Blogs from Corn Islands, Caribbean Nicaragua, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 5


Tim version: * Took buses and boats from Leon to Managua, to Rama, then past bluefields to the Corn Islands. The version with a little more detail: Leaving Leon I was leaving after having slept for maybe 40 minutes. I was waiting all morning for the sun to come up so it was safer at the bus station and that ended up being about 6am due to a whole lot of clouds blocking it out for a while! Too bad it was raining =( A quick taxi and I´m in the bus for Managua. No other way but through Managua again! My eventual destination is the Corn Islands, which you can fly to from Managua, but would I do that? Nahhh too boring! You miss everything along the way! However, for those pushed for time, its ... read more
Cruising the river
Rooster in a bag

Hey Everyone!! O.K so since i last blogged we spent another day or two in Monetzuma where we went hiking through Cabo Blanco national park, the hike should have taken an hour and a half down to the beach and apparently it´s impossible to get lost BUT Al managed to take a wrong turn somewhere and what should have taken us just over an hour took over 3 hours!!! We spent a couple of days in Costa Rica´s capital San Jose where we went up a volcano and swam in hot springs and then flew up to Nicaragua. After landing in Managua we jumped straight on a plane out the Corn Islands which are two tiny islands about 50 miles off the coast in the caribbean. It´s paradise here..only a few hundred people live on the ... read more

J'ai pas besoin de vous faire un dessin, vous le savez, j'etais plutot contente de quitter Managua- mon bus etait a 21h30, mais comme j'avais un peu peur de passer beaucoup de temps a la gare routiere (endroits tres peu surs, s'il en est), j'ai prevu d'y arriver juste apres 21h... Mais voila, une fois arrivee, j'ai decouvert que le bus etait deja parti, il avait une demi-heure d'avance a cause de 'problemes', quoi que cela veuille dire... Je n'avais vraiment pas envie de passer un jour de plus a Managua, mais commencais a me resigner a cette idee... C'etait sans compter sans les envies de rallye de mon chauffeur de taxi, qui a appris que le bus s'etait arrete a une station service et a entrepris de le rattraper- il roulait deja vite a la ... read more
Laguna De Perlas- le bar...
Un de mes endroits preferes de Little Corn Island au coucher du soleil - one of my fave spots on Little Corn at sunset
La vie a la plage... Life's a beach...

Finally we blog...cant believe its been a month already...1 to go The path so far...Managua / Pochomil / Granada / Laguna de Apoyo / Isla de Ometepe / Corn Islands Managua, nothing to say except that it sucks, overpriced and none to pleasant. We whisked off to Pochomil right away, a small beach town on the Pacific. Basically had the whole beach to ourselves, a definite perk of travelling in the off season. Stayed for a couple of days then some Nica gangster fags decided to get the room beside us and be obnoxious, the newly arrived bad vibe sent us packing. Off to Granada which is a super chill little Spanish Colonial gem in the heart of country. Wicked architecture, restaurants and dam good espresso...when you find good coffee when your away you take full ... read more
Laguna de Apoyo
Teri and Rosa
Eye of the Water...Ojo de Agua

Day 228: Taxi, bus, taxi, plane, taxi, boat, walk It's been one of those exhausting days of travelling today. Starting early, I got a taxi to the bus station in Leon, and then, picking up breakfast from a street vendor, caught a bus to Managua. A long, hot, sticky bus ride later, I found myself ditched at the side of a main road in central Managua. From here, the only option was a taxi to the airport, where I arrived in plenty of time to get some lunch and check in for my flight. Travelling on board another lightish aircraft, I once again found myself being weighed in public at the check-in desk, before proceeding through security to the waiting room, where I nervously ate chocolate as the plane was delayed by half-an-hour. Finally on board, ... read more
My little hut

