Blogs from San Salvador, Central, El Salvador, Central America Caribbean - page 11


Today we had our first experience with the hospital where we are going to work twice a week. It is on the outskirts of the city on top of a hill in the jungle/forest. It was originally a hospital for people with tuberculosis but about 10 years ago was expanded to include all specialties. The crazy part is that each specialty is in its own building and you have to go outside to get between them. So if you have surgery, after recovery, you are taken on a stretcher on a 5 min trip over to the inpatient ward! We started today with the neonatologist and saw all of the new borns in the OB building. The babies are all so cute and tiny but with full heads if thick shiny black hair. The resident was ... read more

Today we had the morning off so we went up to the park that is about 3 blocks away and went for a walk. The park is really beautiful and shaded by trees with peeling bark that is yellow, orange, red and green. It is in a fancy neighborhood and seems to be a popular place for exercise. We are planning to go for walks there whenever we don't have to start work too early, especially beacuse we are planning on doing a 4 hour hike to the volcano our last weekend so we need to get in shape! After breakfast we prepared our bags for work and then studies some Spanish because we both definitely need A LOT of practice. In the afternoon we went to an orphanage for children with HIV. The kids were ... read more

Today after 2 uneventful flights with a quick layover in Texas we arrived in El Salvador! Dr. Iglesias his wife and their 2 children met us at the airport. When Dr. Iglesias went to get the car he left us with his family, none of whom spoke any English, so we got to try out our limted Spanish skills right away. We managed to talk about the flight, the weather here and at home, and the ages of her kids (17 months and 5 year) Then we all rode in VCOM's fancy maroon SUV to Pollo Campero, which is a very popular fast food restaurant with delicious fried chicken. Their 5 year old, Pablo, sat in the back seat with us and told us all about his favorite movies (Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Pixar movies) and ... read more
Apartment Living Room
View from Apartment

1. Do stay at a government run site where on suite rooms are free and so is the swimming pool and swings. 2. Do buy a sandwich from the streets of San Salvador as it will only cost one English pound and be bigger and better than a Subway sandwich. a) eat it everyday for breakfast lunch and dinner and you will be the healthiest man alive. 3. Do rent a shiny new car in San Salvador and get lost in the most dangerous city in Central America, where one person gets murdered every two hours. a) if youare English you will inevitably be confused with the left hand drive and keep reaching for the door handle in order to change gear. b) as you reach for the door handle in order to change gear you ... read more
El Sal
El Sal
El Sal

"Adelante*, bienvenidos, nous lance Manolo, le fils de Mamá et Papá, tous trois étant des personnages tout à fait charismatique. Nous venons d'entrer dans la demeure de cette incroyable famille de Tacuba, un petit village perdu dans l'extrémité occidentale du El Salvador. Nous sommes traités comme des membres à part entière de la famille, à peine les sacs déposés dans notre parfaite chambre rustique, composée de bois et de brique rouge. Même Rex, le petit chien de la maison s'est entiché de nous. Mamá est aussitôt parée à nous cuisiner un de ses délices culinaires, reconnus chez tous les routards ayant gîtés ici, tandis que Papá nous sert la cerveza. L'ambiance est confortable et détendue et la maison embaume la bonté les sublimes burritos! Manolo, la fierté de ses parents et le parfait charmeur latino ... read more
Aéroport international de San Salvador, El Salvador
La lagune d'Alegria, El Salvador
L'île de Montecristo, El Salvadore

September, oktober och november kom och gick och helt plötsligt befinner vi oss i denna julens månad. Att ha några julkänslor i 30 gradig värme, utan julpynt och utan familj är i stort sett omöjligt även om de redan i slutet av september ställde fram plastgranarna i affärerna! Så jag har i stället beslutat mig för att lägga ned julen i år och dra till några fantastiska Karibiska öar i Honduras som heter ”The Bay Islands” och ta mitt dykcertifikat! Ett bra substitut, tycker ni inte? Tydligen har de världens billigaste certifikat (utan att tumma på kvalitén) där hela kursen, där allt ingår, plus fyra nätter på hostel och två fria dyk kostar 260 dollar! Dessutom ligger öarna i den sydligaste delen av världens näst största korallrev som löper utanför Belizes kust ned till Honduras. Tydligen ... read more
Salvadoransk yrkogård
Båttur på Ilopango

Tim Version: * Returned to San Salvador for my last stint in El Salvador and to check out some sights close to it. * Said a very sad goodbye to both Eve and El Salvador - long term travel´s huge downside of having to leave all you´ve fallen in love with over and over again. The version mixed with happiness, sadness, excitement, and a whole other soup of emotions: The return to San Miguel ended up being quite a luxurious bus ride, at 6:30am I might add which I thought was fairly impressive as yes I get up early but not much need or want exists when you have a beautiful girl beside you. Here in San Miguel we copped one of the worst sights of the trip while eating breakfast... a guy next to where ... read more
Roadside Coffee!
Joya de Ceren
Joya de Ceren

On the flight to san salvador we met a very interesting person. Thy were a dress maker and their name was Filis (we cant work out how to spell this name so i will alter the spelling as i go so we will at some point hopefully get it correct). Philis also happened to be a drunk smelly, racist, woman obsesed, prostitute loving, sister loving??? middle aged man. At SSalvador we decided it would be easyer to not leave the airport as it was in a very rural area. We slept on the floor for a few hours had some ok, but different coffee and went mad as a result of all the gay uplifting catholic music. I was feeling pretty sick but a bean and mince pepusa soon fixed that.... read more

Hola amigos! Hoppas allt är bra med er! Att vistas i ett samhälle så annorlunda än det svenska får en att reflektera en hel del... Att få leva i den salvadoranska verkligheten är anledningen till att jag är här. Jag skulle aldrig kunna tänka mig att permanent under dessa fyra månader ge upp alla mina bekvämligheter, men både genom resorna till landet och genom livet här i staden kan jag sätta mig in i deras otroligt svåra vardag. Den värsta känslan som jag hittills behövt känna (mer eller mindre varje dag för att vara ärlig) är känslan av osäkerhet, otrygghet och av att inte ha kontroll över sin situation. För en salvadoran kommer otryggheten i många former. Den kommer i form av naturkatastrofer som orkaner och jordbävningar som lämnar människor utan hem och utan möjlighet att ... read more

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