RENanDREW's Guestbook

15th March 2011

Re: News And Times Zones
Hey KD, we posted that blog on the 14th, but that post related to the 11th. We were about 6 days behind posting at the time. We are starting to catch up with posting now that we have more free time to sit under a coconut tree with a drink :)
14th March 2011

News And Time Zones
Hello! How does this thing do time? I got this today (14/3, 1041 AEST). The tsunami happened Friday afternoon, 11/3. The news from Japan isn't getting any better, but what can you do? Sorry to be depressing, but I remember being away all those years ago and not knowing for months: - where the Soviet space junk crashed down (WA) - who was winning the Iraq-Iran War ('nobody' rings a bell) - who killed JR (not that I cared, but it was the biggest story at the time) (and I still can't remember who it was) Your stories have been wonderful as always. Enjoy your beach holiday. Japan is being taken care of as well as it can be at the moment.
13th March 2011

Re: Traditional Hill Tribe Cooking
No shame in it KD, we have been laughing about it too. Yes, cannot fault the food at all, but toilet situations certainly could be improved! :)
13th March 2011

Traditional Hill Tribe Cooking
I shamefully have to admit to a little laugh about Ren's hill-climbing. Sorry. But I was very impressed by the tradional hill tribe breakfasts. I vaguely remember having that sort of stuff in a hill tribe village in Yunnan many years ago. It must be common in that region. And it sounds much better than my tuna and tea-leaf lunch. I've still got tea-leaves stuck in my teeth...
12th March 2011

Re: andrews joke
Thanks Aunty Deb! We are back in Bangkok for a few days and trying to catch up on all the blog postings before we leave to go south. Hope you and Uncle Col are well. xx
12th March 2011

andrews joke
Loved the joke Big A glad you are going to be explaining it to Aunty A. Am just catching up on all the blogs. Sounds wonderful and the food sensational. Take care and stay safe Aunty Deb xx
10th March 2011

Re: Trekking In Hottish Thailand
Thanks KD - your luck was indeed needed. Made it out of the jungle alive...trek was fantastic but very hot and sweaty work. No doubt we will be raising a cocktail or three to our efforts at dinner tonight :)
10th March 2011

Re: Loving it!
Hi Yvonne and Damian - thanks! Will post about the elephants next - it was sooo cool, we really loved it. Completely stuffed from the trek, will need lots of food, beer/cocktails and massages to recover. :) Hope all is well in Yarlington. xx
7th March 2011

Trekking In Hottish Thailand
One can feel the anticipation mounting. As one lounges here, glass of merlot firmly in hand. Good luck!
7th March 2011

Loving it!
Hi Guys, Enjoying reading the travel blogs. Great to hear both your perspectives. I would have chosen the massage any day over the bike ride, sorry Andrew! I'm waiting to hear how you go with the elephants. It's certainly was one of my best memories of Thailand. I do remember our elephant finding a rock in the river to have a scratch on the belly while we sat on his back wondering what was going on!!! Only negative comment is the descriptions of the food makes me HUNGRY. xxx.
6th March 2011

Re: Milli Vanilli Does Neighbours
The burmese were after the gold in the statues and the Thai armies used the temples as training camps - apparently hence the attacks... :(
6th March 2011

Re: mmmmmmm food
Tegs you would LOVE the food here! We should make it a mission one day :) xx
5th March 2011

Milli Vanilli Does Neighbours
I was wondering how long that attraction would last :-) Interesting that the Burmese would desecrate Buddhist temples. I wouldn't have expected that. I'm still terrified of most of the food, although the toast and jam sounded nice...
2nd March 2011

mmmmmmm food
My taste-buds are doing crazy things right now! Major food-envy happening :)
2nd March 2011

Hi Penster! Andrew does love his 'Confucius say' jokes :)
1st March 2011

Still laughing at Andrew's joke. Excellent!
1st March 2011

Re: Hot Weather, Hot Food
Thanks KD...will be here for the start of the hot season, but will be down south so it wont be that bad :)
1st March 2011

Re: Slow!
Hi Aileen! Andrew said he will explain the joke when we get home :)
1st March 2011

Hot Weather, Hot Food
And some very interesting language cross-overs. Keep it coming. Will you be there in the hot season?
1st March 2011

I don't get the joke!!
28th February 2011

Re: title
Thanks Rom! We are having a fantastic time, but you would hate the heat :) Lots of love to K & J... xx
28th February 2011

Re: like the heading...corny but funny
Thanks Lyns! Of course there's nothing wrong with bad 80's music ;)
28th February 2011

Re: Travelling by proxy
Thanks Tegs! Not so sloppy kisses back to miss Willow. xoxo
28th February 2011

Re: Looking Forward
Thanks Kathryn! :)
27th February 2011

Bull in a china shop springs to mind (although not a simile) when visualising the walking stick crshing on old man's head. Sorry Andrew! A hysterical picture... Glad to hear about the smooth start to your trip - look forward to viewing a Thai film. Enjoy your travels - look forward to more news on blog. Take care guys xxx

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