cerro Punta. Beth and I accidentally totally matched eachother! This place is so pretty, it looks like you're looking through a filter because the colours are so vibrant and clear! Beautiful! We finished the day off with Clayton's eggplant noodle concoction. And we slept gooooood.... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Volcan December 13th 2014

We made it to Volcan! From Panama City it can take anywhere from 9-12 hours to get to Volcan. With switching busses, traffic, and other un-expected yet expected things coming never knows. We are pretty experienced bus riders now ;) And Clayton turned 22 today. I don't know about you, but Clayton's feelin twenty twoooo! First meeting here Beth and Cody both answered! No fear here! We got to go to Restaurant Ely which was me and Beth's favourite restaurant while we were here last time. The boys loved it so that was awesome! It's cheap and delicious. Beth and Cody got to see/meet the Girls and later Natalie showed up at our house before meeting so we helped her get some answers for meeting and she went with us and commented a few times! ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Volcan December 10th 2014

Panamacity! It's very much a city city. Fast cars, big buildings, fast walkers, it's crazy. Beth and Cody made it to Panama! We were super excited to see them both! First couple days we just hung out, did some walking, had some amazing sushi...we voted the best one was Beth's. It was a roll topped with melted slice of GOUDA CHEESE!!!! WHAT?!?!?!? Toooootally blew all of our minds all over the room. Haha but seriously who would think to put gouda cheese on a roll?! It was amazing. Then we stopped in Santiago for some Chinese food, the orange chicken here is really's really sweet. It's different from Chinese food in the States. Then back on the bus for Volcan!... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Volcan December 8th 2014

Okay so this is our trip to Boquete which is 2 hours away by car. Gabi and her Mom took us so it was a really fun day. It's really windy and beautiful there! Really cool rock formations, pretty water falls, a beautiful Kingdom Hall, a scary scary walking bridge! They call them....Sarzo I think? That's the kind of bridge. Sarzo...ah I'm not sure. But it was SO scary! Way rickety and you could see the rapids flowing under your feet as you look down through the boards. I guess the people take their horses over it and stuff to go up into the mountains where they live. But man. Awesome and crazy. We were super tired and felt fulfilled by the end of the day. =)... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Volcan December 1st 2014

Hello All! It's been a long time since we've put up a blog! We have been busy little beavers. Mostly I'm gonna give a quick description of what went down and put up the pictures for you guys to see. Pictures are worth more than words anyway ;) So in the beginning of December we got to Volcan into our cute little pink (or salmon coloured) apartment! All it had in it when we got here was the very basics...fridge, stovetop, clothes washer, bed, shelves for clothing, and a little cupboard. So pretty much anything else you see in the pictures we put there. =) The first day Clayton and I went in service, we got to see me and Beth's old Bible students; Alison, Natalie and MariAngel. I was so stinkin happy to see them ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Boquete September 20th 2014

Z wiosennego Boquete, wciąż suszac buty po spacerach w tropikalnym deszczu, ruszyliśmy w poszukiwaniu słońca. Accu weather potwierdzalo, że znajdziemy je na karaibskim wybrzeżu Kostaryki w Puerto Viejo. Patrząc na mapę z Boquete do Puerto Viejo jest rzut beretem. Na drodze stanął nam jednak La Amistad International Park. Nic zresztą dziwnego, bo 30% powierzchni Panamy jest pod ochroną. Zupełnie po przeciwnej stronie kraju, na granicy z Kolumbia znajduje sie Darien National Park - największy w Ameryce Środkowej i najbardziej "dziki" w Panamie. Podobno znalazł w nim schronienie uciekajacy przed swoimi wierzycielami odkrywca Panamy - Vasco de Balboa. Pewnie nie on jeden, bo właśnie region Darien upatrzyli sobie przemytnicy narkotyków i paramilitarne oddzialy kolumbijskie. Jeśli ktoś chciałby oficjalnie przekroczyć lądem granicę Panamy z Kolumbia, to teoretycznie jednyna droga byłaby przez D... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Boquete September 17th 2014

Co wieczor próbuje dokonczyc ten wpis i co wieczor z blogowaniem wygrywa sen i rum. Tutejszy Ron Abuelo jest wyborny, a proste połączenie z cola i limonka jak narazie zostalo drinkiem wyjazdu - ale konkurs wciąż trwa ;) A propos snu, to ta półkula służy nam wszystkim - słońce zachodzi ok.18tej, o 20tej mamy wrażenie, ze jest już środek nocy, o 22iej jesteśmy zmęczeni i nie mamy żadnego powodu, żeby z tym walczyć, wiec idziemy spac, a potem budzimy sie o 6 rano. Koło sie zamyka. A na tak wczesna pobudkę najlepszy jest jogging. Chociaż Boquete przez ukształtowanie terenu jest bardzo niewdzieczne do biegania - nie dałam sie, nie dała sie tez A. Nie wiem człemu przyglądała sie A. , ale ja zobaczyłam jak budzi sie miasteczko. I jak wtedy kolejki tubylcow ustawiają sie przed piekarniami. ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Boquete September 15th 2014

Wczoraj pożegnaliśmy się z Panama City, a Panama City odwzajemnila się ciastem bananowym na śniadanko i deszczem - bilans wyszedł na zero ;) W czasie krótkiego pobytu w Panama City metodą prób i błędów rozszyfrowalismy tajemnicę nazewnictwa ulic w mieście. Próby nas trochę zabolały - ale najbardziej bolały nogi. Wracaliśmy beztrosko z drugiego końca miasta do naszego hotelu na Calle D la Congrejo. Chcielismy zrobić spacerek, wiec pytaliśmy po drodze, którędy do Calle la Congrejo. Pominelismy przy tym literkę "D"... Przechodnie grzecznie odpowiadali i pokazywali nam kierune, a my w tym kierunku szliśmy. Po 1,5h spaceru zobaczylismy znajomego subwaya i szkołę kanadyjska i cukiernie pod nazwa la Cangrejo. Naszego hotelu tam nie bylo. Zapytaliśmy więc, czy jestesmy na ulicy la Cangrejo. Pani x mowi, że tak, że jesteśmy na la Cangrejo. Doszliśmy ulicą do końca - ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Boquete April 10th 2014

Geo: 8.77457, -82.432Wendy here:Well we got up good and early yesterday (5:30 am) to make the two-hour drive to Boquete and our 9 am appt to tour a 5-hectare coffee farm and then our 1 pm zip line adventure. Lots of road construction that slowed us down a bit but didn't make us late, we arrived in plenty of time to find the offices to check into for of our tours, same company for each but they had several storefronts to serve all the clients using them. We met up with Israel, our coffee farm guide, it was just Jim, myself, Barb, Paul, and another couple. Dan and Kath decided to explore Boquete and find some gardens to wander through and bird watch, we met up with them later for the zip lining. Our guide drove ... read more
On the tour
Barb looking at the coffee plant flowers.
It got quite windy and rainy up there

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