Page 67 of kangaroojack Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth April 23rd 2009

DAY 167 We had decided to leave Forrestfield Discovery Park on the out skirts of Perth as we had already had 3 nights there. The people we met on Kangaroo Island Cliff and Sue are not due back in Scarborough until late on the 26th of this month and we would like to drop by and have a drink with them and possibly a meal before we have to continue our journey further North. Hopefully there is some mail waiting for us, we have a book to collect that someone has kindly sent to us and a small charger for the laptop. Our stuff was packed away promptly this morning, we both showered and we were off, first stop Diesel. We have explained numerously about fuel in Australia, if you shop at Woolworths you can get ... read more
Who Shat That!!
Flying Dutchmen & Women

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth April 22nd 2009

DAY 166 It is a cool morning this morning, Andy is already out of bed (he has his early hat on again!), I get up at 7.00 and meet him in the camp kitchen, within a second the kettle is on for my morning tea. Andy is busy trying to get some of the photos back up online after the server problems that our Travelblog hosts have had I bring the breakfast stuff over, no bacon today, just toast and marmite. We check email and the news of the day is that a friend’s dog died, poor Duke he was a lovely dog, another friend bought a pair of Jimmy Choo’s while holidaying in New York, that is just torture, I ponder on my now grubby pink flip flops (thongs) and wonder if Jimmy Choo makes ... read more
Is it a stick

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth April 21st 2009

DAY 165 We awake to the sounds of tent poles clanging around us, the people in the Kimberley trailer next to us are leaving today, they have an early start as they have over 800 kilometres to drive. It is 7am and the sun is streaming in through the open blinds, the day is warming already. Andy brings me a cup of tea I sit in bed and drink it while he sits and types the blog. It is too good a morning to waste lying around so I get up and wander down to the camp shop to get some more milk and a loaf of bread, when I get back I get our breakfast of a bacon sandwich on the go. We head down to Fremantle this morning; we want to see what the ... read more
What a selection
How many

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Gidgegannup » Noble Falls April 20th 2009

Day 164 6.00 bang on and the Kookaburra’s started their dawn chorus, there was a lot of them so it was rather noisy. A short while later they stopped so be drifted back to sleep. Waking at Noble Falls to a very warm morning, we were so snug in our joint sleeping bag that neither of us wanted to get out and put the tea on. This is so unusual for me (Andy) as I have always loved getting out of bed early to enjoy the morning, where Caroline is the opposite end of the scale and enjoys the evenings. Eventually Caroline roused and I followed shortly, as we had moved the gas cooker for safety reasons, it needed reconnecting, which Caroline struggles with. The morning was hot and very sunny so we sat under the ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Karalee Rocks April 19th 2009

DAY 163 Wow, what a great nights sleep, out in the bush and I felt quite comfortable about it so aiding my restful sleep, I watched the sunrise through the mosquito net, it was beautiful as it appeared over the dam. However, poor Andy did not sleep at all well, he is not sure why as he is generally an excellent sleeper and not much will wake him once asleep, the only thing I can think is that he went to bed extra early and perhaps it was too early. The sun streamed into the tent through the mosquito nets, really heralding that it was time to get up, we were up at 7.00 a nice early start to the day. We washed and had breakfast, a Landrover appeared with a camper trailer attached, it looks ... read more
Karalee Rocks
Bone Dry
Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kalgoorlie April 18th 2009

DAY 162 It was Saturday morning in Kalgoorlie, the sun was coming up the air was cool and a lovely refreshing morning to wake up in. Andy was up and at it early, he wanted to type the blog for yesterday, I however chose to stay in bed until 7.00 when it was a little bit more of a reasonable time to get up. I joined Andy in the camp kitchen, and made tea and toast, before long we were joined by Brian and Lorraine (they own the A40) and John and Judith (the Swiss couple, well John is English). We are all moving on today, so it was to get on with breakfast pack up, shower and go. Once again we chatted, it was a lively breakfast, Judith says that John makes the best porridge, ... read more
Badly Burn't
Water Trough

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kalgoorlie April 18th 2009

Dear all, it would appear that TravelBlog have had some server problems and a lot of our images from the last 10 or so entries appear to be missing. Apologies but we will try to remedy that as soon as we can. Thanks KangarooJack... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kalgoorlie April 17th 2009

DAY 161 A cool morning, it was lovely and refreshing, but with the sunshine it promises to be another hot day. Andy was out of bed early, not sure how early but I believe before 5.55, I surfaced at 7.00 and found Andy in the camp kitchen. The electric kettle in the camp kitchen is not working so we are having to use our camp kettle on the single burners, which is no problem but everytime someone comes in you watch them fiddle with the kettle then we have to tell them it is not working. After breakfast Andy drives the Patrol down to the Nissan Dealer for its service. I stay back at camp to get on with some chores, there is always something that needs doing and today we are going to clean the ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kalgoorlie April 16th 2009

DAY 160 Another warm night and we wake up to a beautiful morning here in WA (Western Australia or as some locals put it “Wait Awhile”). We were both awake fairly early, Andy made a cup of tea and I stayed in bed for a while drinking it, but then it was time to look lively. We were meant to be moving on today, but we found that we had a lot to do, one important thing was arranging for the Patrol to be serviced at the Nissan Dealer, which there was in this town. So as early as possible Andy telephoned the Nissan dealership to see if they could fit us in. The good news is that they can do it tomorrow, so that is another good reason for staying here another night, but they ... read more
Austin A40
Austin A40

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kalgoorlie April 16th 2009

Hi All, Just thought we would share a blog milestone with you all. I was checking the word count this morning, (How sad am I ) and we have reached 201,001 words, I didn't think we new that many. The people at the management of the blog site, may have to install Kangaroojacks own server for this one, as I may turn out to be huge. Photo's on the site are at 1741, and blog hits 12,894, so its all going OK. We hope you are all well, and thank you for reading our drivel. Love to you all Kangaroojack ... read more

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