Blogs from Flores, Petén Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 32


Apres un passage de la frontiere et un trajet plutot laborieux, quelle joie de me retrouver dans ce site extraordinaire! Rappelez vous Xunantunich, et bien la les ruines sont bien plus hautes (jusqu'a 60m) et pour y acceder on doit se faire des petites rando dans le jungles environnantesm en compagnie des Singes Araignees, Singes Hurleurs, perroquets et autres toucans... Il y a auss des petits mammiferes avec un long nez et une grande queue qui m'ont fait le plaisir de venir traverser le chemin au moment meme ou je passais par la, pas farouche les betes! Un peu d'histoire: Tikal est une cite tres veille (elle debuta vers 600 av JC) je crois mais son apogee fut vraiment vers le fin de la periode classique, vers 700 apres JC, periode pendant laquelle la cite s'etalait ... read more
Tikal 2
Tikal 3
Tikal 4

We visited Tikal today. The site is more hidden in the jungle than Chichen Itza in not as intially spectacular, but more impressive close up! I will attach a website for those of you who want more info on the history of Tikal.... Because it it located in a large national park, there is a lot of wild life. We were there during the mid day period, so we didn't see much: the best was a troop of spider monkeys (2 moms with tiny babies on their backs included) and a fox. There were lots of impressive trees, many with bromeliads attached...and all of the common house plants grow wild here! We will stay on in Flores for 2 more nights....the food is great and the little town we are in is very cosmopolitan....but full ... read more

We left Belize this am, first in "collective" taxi to the border and then a collective mini bus to Flores. The collectives collect passengers til they are full to cost $3.oo for a 2 hour trip! Belize was really wonderful! The people are charming and kind and helpful and the country itself is beautiful. We spent our last few days staying at the Parrot Nest in Bullet Tree Falls (named after the rapids there in the Mopan river...and the trees which are made of very hard wood...bullets will bounce off them). The Parrot Nest was great....the manager, who is the owners' daughter, cooks breakfast and dinner for guests and the food was delicious.... Many Americans are settling in the area...both to retire and to start tourism businesses. It is very easy to become a Belize ... read more
Inside the cave
Inside the cave
Market in San Ignacio

After spending two days in Tikal, I am yet again ready for a nap. On the hour and a half drive into the jungle Murry and I met a guy named Paul who decided to join our trek to Tikal. Nothing can describe Tikal. It is truly amazing at how massive it is. We spent two days at the park and still didn't see everything. The Mayans were a crazy lot, I tell you that much. The large temples soar above the jungle canopy reaching more that 150 feet above the floor of the jungle. Pizotes clamor about the ground (Pizotes are friendly forest rodents with a long nose and tail that stands up), spider monkeys swing through the tree branches, and howler monkeys call out in the distance. The first time you hear a howler ... read more
Paul, Me, Grand Plaza
Temple I
Temple I, Me

Pieni epailys taas paassa etta ei hirvean nopeasti onnistu paikanvaihto, olinpaikkana talla hetkella El Remate (yep, imagine), Lago Peten Itzan rannalla, muutaman sadan asukkaan raaauhallinen paikka, lampotila cerca 27, mukava pikku tuulenvire ymparilla ja kaikki ihmiset mukavia ja ystavallisia. Ja taalta poispaaseminen, 8-10h:n, 500km:n bussimatka Guatemala Cityyn (2milj as) huonoilla teilla huonolla kalustolla eei nyt pahemmin kiinnostaisi. Guatemalaan saapuminen on tahan mennessa ollut pelkkaa ylamakea, ihmiset taalla tuntuvat olevan viela meksikoakin ystavallisempia, joka tuntuu erikoiselta, ottaen huomioon maan surullisen ja vakivaltaisen historian. Talla hetkella seurana toimii Nate ja Rachel, kanadalainen pari, jotka tulivat samalla veneella Cruzaro Fronterasta Betheliin. Rajavartiolaitosta ei taalla pain ole erikoisemmin nakynyt, oficinas de imigracionit saa aika omatoimisest... read more

Well after another grueling bus ride from Antigua to Flores I am ready for a nap. I am staying at a hostel called Los Amigos, which is always packed with travelers from around the world. It is a nice little hostel with a tropical feel to it. A garden outside which is filled with hammocks, plants, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 parrots which randomly fall out of the trees. Tomorrow, I head to Tikal with a guy from Scottland named Murry who is headed in the same direction.... read more
Los Amigos
Flores boat

I crossed the boarder and spent about 2 1/2 hours in buses before arriving in Flores. Flores is a beautiful little village on an island on Lake Peten Itza. I arrived late in the day, got a room and had dinner. I met a girl named Sophie and made plans to check out the caves the next day. The following day it rained all day. We hiked the mile to Actun Kan Caves and explored for about an hour. The caves are quite large and filled with bats (imagine that). Afterwords we went to get some lunch and I came down with a fever. I slept the rest of the afternoon and by the next morning was feeling much better. Since the weather was poor I decided to travel with Sophie to Antigua and catch Tikal ... read more
Me in Actun Kan
Actun Kan
Flores Sunset

Starting off on my trip to Belize and Guatemala I was a bundle of nerves. I had never travelled by myself before and I was very intimidated by the thought of navigating airports and catching connecting flights, as well as travelling for two weeks with a bunch of people that I had never met. But all went well. I made it to my destination with everything intact and quickly realized I would be travelling with some great people. Our first night was spent in Belize city getting to know eachother and going over the itinerary and other details of the trip. The next morning we got up bright and early (or at least what i consider to be bright and early..7am) and caught a bus to Flores, Guatemala. This was a nice little island town situated ... read more
local revellers
temple of the jaguar

A riddle for you. It is 11 AM in a small town in Guatemala. You own the only bus company in town and the next bus out is at 2.30 PM. What time would you tell a group of tourists the bus was leaving? I guess the obvious answer is "the next bus comes at 2.30 PM. Why don't you go off and get some food, explore the town and return a few minutes before then". However, in Guatemala time is a more fluid notion - instead, we were told "the bus will be here in 15 minutes" every 15 minutes for 3 and a quarter hours. So we sat in the terminal, watching both the pouring rain outside and the ticket salesman scare unsuspecting customers with a huge phallus that had been safely stored in ... read more
When is that damn bus coming?
up and up and up

My time visiting the beautiful country of Guatemala has been an undeniably positive and memorable experience. I hand wrote the draft for this journal from atop a monument in the majestic grand plaza of the Tikal Mayan ruins, and it's a glorious location to provide inspiration for my travel blog! The ruins of Tikal, along with the sublime beauty of Lago de Atitlan, and the gorgeous colonial city of Antigua with it´s vibrant nightlife are wonderful attractions to rival the tourist highlights of any country in the region The tourist industry in Guatemala has potential for substantial growth, but let´s touch base again from the start of my visit... We left off in San Salvador, dear reader, where I caught connecting buses across the border into Guatemala and on to Antigua. Once again I experienced a ... read more
Lago de Atitlan
Tikal Mayan ruins
Lago de Atitlan

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