Blogs from El Salvador, Central America Caribbean - page 37


El Tunco On the bus from Santa Rosa to San Salvador, a skinny old lady got on, with something wrapped up in her hands, and I saw a flash of claws. She had put a chicken in a plastic bag, pretty much folded it in half and was going to hold it on her lap the 4 hours. I dont know if it was her next meal or just her little mate. And this was not a chicken bus, it had AC, nice reclining seats and didnt have any funky smell. She sat right across from us and I had visions of it going mental and scratching someone´s eyes out, but the conductor came around to collect for tickets, and he was having none of the chicken. He grabbed it from her, went into the front ... read more

Woooow! What a surprise! What was El Salvador? AMAZING! If you're in Central America and are planning to skip El Salvador 'cause it's dangerous, please, change your mind. El Salvador was a really nice country with the most friendly local people so far! Everybody helped us as we needed, not like in Guatemala where everybody try to "help" you and then charge you some money! And apart the friendly people, the country's touristic spots are really nice! Our trip (still me, Philip and John) was a little bit short in the country, but we enjoyed as well. The trip from Monterrico (Guatemala) to our first stop, Playa El Tunco was quite exhausting, one boat, 2 chickenbuses to the Guatemalan/El Salvadorian border, cross the border walking, one more chickenbus to Sonsonate, sleep in Sonsontate (we didn't want ... read more
Pupusa's Time
Craziest bus station ever!
Streets of El Tunco

Tid är ett underligt koncept. För det mesta passerar den alldeles för fort, men i bland passerar den utan nya intryck och utan nya utmaningar. Detta är inte fallet för min del och jag älskar det! Nu har en månad har förflutit av min tid här och jag har hunnit med massor! Jag har funnit nya vänner från hela världen, jag lär mig nya saker varje dag och jag får leva i och studera nya kulturer. Så det känns som om min månad varit väldigt lång just för att den varit fylld av så mycket... El Salvador har redan vuxit att bli en del av mitt hjärta. Människornas vänlighet och nyfikenhet har slagit mig med häpnad och de gör allt för att man ska trivas. Ute på landet där människor lever på en dollar om dagen ... read more

Central America Caribbean » El Salvador » Western » Santa Ana September 25th 2008

Hola todos, I apologise that it has been such a long time since my last entry, the past few weeks have been so busy and this really is the first chance i've had to write to you all! So i'll start from the beginning... I arrived in Santa Ana nearly 3 weeks ago now. It's a beautiful, colonial city (although it feels much more like a town), full of life and vibrancy albeit a little rough around the edges. There is so much to see outside of the city also, volcanoes, lakes, waterfalls, artisan villages, I am really looking forward to exploring this beautiful region! Shortly after moving to Santa Ana I began working at the Barefoot Angels project which has really exceeded all of my expectations! It is part of a larger organisation called ASAPROSAR ... read more
Mago William!

Good day people , it is Brad here and I am typing the blog today. Do you know what ten years is. Some call it a decade. Today I woke with a sense of pride and fulfilment after living through 3 decades of life. Everyone in St.Lucia , Guatemala must have known it was my special birthday because at 5 am the trucks were roaring by and never shy with the honking. Guatemalans get up early and the buses are ornatley decorated and packed with eager workers. We left the hotel in wet boots and high spirits going to the gas station down the road and upon entering said station the gas attendant was laughing at Blane and pointing at his tank bag. It seems he had an illegal immigrant , namely a big frog ... read more
No time for pictures
The route
Hotel in El Salvador

Hejsan alla mina vänner! Tolv dagar har nu passerat av min vistelse här i Sydamerikas minsta, men också mest tätbefolkade land: El Salvador. Landet är fantastiskt frodigt med otroliga landskap som breder ut sig i dalar och vulkaner. I detta subtropiska klimat är inte årstiderna indelade som våra, utan här finns snarare bara sommar och vinter. Vi är nu i det som de refererar till som vinter, som också är deras regnperiod. Detta innebär att det regnar nästan varenda dag med en intensitet och mängd som varierar. Här kan det falla 250 mm i ett enda regn! Så fuktigheten kan vara lite jobbig i bland, men då det ju aldrig blir kallt överhuvudtaget så gör det inte så mycket att bli genomsur! Jag och Joel, min volontärkompis, kom fram till San Salvador som huvudstaden heter, den ... read more

Central America Caribbean » El Salvador » Western » El Zonte September 4th 2008

Hola todos! After a 3 hour delay in London, a 10 hour flight of relentless turbulance and an extremely tight layover in the US (I literally had to sprint across Houston airport!) I finally arrived in El Salvador last Thursday. As soon as I walked out of the airport doors I noticed the heat, the sounds and the smells so familiar of this endearing country. I was then reunited with Jesus and we travelled back to El Zonte, the costal village where he lives. I have just been relaxing this week, spending time with Jesus' family while he has been going to university. It is so nice to just be here without having to worry about going home so soon, getting to know the people here and gradually feeling like part of the community. On Saturday ... read more

The decision to get up at 3:30 in the morning to jump on a bus for four hours is a decision you can only make the night before. So, that´s what I did--waiting in the muddy street at 4 a.m. listening to frogs and hearing the first chirps of birds while watching the stars slowly rotate their way across the sky and hearing the honking of the bread sellers as they started their daily rounds balancing the oversized baskets on their bicycles...waking up this early isn´t that rare in the campo. I joined up with Nohé and Leo and we waited for the bus to lumber over, filled with excited music and dance groups from Nueva Esperanza and La Canoa, and blasting reggaeton already--at 5:30 in the morning. All I wanted to do was sleep, but ... read more
The main plaza
The stage
Addiel, his brother, and me--looking around for artesanía

Hello dears! The time has finally arrived and tomorrow morning I am off to El Salvador! I wanted to create this blog not only to keep in touch but also to show you how the support you've given me will help in El Salvador and Brazil. Your generosity has amazed me and I have managed to fundraise over £500 for the projects which will go such a long way. I already have half a suitcase full of recorders and percussion instruments! I hope that you enjoy following my time out there and I would love to hear from you from time to time. Take care and have an incredible year! Love always, Laura x ... read more

Ce n'est pas sans fierte que je vous l'annonce: j'ai reussi a entrer dans mon 5e pays avant la fin de mon 4e mois de voyage! J'ai change mon billet de Cancun a La Havane, parce que fatalement, il y a un moment ou il faut se dire que je ne serai pas au Mexique d'ici a la fin du mois! Donc c'est reporte a la mi-octobre, qui sera bien vite la, et avec encore 3 pays (El Salvador, Guatemala et Belize) sur ma liste avant le Mexique, le temps de se bouger un peu est arrive! Ca tombe bien, puisque je ne sais pas ce qu'il m'arrive depuis quelques jours, mais j'ai vraiment envie d'activer un peu- la grande question est, jusqu'a quand cela va-t-il durer?!?! Apres quelques jours passes a Tegucigalpa pour cause de ... read more
El Mozote
El Mozote
El Mozote

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