Blogs from Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 444


hey this is just a really quick note to everyone but the situation got quite bad here in costa rica in terms of our project not working out. It looks like we´re now moving country!! I think we´ll be moving to either Chile or Bolivia and I´ll try to write on here again when there´s more time´. It´s just been a bit hectic recently and so I´ve not have time. My partner had to go to hospital but everything´s ok now. Let me know how you´re all getting on. I´ll try to update soon. Lots of love jem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... read more

Driving, windows down, wind blowing in your hair, music playing what could be more relaxing. I used to enjoy driving. A long drive alone was often just what the doctor ordered when life got to be too much. Driving was therapy. Having lived in Florida for a few years when younger, I traveled many miles up and down the treasure coast. Near Boca Raton there was a place where you drove thru a tunnel carved in trees and exited with views of the ocean unobstructed by the mansions dotting the shore. There was nothing more relaxing for me than driving along that coast. A few years were also spent north of San Diego. I lived in Escondido, then Carlsbad finally settling in Oceanside. Oh, the PCH, Pacific Coast Highway! I'd drive the coast highway every chance ... read more
Lanes don't matter
crossing the road
Going to Monteverde

Zarcero and around…. This past weekend Jake (a long term guest of the B&B) and I did a one-day road trip up to Zarcero, a neat little town about 20 minutes north of me. We were both curious about the towns surrounding Zarcero as we had both been there before. For both of us, we wondered if any gringos lived in the area and if there were any good real estate deals. From prior knowledge, it was our sense that the Zarcero area was a little remote, and perhaps at little cool for most people. It reminds of the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. more than the tropics! But we explored the area with full anticipation that we’d discover at least something interesting. Jake fortunately found a halfway decent map of the area on the Internet—well, ... read more
Beautiful River near Bajos del Toro
River below a road north of Zarcero
Some nice land for sale

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Limón October 4th 2006

Nous sommes allé faire une saucette sur la cote Est du Costa Rica: on est allé passer quelques jours à Limón. Après nous sommes revenus à San José et avons pris un bus pour Managua au Nicaragua. J.P.... read more
Le Costa Rica vue des airs
Plage Bonita près de Limón
Notre motel

We’re often asked about the cost of living in Costa Rica. It’s a difficult question to answer. There are so many variables to consider, location, lifestyle, etc. In a nutshell, you can live as cheaply or as extravagantly as you choose. Here’s what we paid yesterday: Rent: $300; Electricity: $49.57; Water $13.01; Telephone & internet: $29.37; Cell (2 months) $ 7.27 Monthly Total $399.24 I almost forgot, add another $25 for Direct TV (We have that paid automatically so it’s easy to forget about) Our cell phone is billed every two months. It isn’t that way for everyone. We don’t use ours much so ICE only bills us every two months. That’s the only explanation we can come up with. Perhaps they feel it isn’t worth billing for $3.00 per month. Food we’ve decided is our ... read more
Our rental house
A day at the beach

This has been great! Being in the mountains is just difficult to get away from. I will be exploring the West coast this week to see what I can see. This past weekend was a side adventure back up to Zarcero and beyond. Out east from there thru Palmira towards Poas and the Chayote reserve. Found a road thru the dairys, and up the mountain, it was PAVED! Heading down between Chayote and Grecia reserves, the switchbacks turned to gravel for about 2 miles. Slow but OK. Then down along the rivers back on asphault, came upon Torro de Carate....not on the map. Great stop for the waterfall. Quaint little place with rooms for the night, restaraunt, and garden path to view the waterfall. It appeared to be about 100ft maybe a tad me anyway. ... read more
Palmira above Zarcero
The waterfall between Chayote / Grecia Reserves
The pool below

Symphonies, concerts, ballets and plays have never been a part of our lives. It isn’t that we don’t like them, it’s a choice. Bill is a sports fan. He likes any and all sports so those are the events we chose to attend while in the states. Some would say we lacked culture. Bill’s mother was one. Before she passed she’d encourage him to take me to see plays at Grady Gammage Auditorium in Tempe. At her insistence, we saw both Cats and Les Miserables and enjoyed them both. After each show, several years apart mind you, we’d vow to attend at least one cultural event a year. Unfortunately, Bill took me to ASU football games instead of symphonies. When you live in a college town, football is often culture. I started a family tradition of ... read more
Who's excited?
Play Bill
Ain't he handsome?

C'est fou comment il a differents travails qu'on ne fait pas au Quebec ou meme en amerique du nord. Voici quelques exemples : Au Bresil Merlin avait besoin de liquide paper, il va voir une dame qui lui donne un papier et qui dit d'aller payer a la caisse, a la caisse, il paie et l'autre dame lui donne un autre bout de papier lui disant d'aller voir une troisieme dame qui va lui donner son liquide paper. Bref, 3 personnes pour un liquide paper. Dans les toilettes publiques pour homme a l'aeroport de Rio de Janeiro, un gars etait a cote du papier pour les mains et pesait sur le "piton" pour derouler le papier pour les clients. Dans les autobus voyageurs (vue qu'on fait toujours de la bus), la loi interdit au chauffeur de ... read more

Nous avons décidé de "skipper" le Venezuella, les 2 Guyanne et le Suriname. Nous sommes rendu au Costa Rica apres un vol de Rio de Janeiro a Atlanta (U.S.A.) de 9h30 et un vol de 4 heures pour San Jose. Nous avons une chambre a 6 lits pres du centre ville pour 20000 colons. Aujourd hui j´ai fait 2 retraits au guichet un de 10000 colons l autre de 14000, je croyais avoir retiré environ 400$ pour m apercevoir que je n avais retiré que 50$. Un 1$ canadien vaut 465 colons, pour faire un chiffre rond on multiplie par 2 et on divise par 1000. Les avocats coutent 904 colons au kilo (904x2=1808=1,80$/kilo). J.P. ... read more

We both completed our scuba classes so we left the Bay Islands to head down to Nicaragua. We spent one night in Managua and then 3 nights in Granada. Unfortunatley, our volunteer project did not work out, the person that we were in contact with was back in Boston when we were there. He put us in contact with a local person that was also involved in the project but she did not speak english and our spanish is still pretty poor so it was impossible to communicate and we went out to the site twice and no one seemed to be working. From Granada we headed down to Tamirindo, Costa Rica for 2 nights and now we are staying with Mike's aunt Ana and uncle Javier back in Manuel Antonio. Its always nice to be ... read more

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