Blogs from Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 485


Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Heredia February 8th 2006

One week down and moving into the second... After the first day of school, Ari said, “One day was enough. I don’t want to go back.” Now after a week is done, I think he really likes it (although we don’t get more than an “it’s ok” out of him, you can tell that he does). He comes home dirty (from playing at recess) and smiling everyday. The other night at dinner he said, “There are some things that are better , some things that are worse and some things that are just different.” The things that are better are what you’d expect - 2 recesses per day, gym twice per week (instead of once), ½ day every Wednesday. Things that are just different - here they provide snacks and lunch for everyone every day; in ... read more
Ready to go 2
Beware ye who pass these gates
Classroom 2B

Hola Amigos, Opnieuw een korte update van mij. Nadat ik gisteren iemand had gevraagd naar la Fortuna te bellen om naar het weer te vragen (wat slecht was, dus geen zicht op de vulkaan), besloten vandaag naar San Jose te gaan. Hier ben ik dan in de hoofdstad. Geen geweldige stad, maar de beste hoofdstad tot nu toe... Ik kwam samen met een Zwitsers stel hier aan en we wilden naar hetzelfde hostel, dus samen een taxi gepakt (zou zo´n 2 dollar moeten kosten, hij deed de meter aan, maar na 2 minuten stond die op 5000 colones (10 dollar). De Zwitserse jongen, die vloeiend Spaans sprak, werd boor op de taxidriver en we zijn uitgestapt. De taxichauffeur zei dat hij de politie ging bellen als wij niet betaalden. Gelukkig kwamen er net 2 agenten aangelopen ... read more

Hola Amigos, Hoewel ik, zoals jullie weten, geen "strand-persoon" ben, heb ik toch besloten om voor 1,5 dag naar Montezuma, een strandplaats te gaan. Super toeristisch (niet mijn soort mensen), maar erg mooi strand. Mijn snorkel trip was echt geweldig: veel verschillende soorten vissen, zeesterren e.d. en op een bepaald moment zelfs met een grote schildpad (doorsnede schild meer dan 1 meter) meegezwommen. De lunch was ook super: verse vis, met groenten en veel fruit. En voor de lunch kreeg ik van de gids (die mij had gevraagd of ik van oesters hield (nog nooit geproefd) en koskosnoten (lekker) eerst een schelp met heerlijk klaargemaakte oester en vervolgens een verse kokosnoot... Jammie Op de terugweg zagen we vanuit de boot 2 walvissen (moeder met jong: hunchback wales)... read more

Hola Amigos, Een kort berichtje uit monteverde: supermooi cloudforest, mooie wandeling, interessante mensen in mijn hotel, maar erg nat en niet zo warm... Morgen weer "on the road", nog 1 week te gaan.... read more

Puerto Viejo er totalt olikt Cahuita...her myllrar de av turister, men vi har lyckats undga de varsta turistfellorna och cyklade igar ut till en strand som heter Punta Uva. Farden gick pa en liten gropig sandvag..(har ont i baken idag:) )vi var ej helt sakra pa vilken av stranderna var Punta Uva, men vi fann till slut en jatte fin strand dar vi var helt ensama. Idag har Fredrik hyrt surfbrada och provat sig pa den stora stranden med de stora pojkarna.. Vagorna (bolgerna) var enorma..jag var ganska orolig da han begav sig ut, men han kom helskinnad opp pa land. Idag har de varit jatte fint vader, igar var de molnigt. Men solen er super stark her nere. Var plan om att aka till Panama och Bocas del Toro har andrats... vi aker imorgon till ... read more
Fredrik pa Punta Uva
Malin pa Punta Uva
Malin cyklandes pa Punta Uva

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Limón » Siquirres February 7th 2006

Just got back into Siquirres a little bit ago, after a HORRIBLE day on the bus. The last two days, I have been in La Fortuna, showing my uncle and his buddy around and enjoying the town. We went up to the volcano on Saturday night and had the incredible luck to see a good bit of lava flowing! Definitely the first time I have seen that, we parked on the side of a dirt road and watched the pyroclastic debris tumble down the mountain toward us, it was awesome. On Sunday, we went up to the waterfalls at Catarata, then took a hike up the volcano up onto the old flows. We went back into town that night and watched the super bowl at a tiny little local bar that I don't remember the name ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica February 6th 2006

Today we are invited to join the CCS volunteers and visit some of the other placements in San Carlos. We begin first at a boys only orphanage, 12-18 years. Once they found out Sandy and I were artists they ran to their rooms and got their collections of drawings and paintings. They huddled around and watched closely as we paged through colorful landscapes of volcanoes and palm trees and ocean sunsets, and ooodles of superhero cartoons that were meticulously drawn with care, the kind that all young teenage boys have in the back of their lined copybooks for school. I became so sad, these boys had never once taken an art class. These drawings were so beautiful, they had so much talent, who would ever know, and would THEY ever know? Our next stop is to ... read more
Sandy Saved Me!
Muddy Shoes....

Up to this point Gregg has taken on all the blog writing and i have simply served as the editor, and supplier of the minute details, such as names of people and places, or helping to remind him of funny situations we have found ourselves in. However, being as I have spent much of the past week bored because he hasn't been feeling well, i thought I bring you up to speed on one of my adventures. In Samara I was lucky enough to borrow a bicycle, which seemed to have been passed down through the generations to each american who has lived in the house that our new friend Lexi, from Arkansas and Gregg's fellow GW alum, lent me. I bounced down the unpaved roads, which i do not advise for anyone with larger than ... read more

Today is Election Day in Costa Rica. This election is particularly important as its citizens select a new president to replace the outgoing president, Abel Pacheo. By many accounts, Pacheo was not terribly successful. Not a professional politician (he was previously a radio announcer among other entertainment-related professions), he did what he could but it seems the country slid backwards a bit during his term. Many in the electorate claim the transportation system, particularly the roads, are in major disrepair, poverty is up, environmental issues are becoming much more serious, and the educational system, while considered the best in Central America, is not educating its students long enough, or as Bill Clinton used to say, “for careers for the 21st century.” In fact, the majority of students leave school sometime during high school and end up ... read more
Beach near Tarcoles
Muddy kids on Jaco Beach
Election festivities in San Ramon

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica February 5th 2006

I Journeyed last week from Guatemala to Costa Rica where I met Sandy in San Jose. We took the bus into San Carlos where we will begin volunteer work. It is incredibly so wonderful to be back and there´s more to say on that in future journal entries but todayy I need to write about the insanity that is taking place at this very moment...Election Day. Time for a new president here in Costa Rica, and here it is through the eyes of a gringa: I didn´t believe it when they told me, but it was true. It was REALLY true. Do you know that alcohol is forbidden during elections in Costa Rica? Not in bars, not in stores, completely banned for 5 days, this rule compliments of the Church. Come on now, what are they ... read more

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