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Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok November 11th 2013

I have a flag for each country I've lived in. Until today that wasn't so. I bought my Chinese flag in 2009 during the 60th Anniversary of the PRC; the seller looked bored sitting in his magazine stand. I had my dad send me an American one shortly thereafter since it didn't seem right otherwise. I've been searching for a Thai flag for a while. I haven't seen one for sale anywhere and my Thai teacher suggested I try a bookstore. I hadn't gotten there yet. With all the protests lately, I've noticed that a lot of the Thais have flags. Obviously, they must be buying them somewhere since they're all the same size and have that stiff newness to them. But with the crowds, I wasn't about to go shoving my way through to find ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok October 30th 2013

It's a common question posted on many online forums. I've read several responses between last spring and now but I never felt like I got a straight answer. This is paritally due to the fact that some people have much more lavish lifestyles tha I do, and partially because many failed to provide any form of helpful financial breakdown. If I'm going to plan I need a realistic idea what things will cost! Obviously, there are some things tht I can't predict for others, like rent. I managed to find an apt on the lower end of the price scale. The closer you are to the BTS or MRT the higher your rent. Likewise, the closer you are to central Bangkok, the higher the rent. If you want to live in Sukhumvit the prices go up ... read more
One of these can be yours...

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok October 15th 2013

There are few things in life I enjoy less than a trip to the doctor or dentist. It's not that I ever have bad experiences when I go--quite the contrary--but I always get really stressed about the fact that I'm about to pay someone a large sum of money in order to be told there's something wrong with me. And I'm always secretly afraid they'll find some other ailment I didn't know about. I just never feel happy about the whole process. In China, dentistry was seen more as a reactive form of medicine, rather than a preventative form of medicine. While there were certainly some good dentists... they didn't have quite the quality I'm used to getting in the US. Not to mention there was the language barrier. Considering how much has been spent on ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok October 14th 2013

As a vegetarian (well, pescatarian) I find eating in Bangkok to be wonderfully easy. Lots to choose from, few hidden surprises in my food, and everything tastes delicious. Imagine my delight when I learned that every year there's a two week vegetarian festival all over the country! Phukett has the largest festival of all, but special events can be found all over. All over Bangkok are signs of the festival: food courts have special sections, grocery stores stock and display special foods, even 7-11 carries some vegetarian goodies. Chinatown has a festival for a week. All of the food is Kin Jay (Gin-Jai), meaning it's vegan without strong flavors, like garlic and onion. Being a huge garlic and onion fan, I wasn't sure how good the food could possibly be. I shouldn't have worried. The festival ... read more
All on sale!
More options

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok September 29th 2013

Well, you may have noticed it's been a while since I posted anything. That's because I'm busier than I have been the past five years! It's quite the change to go from working 20 hours a week to 35; it's also quite the change to go from living in cities with little nightlife to living in the thriving metropolis of Bangkok where every night has something going on! I finally started work Sept 1. I'm working at a learning center (not a school) and am lucky enough to have two consecutive days off. They're not Saturday or Sunday, but I take that in stride as it means I can run errands when other people aren't. I'm teaching small children now and I'm having a lot of fun. The parents are kind, the children well behaved and ... read more
Bangkok Seashell Museum
Bangkok Seashell Museum
Bangkok Seashell Museum

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok September 16th 2013

Over the past five years, I've visited countless temples, most of them Buddhist. I always see people praying and making offerings, but I never quite knew what they were doing. I wanted to know, but had no one to ask. Most of my students and Chinese friends weren't religious and some just considered it superstition. A few knew more, but lacked the English to explain it. And many people I saw at temples were simply tourists, snapping as many photos as they could. Thailand is a very religious country. It's not religious in that people are always talking about their religion or publicly praying each day. But the history of religions--Buddhism and Animism in particular--are woven into the fabric of day to day life. The Land God shine in front of my apartment building (and many ... read more
Wat Hua Lam Pong
Wat Hua Lam Pong
Wat Hua Lam Pong

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok September 2nd 2013

Birthdays are a funny thing. I know quite a few people who refuse to celebrate their own or are miraculously 29 over and over again. And until this year, I thought they were crazy. This year I turned 35. When I turned 21 my dad wrote me a note congratulating me and assuring me that 30 was right around the corner. I thought he was exaggerating, but feels like that happened about 2 weeks ago. I'm sure he's thinking the same thing about 40; I know I am. But I choose to embrace it. I think about all that's happened to me in my life--some by bad choices others by chance--and I realize I'm lucky to be here. And to me, that's worth celebrating. So here I am in a big city and I only know ... read more
Pretty impressive, too
Happy Birthday to me!
Group shot one

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok August 27th 2013

Back in 2009, when I was traveling my way around Yunnan Province, China, I made friends with several people in my Dali hostel. To this day we're still in touch. One Finnish friend and I have been trying for years to meet up again for a day or tweo. We always manage to travel to the same cities at roughly the same time... I say roughly because we always miss each other by about a week! Finally, this year, he and his girlfriend decided to visit Bangkok. Obviously, this time I'm not passing through, so we were finally able to spend some time together and have some fun. Before they arrived, I asked what they wanted to do. They said they'd done most of the tourist stuff already, so maybe just explore a neighborhood or two. ... read more
Greeting card shop

Asia August 21st 2013

Five years ago today I boarded a plane. I got as far as San Francisco before finding out there was a typhoon and neither I, nor my lone suitcase, was going anywhere. The next day I boarded a plane again--without my permanently lost luggage--and moved to China. My plan was to stay for a year or two and then maybe move back to the US. After two years, I was sure to have lots of career options related to China or teaching. Right? I had no idea what I was in for. The chaos that engulfed me made my blood race, my mind sharp, and put a spark in my eye. I was excited. There was so much to see and do and try. People to meet. Places to go. So much to try and understand. ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok August 7th 2013

Going to immigration is a new experience for me. The five years I was in China, I merely handed over my passport to the designated person and a few weeks later, a shiny new visa was inside. I can't lie, it was pretty nice. Getting the proper visa and work permit is a multi-step process in Thailand. After I arrived with my 60 day visa my boss went to work getting the paperwork and documents for the next step. The process takes several weeks, so a 30 visa isn't enough. I gave my documents (university diploma, CELTA certificate, and passport) to my boss and she filled everything out and took it to the Ministry of Education. They examined everything (since many things can be bought on Khao San Road) for authenticity and gave her some papers ... read more

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