Blogs from El Salvador, Central America Caribbean - page 38


The next stop along my journey was a little town in El Salvador called Juayua. Unfortunately I was only able to spend a couple of days in El Salvador because I only had about a week and a half left and really wanted to spend a bit more time in Nicaragua. My time there was lovely. Juayua is a small town along the famed Ruta de las flores which runs through beautiful coffee country in northern El Salvador. The landscape was really quite incredible. I stayes at a lovely hostel in Juayua run by a young couple of musicians. It was a very comfortable space full of art and beauty. This sleepy little town was a big change from the bustle of Antigua and I really appericiated the change of pace.... read more

Wow! i didnt realise it has been so long since ive written and ive crossed 2 borders! El Salvador is not really on the Gringo/Lonely Planet trail...many people avoid it due to its dangerous reputation. Lucky me! It is a beautiful country with fantastic people, who just want to talk to you. They are a very proud people and have put up with a ridiculous amount of torture, oppression and poverty over the years, being the US puppet in Cental America didnt help their cause. However the country is outstandingly gorgeous and clean, the roads are good are the towns completely diverse. After leaving the turtle hatchery just outside Montericco, Guatemala, it took my the standard whole day to complete my journey. The longest i waited for a bus was 1 hour after the boat from ... read more

Landed, ran got on board. Third plane catching "issue". Wish I'd got off and bus´d. ... read more

Here comes Nicaragua!! Yes, our time here in El Salvador is up... just one last night in San Salvador and an early departure tomorrow... followed by a full day of travel. We have seen far more of this country than I ever imagined... especially thinking back to when we were first plotting our travel itinerary. El Sal was initially just going to be a few days on the beach between Guatemala and Nicaragua... but it turned into 6 full days of sightseeing and exploration. Places like Suchitoto and Lake Ilopongo really won us over. Are there markets like Chichicastenango in Guatemala... no... but there are also no hordes of backpackers or tour groups. Are there sights like Copan or Tikal... no... but again, when you are at any sight here you are likely to have it ... read more
typical town life along the 'La Ruta de las Flores' El Salvador
bank security - Copan, Honduras
Volcano view - El Salvador

Here we are.... in the heart of El Salvador... which feels like the true heart of Central America. It was sad to leave Suchitoto, as that place was a real gem!! But, am thankful that at least we were smart enough to plan a 2 night stop there. Yesterday was a blast... as we left Suchitoto with a contact that I have made here... and went down to Lake Ilopango.... which is much cleaner than Lake Suchitlan. Our friend has lakeside property... lots of it!! So, we chilled... went boating around the lake.. swam... soaked up the sun... and chilled some more until the sun started to go down. From about noon till 6 we were on the lake. This is not a tourist destination by any means... and we were the ONLY people on the ... read more
Punta Sal Village - Honduras
town square of Suchitoto - El Salvador
Lake Coatepeque shoreline - El Salvador

Aaaaah, here were are in El Salvador. I have dashed into the little info hut to escape the outside heat!! Wow, it is cooking today in Suchitoto. OK, this is another place to add to that list of places I have fallen in love with. Ya know those spots that you just connect with as soon as you arrive. As we drove into this tiny town yesterday afternoon I just knew that we would enjoy our time here. The drive down from Honduras was amazing, and in my opinion it was the most beautiful scenery yet on this trip. Between Santa Rose de Copan in southwest Honduras to Suchitoto here in northwest El Sal... you drive through a hilly lush and undeveloped corner of Central America. Wow.. what a drive. The rain came and went... we ... read more

Although I am home and the next few entries will be some days behind, I still want to share my experiences from my last 3 days in El Salvador. Since I was going to the Center for Malnourished Children today, I was able to sleep in a bit. I didn't leave quite enough time for breakfast so a packet of cookies on the way to the clinic was all I had until lunch. I was very aprehensive about today's visit, since yesterday at the orphanage was really difficult for me. We headed over to the clinic around 9, only a 10 minute walk from the volunteer house. Kathy and Karen had spent a few days there already, so Troy and I were the only newbies. This was a visit I didn't think I would be able ... read more
The Malnourished Center
The Malnourished Center
The Malnourished Center

So I know yesterday's entry was pretty heavy, and today's might be even a little more so. Because it is Sunday, we got to sleep in until 9:30!! It was so nice and well-needed. We departed around 10 for the beach!! Some of our group members had never seen the Pacific Ocean, and while we couldn't go in the water, we could walk along the beach and get our feet wet. The undercurrents here are so strong it is too dangerous to go in any deeper. El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America, and is divided into departments, or states, as we know them. The capital, San Salvador, is the department in which we are staying. For our beach visit, we went to La Libertad (the liberty). Our first stop was at El Muelle, ... read more
The beautful Pacific
Such a tourist!
Monica, Andrew, Dave, Bill and Paul at the Wharf

When I went to bed last night it was raining, but I assumed it would stop so we could still have our Field Day. But no, was still raining and pretty wet in the morning, and since Field Day takes place on the soccer field, we had to postpone it until Tuesday. Aside from the wet field, the roads in the village are not paved and it would be dangerous to try and drive the vans through. So, we our modified schedule for the day and headed first to UCA, the University of Central America, run by Jesuits who aim for social justice. UCA 9 years following the assassination of Oscar Romero, six Jesuit priests were dragged from their beds at the University and killed execution style by the Salvadoran Army. We spent some time touring ... read more
On the streets of El Salvador
On the streets of El Salvador
Rose Garden at UCA

What a long day!! But a great one. Did so much today and I am exhausted, it is after midnight and I want to go to sleep but need to blog!!!! Since I did not leave myself enough time this morning, I had to rush through breakfast and packing lunch. And when we got to the work site, I did not know I was supposed to get on a different van to go to the church so I could be with the kids today. But no matter, I planned to deliver invitations to the kids at school for the Health Fair this afternoon, and we were leaving from the work site/clinic at 9am, I would just hang out for 20 minutes or so and wait. At 10:45, we gathered together to go over to the school. ... read more
Chris scooping concrete
Actually making concrete!
Courtyard at school in Las Delicias

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