Page 16 of corbandkel Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City March 25th 2006

So today we decided to explore Ho Chi Minh City. Starting at the Thai Binh markets we were amazed at the quality of the produce compared to markets that we had visited in Cambodia - the fruit looked great and the fish were still swimming in their buckets! From there we did a loop through the tree-lined streets to admire some of the colourful architecture before crossing over to the Ben Thanh market. Although very touristy it was cool to see all the handicrafts and cheesy souvenirs and we picked up some tasty gummy lollies on our way out. We then walked past the Mariamman Hindu temple and through the park to the Reunification Palace which was great. It's been left in the same state it was in when the Viet Cong troops stormed it in ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City March 24th 2006

So we've made it to Vietnam! The last couple of days, despite being a whole heap of fun in Phnom Penh were marred by the stress and anxiety of trying to get our Vietnam visas. We had thought that it would be a fairly simple procedure but upon filling out the forms and handing over the cash we were told that due to a special "ceremony" we would only be permitted to stay 17 days (until the 10th) in Vietnam, but would have to pay the same one month fee. Feeling that something was amiss we tried several travel agents and were told a whole heap of different stories and offered a whole heap of outrageous prices. Thankfully we found one lady, who after a number of phone calls to and fro was able to confirm ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh March 23rd 2006

So we finally got to see Phnom Penh and it was great! We started by visiting the Cheung Elk Killing Fields, 13km out of the city. It was pretty horrible stuff, seeing the exhumed mass graves and the trees where prisoners were tied and beaten. There was also a 7storey high stupa filled with skulls, bones and clothing that was found in the mass graves. A truly horrific sight, but a good way to remember the dead and give them and their relative some sense of peace. We visited the Russian market on the way back into town - a seething mass of stalls of everything; food, clothes, household items and motorbike parts. Our favourite area was the food (of course) where little old ladies cooked over flaming woks and the scents mixed in the smoky ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Kampot March 21st 2006

From Sihanoukville we travelled inland to Kampot, a small riverside town that serves as a base for exploring the nearby Bokor National Park. We didnt think that highly of Kampot but our trip to Bokor made it all worth while. We set off on the back of a 4WD up the Bokor mountain and into the jungle. Walking through the trees was crazy - it was more a mad bush bashing session than a quiet walk and we emerge covered in scratches and with holes in our clothes. We also managed to see some crazy birds and spiders that I certainly wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley - they were bigger than my outsretched palm! shudder Not such a fan of the bugs. We rested by a set of falls, which despite the lack ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Sihanoukville March 19th 2006

So we decided that we were sick of being sick and cooped up in our room in Phnom Penh so we decided to set off for Sihanoukville, a few hours away on the Southern Coast. We got a room overlooking Victory beach - a fantastic view and a great breeze which aided in our recovery. Our days here were spent relaxing, wandering the peaceful shores and dancing in the waves and making up for lost time at Roses' where we had some Fish & Chips the Maunganui chip shop would have been proud of. We also spent one day out on a boat exploring some of the islands nearby - a day of sun, sand, swimming and snorkeling. The water was a little murky and everyone said that Thailand was better for undersea action, but the ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh March 16th 2006

The last few days have been relatively uneventful from my perspective as my vista has alternated between that of the bathroom or the TV (thank god for cable!). I've been cursed by the infamous Cambodia-Belly (you may have heard of its Indian Cousin) which decided to inflict its worst on me whilst journeying here from Siem Reap. Needless to say it was one hell of a bus ride and the riverfront of Phnom Penh is now a different shade of highlighter green - nice. Corb on the other hand has had several interesting adventures while out fossicking for food and bringing me treats such as chocolate lamingtons from the Kiwi Bakery (gotta love that man!). One such episode occured in a completely deserted department store where he was the only customer. On his way out a ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor March 13th 2006

Our three days at the Angkor temples were so mindblowing I don't know where to start. I am also recovering from a bout of Cambodia-Belly and this is my first attempt out of bed in a while so forgive me if this entry is a little all over the place. I can't really describe Angkor Wat or the other temples of the complex, they are bigger in size and their carvings more intricate and amazing than I ever could have imagined. No photos really do the place justice, it is just fantastic. Personal highlights include the obligatory sunrise over Angkor Wat which was one of the more beautiful I think I've seen, perhaps heightened by the trip through the trees in our tuktuk in the darkness which felt like something straight out of a Hollywood movie. ... read more
Ta Prohm

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap March 10th 2006

The last few days have been a mishmash of adventure and the waiting game. Starting early some days ago (I think I've lost track) we left Laos (sob sob) and crossed the Friendship Bridge back into Thailand. Everything was much easier than imagined and fittingly we drove past the Lao Beer Brewery on the way. Before you could try and say Nakhon Rachasima (Korat) we were on a hot horrible bus from hell and had arrived in Thailand's second largest city. With a monument in the city centre that constantly has worshippers paying respect day and night, Korat really is a true living Thai city. It ahd a supermarket :) And we also had REAL pad thai that was absolutely delicious :) Another early start, several hours arguing with bank tellers and a number of actual ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane March 7th 2006

Arriving in Vientiane, the heat hit us like a blanket. We spent our first afternoon relaxing and planning the next step. That evening we were treated to a show like no other - a ful on fork lightning supreme with thunder like a million drummers and raindrops as big as houses (well Laos houses). We stood on the waterfront sheltering from the raining, mouths open in awe. It was wicked. Our second day we were off early to beat the heat, checking out the sights f the city including several uber busy and crazy morning markets, and the Patuxai, a replica of the Arc de Triomphe. Climbing to the top we could see out across the city, and could feel a slight breeze which was great. We then visited Laos' most important Golden Temple and several ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng March 5th 2006

The Bus from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng was great. Well the bus itself was kinda average but the scenery was fantastic - huge limestone karsts rising out of the mist and into the clouds above. We wove our way high into the hills, the villages of the lowlands slipping away into the distance, before we sped down the other side only to begin the climb again. It was absolutely mind-blowing. The soundtrack? A compilation of Corb's Led Zep faves including Misty Mountain Hop, and Kashmir. Perfect. Arriving in Vang Vieng we grabbed a super cheap but nonetheless comfy room just off the main room. The town itself is pretty small - mainly packed with guesthouses, bars, restaurants and travel agents - and jam packed with tourists. We spent a great few days here and wouldn't ... read more

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