Page 52 of Trabern Travel Blog Posts

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Golturkbuku May 25th 2012

Bernie's birthday today so we started the day with some (very) early morning birthday text messages!! While we were at breakfast the heavens opened, so we decided that we would take the bus to Göltürkbükü, another small village on the Bodrum Peninsula. We asked at the front desk if we could catch that bus at the top of the hill without needing to go into the bus station in Bodrum. After some discussion, the staff at the front desk seemed to agree that we would be able to catch the bus up on the main road. Up on the main road we joined a couple of people waiting for the bus to Göltürkbükü outside one of the other hotels in Torba. They had caught the bus before so were able to tell us that it runs ... read more
More of Göltürkbükü
And still more of Göltürkbükü!
Deep in thought

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Bodrum May 24th 2012

The weather was pretty dull again today so we spent the morning bringing the diary up-to-date and processing photos before heading into Bodrum to find a restaurant with wi-fi access so that we could update the blog. We decided to walk to the top of the hill to wait for the bus which was just as well because there is a shelter there ... which we needed when it started to drizzle!! It was fine when we reached Bodrum, but that didn't last long and we had to find a restaurant with wi-fi quick smart before we got too wet. I knew I should have worn my raincoat!! Anyhow, we ordered beer and çay (Turkish tea) and the restaurants 'special' meal to share. With our order placed, we were granted the name and password to access ... read more
Bodram Castle
Bodram Castle (2)

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Ephesus May 23rd 2012

GROAN! This morning we had an even earlier start. The alarm was set for 6.15am, but we were woken an hour before that by someone ringing Bernie to ask if he would play badminton. We managed to doze off again for an hour and then it was time to get ready for our 7.00am pick-up for our day trip to Ephesus. We were on track to be ready by 7.00am too, but our ride arrived at 6.50am!! We had been led to believe that we would be picked up at 7.00am or maybe 7.10am - we didn't expect our ride to be ten minutes early though. The bus took us to a side road near the freeway where we met up with a number of other mini buses and coaches. We all had to be shuffled ... read more
Temple of Artemis
Overlooking the Colonaded Street
Colonaded Street

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Kos May 22nd 2012

With an 8.15am pick-up we had to set an alarm and get up early this morning for our trip to Kos. After sleeping in until about 8.30am most days this was a bit of a shock to the system!! The dining room opens at 7.00am so we were able to have a quick breakfast before we headed off. The driver was expecting to collect some more passengers from the Voyage, but after waiting nearly 10 minutes there was no sign of them. We drove down to the resorts just down the coast and picked up a few more people and then returned to the Voyage. Still no more passengers and, by now, it was nearly 20 minutes after the scheduled pick-up time. So the driver took off for Bodrum. Literally low flying ... presumably to make ... read more
Bodram Castle
Minaret at Kos
Fortress of Kos

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Turgutreis May 21st 2012

We have decided that we have to do some more sightseeing, anything really other than lay on a sun-bed all day every day!! After breakfast we went to the travel agent across the street from the Voyage and booked a trip to Cos (Greece) for tomorrow and a trip to Ephesus on Wednesday. With activities organised for the next two days, we caught the bus into Bodrum. This morning the bus drove around and around Torba until it was full and then we headed off to Bodrum. The buses really don't seem to have a set route or a set timetable - the drivers just go where they please and eventually they deliver you to their stated destination!! This morning the driver's route included a stop down at the fishing harbour where he picked up fish ... read more
Peace & Friendship Monument
Turguteis Marina
Turguteis Mosque

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Bodrum May 20th 2012

At breakfast this morning Kath and Albert confessed that they fell asleep before the end of the match too!! So it was only me, who really wasn't interested, who actually caught the end of the game. Fortunately, Kath and Albert turned the television on this morning and managed to catch the replay. Of course they were pleased with the result. Today, with the sun actually shining, we had a very lazy day at the resort. This morning we lazed around reading on the sun-beds down on the beach. At lunchtime we ventured around to the snack bar by the Aqua Pool and ate pizzas for lunch. Then, this afternoon, just for a change of scenery, we moved to the sun-beds by the pool to read a bit more!! The only thing is that I think lazing ... read more
Lazy Day
Life's Tough

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Bodrum May 19th 2012

With the weather looking pretty drab again today we caught the bus into Bodrum ... eventually. This morning the bus picked us up and then went down into the next village along the coast. A group of potential passengers wanted the driver to wait five minutes for the last member of their party. The bus drivers here are pretty relaxed, but he wouldn't agree that request. In the end, he agreed to wait for a minute and they raced off to tell the last member of their group to hurry up!! With the bus full, we headed back up to the main road where the driver turned back towards Torba. What the??? Anyway it turned out that he had picked up another driver who he had to take back to Torba because that was where the ... read more
Antique Theatre Entrance
Antique Theatre
Tower Hill from Antique Theatre

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Bodrum May 18th 2012

The weather is even worse today. It rained heavily overnight and it was still overcast and drizzly this morning. We even had a couple of rolls of thunder!! I wonder what it's like in Melbourne? Over breakfast Kath and Albert told us that this is the worst weather they have ever encountered in Turkey and they have been to Turkey in April and October when it could be expected to be cool and a bit wet. Unfortunately our visit has coincided with an unseasonal cool, wet spell in May. The forecast seems to be improving from Sunday onwards. Fingers crossed. After breakfast we took the Kindle to the lobby and managed to log onto the Amazon store to download Fifty Shades Darker. At least the Amazon store is not blocked like the travel blog site!! With ... read more
Overlooking Bodram Harbour
Cow and Windmill
Ruined Windmill

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Bodrum May 17th 2012

This morning it was overcast and drizzling so, after breakfast, we headed for the Panorama Bar to update the blog. Bernie processed a few photos and I brought the travel diary up-to-date and then Bernie tried to log into our travel blog site only to discover that it was blocked. DAMN!! Once again we find ourselves off the blogosphere ... just as we were last year when we were cycling through Belgium and France!! Ah well, we might have to venture into Bodrum again and find ourselves an internet cafe??? With the weather clearing up a bit early in the afternoon we went and secured ourselves sun beds on the beach, where we spent the rest of the day being incredibly lazy until we returned to the Spa & Wellness centre for our massages. Even though ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Bodrum May 16th 2012

Last night Kath & Albert were asking us what we thought about the Turkish toilets. What do you mean? we asked because they seemed like regular toilets to us. So Kath and Albert had to point out that Turkish toilets have a built-in bidet - just turn the tap on the wall and you'll see. So, this morning I thought I'd better give it a go. OMG, the water is cold. Now if they could plumb it with warm water I might consider it a better option but, honestly, who really needs a spray of cold water on their nether regions first thing in the morning??! Or any other time for that matter??!! With the forecast today a bit average we decided to catch the bus into Bodram. The local mini-bus runs every 10-15 minutes and ... read more
Bodrum Castle (3)
Senator Gaffney

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