Alison and Simon's Guestbook

27th February 2007

Yummy bolognese!
Well I can certainly vouch for your bolognese - its brill! Glad you're both having such a fantastic time! Really enjoying reading about your adventures!! Tamarins are my favourite type of monkey so I'm very jealous! lots of love Carly xxxx
From Blog: RIO
26th February 2007

all good things are least you still have one camera (i hope)
hang on to it! definitely going along with rob's thoughts. dear god, texas hold them mania has spread around the whole world now then; and i thought it was mainly the germans going crazy because of raab. when are you guys heading into the jungle?
From Blog: Carneval
22nd February 2007

Bro, that dude wasnt trying to sell you coconuts. He was trying to say that he'd lost his in the ocean, he wanted u to look for them. I know this as I am psychic and I am having a relationship with some humanoid sea shells who translate from portuguese for me. Ole. Al
From Blog: Carneval
20th February 2007

Hi Simon and Alison I've finally got to watch Rainman with Rosie this afternoon and to catch up on your news. Best wishes Sue
From Blog: Carneval
20th February 2007

Word to the Fajhitas!
DOOOOOOOOOOOOODS! Apologies for taking so long to write. Sounds like you are having a trully memorable time. I'm damn jealous! Yeah it is impossible to stay in bed past 11 in that region (imagine trying it in a tent! - roasty!). Hope you've employed some butch security guards to look after you and your stuff, though I can see Si fashioning some sort of primitive bazooka out of toothpicks and Stella bottles.. Take care folkses and remember, nothing gets people out of your way faster than a well timed fart. Bobster
From Blog: Carneval
16th February 2007

Partay !!!
Whats £75 when you get free drinks, and a 6 day and night long party !!! O yeah !!! Sounds like some amasing version of heaven
16th February 2007

i have no idea if you can get this.. not really up to date with this technology and cant see my comment on the comments page so hope you get this. lots of love to you both. mwah mwah mwah.xx
16th February 2007

hola amigo's!!
hey guys.. glad all is going well! sorry about the muggings- the bastards! happy belated bday and valentines to you both. Alison sweetie- am impressed with your bug handling so far- didnt think you'd agree with cockroaches! Have a lovely festival time and now that i can get on this site, will catch up more often. love from all the boys here
16th February 2007

That sucks geez and geezette. They sounds like some bad 'roaches. Good job you took all those photos of the camera when you should have been packing eh!! Psy- You'll look proper cool in the Pink and Lime wife beater. Hey, I'd wear that from choice. Enjoy the Carneeeevaaal and the anorexic / obese DJ fellow! Remember £75 gets you a taxi and dinner back here so make the most of it!
16th February 2007

Hi Alison and Simon, I met up with Hannah Harris last week who told me you guys had a blog, just been having a quick read! Shame about the mugging, hope it wasnt too traumatic. Just remember that material things can always be replaced!! Hope you enjoy the carneval, I jumped out of a plane yesterday and would highly recommend it!! Grace
16th February 2007

Well finally I could be bothered
So you managed to lose the camera already. Pity it doesn't have a tracker on it :-)) Glad to hear you are ok. Nothing changes here at orange. I still can't work out who are the carers and who are the inmates. Belated Happy B. Be careful. J
13th February 2007

Aw guys I'm really sorry to hear about your mugging, there are some real nasty people in this world! I hope everything else goes great for you, and glad to hear your b'day was good! Enjoy the rest of your trip! Dano xxx
From Blog: Mugged... savage
12th February 2007

Hey guys, what a nightmare.... bet you're soooo glad of that insurance now hey?!! Did you have photos on other cameras? I personally would have recommended kung fu chopping the bastards and ending up rotting in a Salvadorian prison for the next 5 million years, hmm second thoughts prob best to just give em what they wanted! Cool that you saw an octopus!!! I've only ever seen one and that was snorkelling not diving... you lucky things! Haha, plus I can recommend neat deet as a great remedy for pesky cockroaches! Have mucho fun and stay safe! Happy (slightly belated) birthday too Alison!
From Blog: Mugged... savage
12th February 2007

Shit happens!
Glad to hear that you're both ok; that's the main thing. I don't suppose they know how to spell God, let alone have any in built morals in that direction. Continue to have a great time; don't let the bastards grind you down! Love always Mum P.S. Are you getting Mum M and our e-mails through?
From Blog: Mugged... savage
12th February 2007

Lil f***ers
Buggers to that, you shouldve jumped around like chickens. Wouldve scared them a bit. Nice one on the passive resistance though. Were they armed or just burly? One question, how on earth do you break into a rucksack with a hammer? Arent rucksacks soft usually? Suggestion, find out how much you have to pay for protective escort. Also watch out for that escort who is willing to take a bribe from muggers. Risky business. Basically watch your back. Youre gonna be obvious tourists for a while atleast til you get that hispanic glow. TEQUILA! Al
From Blog: Mugged... savage
9th February 2007

Happy Bday Ali. + Bumpy?
Happy Birthday Alison. Have a fantastic day. (Bro make sure of it!!!) + Bumpier than things that go bump in the night is such a me-ism u tea leaf. love old ladies. (bro thing) Mum says you always were a lil old bleeding nuisance Si. Anyways gotta dash. (pebble dash that is) Mum says take care to both. I say that too but she didnt tell me to write that. Enjoy les pancakes flamenco stylee on pancake day (20th Feb) Al

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