Nach kurzer Eingewoehnungsphase und gerade mal einem einzigen Arbeitstag in der Schule hatten wir ein langes Wochenende - 5 Tage wegen Muttertag. Und weil ein paar andere Volontaere sowieso geplant hatte, auf die Corn Islands zu fliegen, habe ich mich angeschlossen. Am Mittwoch morgen um 4:30h ging es los. Enye und Grant aus USA, Nora aus der Schweiz, Lara aus dem Libanon, Dore aus Holland und ich. Ein Taxi brachte uns zum Flughafen nach Managua. Der Flug mit einem uralten Tschechischen Flieger war selbst schon ein Erlebnis. Die Landung auf Big Corn Island noch mehr. Die Corn Islands sind 2 kleine Inseln in der Karibik. Sie gehoeren zu Nicaragua, es wird aber meist englisch gesprochen. Von Big Corn Island sind wir mit einem Motorboot nach Little Corn Island gefahren. War etwas nass und ziemlich schaukelig. In ... read more
Bacardi Feeling
Lara, Dore, Grant und ich

Although our stay on mainland Nicaragua was absurdly brief, I felt a trip to the corn islands was good for several reasons. First, I felt our vacation needed an injection of relaxation. We were regularly getting up at 4am (or earlier!) to catch buses to the next destination. Inevitably our backpacks would end up spewing all of our clothes, camera gear, wet stuff, etc all over the room. Packing and repacking this everyday can be a bit of a grind (I know, poor me). Sooo, I thought 3 days in the same lazy place sounded excellent. And the 2nd reason, SCUBA! I needed to feel better about hauling my heavy scuba gear around these countries. A short flight later, and we land in the calm oasis of Big Corn Island. The airport is little more than ... read more
Home for 3 days
fish. blue.
Happy Brad after cave diving

Aamulla lähdettiin Granadasta pikaisen aamupalan jälkeen. Tarkoitus oli matkata Nigaracuan pääkaupunkiin Managuaan ja lentää sieltä Corn-saarille Karibialle. Ennen Managuaan lähtöä käytiin pankkiautomaatilla. Käteistilanne oli ollut viimeisen viikon tosi huono ja ennen automaatilla käyntiä meillä oli paikallista rahaa viiden euron edestä ja dollareita parisenkymmentä. Onneksi automaatti ei ketkuillut vastaan ja ehdittiin seuraavaan bussiin kohti Managuaa. Bussi oli todella pieni ja matkustajamäärien maksimointi oli hoidettu lyhentämällä penkkiväliä (ts. istuttiin polvet suussa). Matka taittui kuitenkin tunnissa, joten ei jouduttu kärsimään kauaa. Managuan pysäkiltä otettiin taksi lentokentälle, kunhan taksikaveri tiputti ensiksi puolet hinnasta pois. Lentokentällä käytiin lunastamassa aamulla varaamamme liput Big Corn-saarelle ja käytiin ennen lentoa nauttimassa Subway-ketjun leipä (... read more
Kirkasta vettä
Gracen hutti

We have found that we have been followed by a magic fairy on this trip...we arrive just as express buses are leaving, we get the last room in great hotels and on and on....then we arrived on the corn island in the Caribbean and thought for a few minutes our magical fairy had deserted us....The airport is a little hut and there are a ton of cabs waiting there, each one anxious to take you to their best hotel....I told the driver where we wanted to go and he told us that it was no good, changed owners (Yes, I know, I should know better and I usually do), so then I showed him my second choice where did not seem to exist, luck would have it, he knew of two very good cheap hotels....well ... read more

I´m writing today from the gritty city of Managua. It’s my second day in a row here and most people who have been here would ask me why. I don’t really know why either, but I’m very comfortable. I’ve been reading, watching TV and wandering around a bit. I do plan on leaving tomorrow for León. One of Nic´s colonial cities. The liberal Sandinista one. When I wrote last entry I was on my way to Corn Islands. They were absolutely beautiful, and yes, expensive and time consuming to get to. Big corn lays 70k or about 45 miles of the Caribbean coast. Little corn is 7k further east. My journey there and back was full of Miscommunications and missed boats. There are flights from Managua but I couldn’t justify paying $180. I have a lot ... read more
Nice beach right in front of my cabin
The unspoiled Little Corn from the light house
Jumping into the warm clear waters of Laguna De Apoyo

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