RENanDREW's Guestbook

16th June 2012

Finally In Turkey
I can't say I'm very happy with the method of your arrival, but the first day does sound good. My cousin has just been through there and had a wonderful time. Apparently they went to a place called Pamukkale. If you're doing that too, Anne-Maree, who you may remember, may still be running one of the hotels there. So many maybes...
11th June 2012

The joys of Singapore
Glad that you have finally discovered Singapore outside of Changi Airport; the wonderful food and comfortable environment is a perfect place to ease into and out of travels to more challenging or distant destinations.
11th June 2012

good food is always a winner!
Hi Shane, it certainly is a comfortable environment, but even if it wasn't, now that we've tasted the food I think it's going to be a hard choice between Bangkok, Hong Kong and Singapore for our choice of Asian stopover.
6th June 2012

Happy Days Ahead
Hi Andrew and Ren, Absolutely love it when you two go on holidays, don't need a book to read as I am addicted to your blogs. Bit of a disappointment regarding the mile high love affair. Having just come back from holidays are very envious of you. Loved the photos of Oscar and Jasper, hope they are enjoying their little holiday. Have a great time and look forward to staying in touch Love Deb xx
6th June 2012

hi from singapore
Hi Aunty Deb, glad you are enjoying the blog; we're having a very relaxing time in Singapore...leaving for London tomorrow. Love, Andrew and Ren
6th June 2012

Hello Ren and Drew
We understand that complete feeling of relaxation once you have arrived on the plane and we have missed many a take off. It is always a little disorienting when you wake up and look around to figure out if you are actually in the air. Loved the photo of Jasper. I do hope you will post a photo of Oscar. We had a Corgi for 14 years. She passed away last June and we'd love to see a photo of yours. If you look on our bio page at our best blog for 2011 you will see the tribute my husband wrote to a traveling pup. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by Singapore. It has more to offer than you might expect... and it is very clean. Very different from the rest of Asia but well worth a visit. The hop on hop off bus might provide you a look around since your time is limited. A Singapore Sling at Raffles will set you back $20+ if memory serves. That is where the Singapore sling was created. The red light district is always entertaining. Happy travels and can't wait to hear more. I love your descriptions of what you are thinking, how you are feeling and the adventure begins.
6th June 2012

Oscar uploaded
Hi Merry Jo, I thought I had uploaded a photo of Oscar, but it hadn't made it on - have just re-uploaded. Oscar is a corgi beagle cross, but is definitely a corgi in personality! Our family dog Scotty was very very similar looking to your Miss Lilly; 12 years on we still miss his royal corginess very much. We did get around a few places in Singapore this morning - it is VERY clean and unlike any other Asian city we've been to :)
3rd June 2012

Turkish delight
Hi Travellers, great to see you are back on the road again. I wish you safe travel, wonderful food experiences and look forward to many exciting blogs and great pictures. Would expect nothing less from you two, cheers from Dotti.
4th June 2012

We love Turkish delight!
thanks Dotti! we are very much looking forward to the food :)
3rd June 2012

Great that you are on the road again!
We will follow along!
3rd June 2012

so glad to be on the road again!
thanks Merry Jo and Dave! very excited now. :)
30th December 2011

Tea from Doi Mae Salong
Hi! As it happens, the Xing Yang Tea House and factory you visited are my trading partners! I bumped into them (nice, nice people), when I searched the myriads of tea traders at DMS for a reliable supplier for my venture in teas from North Thailand (check my blog at and my shop at I was seeing if I would find them on the net, but your travel blog entry was the only relevant result the search machine returned.
11th January 2012

Tea from Doi Mae Salong
lovely oolong tea!! :)
30th March 2011

Re: Thailand/Bangkok
Thanks for reading KD! Loved your commentary as always. And we will be seriously considering going wherever we go next via Bangkok too :)
30th March 2011

Re: Bangkok Traffic
Hey KD - this was the seriously the worst traffic either of us had even seen! I don't know how people do it every day, and twice a day at that! :)
29th March 2011

It has been a very interesting read. Glad you enjoyed it. Another friend of mine always swore by Bangkok, and would always try to go to wherever she was going via Bangkok. Welcome home.
29th March 2011

Bangkok Traffic
Some people told me about Bangkok traffic in Taipei (no slouch in the lunatic traffic department) nearly thirty years ago. Good to see that some things never change?
24th March 2011

Re: Patong
KD I think the area was settled by indians and then taken over by chinese traders. there was NO sense of muslim values around anyway...
24th March 2011

Re: Who is the skunk?
Thanks Yvonne and Damian! we couldn't have asked for a nicer day to celebrate...celebrations still continuing now, well until saturday anyway. Missing the babies, so looking forward to seeing them in three sleeps!
24th March 2011

Re: Real Surfers Paradise
Hey KD, best bit of the southern holiday!! Love it very very much :)
23rd March 2011

Interesting that somewhere like Patong is so deep in the Muslim area.
22nd March 2011

Who is the skunk?
Hi Guys, Happy 5 year anniversary! What a perfect spot to celebrate. Thanks for the postcard. See you soon. Make the most of the last few days. Home awaits you, along with 3 eager friends xxx.
21st March 2011

Real Surfers Paradise
That did sound much, much better than the Riviera/Surfers Paradise drivel of the previous place. I'm now very intrigued to get The Phuket Report.
20th March 2011

Hi Jennie and Mick - Thanks! Andrew said that Mick would have loved the boat trips we've done. Wish you were travelling with us again :)
20th March 2011

Hi Ren & Andrew, Enjoying your blog. It all sounds wonderful, even the touristy bits. Take care and keep enjoying all that wonderful food.

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