Alison and Simon's Guestbook

30th May 2007

Come on!!!
Dudes, come on, seeing a turtle whilst snorkelling is pretty cool!!! You are so spoilt, diving will never be the same again, sounds like it's been so fantastic, definitely on my list of must go places! Anyways, looking forward to seeing you both and all those photies! I got some good diving ones from the Caribbean to show you too! ooh, and just a warning, I'm back on crutches again after having another knee op - woohoo! Catch ya soon xxx
From Blog: Galapagos Day 2
28th May 2007

Sagy or Naaman... that is the question
Who i`ll choose boys depends very much on which one of you is sababa and everything?!
From Blog: Galapagos day 4
26th May 2007

We were also ripped off/robbed in Tumbes.. Never ever take a cab there!! Luckily I got my money back from the insurance but it sucks knowing these people can rip off as many tourists as they like and nothing is done about it.
24th May 2007

Hang on, these sharks were 'supposed to be asleep'? Like, it was past their bedtime? Who tells a shark it's supposed to be asleep? I thought I saw a parrot fish in Verulamium lake once, but it may have been a blue footed booby. Or a duck. I'm not a biologist.
From Blog: Galapagos day 4
24th May 2007

What, pray, are blue-footed boobies? I knew there was unrivaled genetic vairety on the Galapagos Is, but I demand pictures of that phenomenon...
24th May 2007

Isabella on a 2 night tour?
Rather amusingly, i got distracted at this point and u can guess the conotation goin thru my head til i got back to reading. And ur blogs are a welcome relief from the daily entourage of 'this is how this works' and 'that is how that works' that dad is blasting at me atm. Keep it coming. Al
From Blog: Galapagos day 4
24th May 2007

when you are breaking up with simon, who will you choose? me or naaman?
hey alison, we are reading your blog, enjoying it very much not only we learn things, but we also laugh from the jokes keep updating it, it helps us plan our future trip sagy and naaman p.s. we are expecting an answer for the question written in title
From Blog: Galapagos day 4
24th May 2007

Alex you will always be our prize dooshbag (or turnip according to Simon) x
From Blog: Galapagos Day 2
23rd May 2007

I thought I was your prized dooshbag? Who are the others? I dont want them alivewhen u return. Al
From Blog: Galapagos Day 2
23rd May 2007

Picaflor glorious Picaflor
Yeah, we know what you mean about the sounds of the rainforest. I really miss waking up in the morning there and hearing everything in the forest. The bamboo rats are crazy and those birds which make the xylophone noise are great!!
22nd May 2007

I spent a month in Picaflor (Jan/Feb 07).Had a great time there and a lot of fun with those crazy pets too. Sometimes I miss the place and the sound of the rainforest -bamboo rats, frogs...
21st May 2007

errrr, yeah thats it. Ask and you shall receive missy. Al
21st May 2007

Good Luck
Good luck, enjoy it for all of us who are at home going a funny shade of envy green! Looking forward to seeing all the pictures Take care xxxx
21st May 2007

Working on it...
Simon`s always looking out for new species, it`s his biology boy super hero senses which are constantly on the search! As for mating Albatross though... we`ll see! There are albatross here somewhere, maybe if i get Simon to mock the mating call and see what happens...???
From Blog: Galapagos
20th May 2007

oh god! thats so cool. find me a specie!!
From Blog: Galapagos
20th May 2007

Pleeeeeease say youve got some footage of them mating? Ie the mating call. I have no desire to see Albatross?(Albatrossss, Albatrosses or Albatri?) having sex, but if u must get footage of that I will understand. You've been out in the jungle and have been afflicted by jungle tails from tribal pigmies.... blah..... so you're bound to have some wierd fixations about animals. Well maybe not. I now havent got a clue what im on about so im gonna tie it up but glad to hear ur motivating your way from 'barn with a plane in it' to 'other barn with a plane in it.' Al
From Blog: Galapagos
19th May 2007

Ron! you are so big? Mmmm mmm mmm. Unbelievable. Hope you don't bite people more if you are hungry, as you did in your weeks of finger/breastfeeding. Chick Chick - where are you? Hope you are not waiting for me in front of my house, RRR RRRR. The scratches on my arm are still reminding your attacks.
9th May 2007

The Photos look absolutly awesome guys, can't wait to all of them in full res. And I reckon this blog is probably more essay reading than I've ever done in my life !! But hey its all pretty cool, keep up the good work. Also may I recomend a good barber for simon when you get back, lol, only joking matey. Keep up the adventures of Alison and Si !! Jimbo
9th May 2007

I hope you're travelling around with your memory cards in your pants now... cos I for one would be gutted if I don't get to see pictures of this (probably not on the same level of gutted as you but gutted none the less!). Sounds completely awesome (except for the roches!) and I continue to be jealous! Fortunately only 2 days to go until the Caribbean for me... not expecting to find any cockroches there, haha, but probably also nothing awesome like scorpion king fang spider dude and fluffy tree monkey. Speaking of spiders, spiderman 3 just came out, and it's a bit pants (except for the graphics) - just incase you needed a hit of developed world after rolling around in jungle mud! Anyways, looking forward to seeing you guys when you get back. When are you off to the Galapagos? I'm so jealous of that also! Si, you'd be jealous of me though, just bought a wide angle lens and underwater flash for my camera so hopefully some good piccies will come back from the Caribbean! Appropriately Jarad and I are staying in a place called the Jalousie Plantation in St Lucia - seems an appropriate title for the amount of jealousy going on in this email! So before the jealousy consumes us all I'll sign off... keep enjoying yourselves!!!! Big love, big sis xxxx
8th May 2007

am a dr!!
hola beautiful amigo's. missing you lots still- only 4weeks tilll your home. bet you so sad to be leaving! but it'l be lovely to have you home- went out sunday for my bday and missed you guys. was too much room at the table without you there! let me know when your back so we can organise a party! i am qualified and done at uni now! woo woo. get results on fri so fingers crossed!!!
25th April 2007

Well I know everyone's seen Machu Pichu photos, but it's cool to see you there! You guys are looking so tanned! I'm so jealous! etc etc... And Si you're looking so hairy, glad to hear you finally had a shave (did you get any pictures of the wildlife living amongst your face foliage before getting rid of it?). Anyways, cool to hear the stories - Dad put a little dent in mum's car the other day (he was stationary) so was thinking maybe we should have had it blessed like el Peruvianos - fortunately the other guy was relying on insurance rather than that method though, haha!
25th April 2007

si- you have a bigger beard than tom in these photos!! very manly. thanks for the bday love guys and enjoy jungle.xx
25th April 2007

Dispatch War Rocket Ajax to Bring Back His Body!
Thats really interesting to know that there is another hidden city for us whiteys to bring smallpox to, wiping out the inhabitants and alllowing us to build a new Center Parcs. Bring in the expedition force! I have two things to say. Firstly kids, you know how worried about your bowel movements I am. So ignore the "If you sprinkle while you tinkle" phrase and live by this sage but of wisdom: "If you splatter while you shatter, try not to do it in the cold meat platter". Secondly. Simon. WHY DID YOU SHAVE? you were almost starting to look as good as I did! (maybe thats reason enough) Still, I wanted to see you at some point going "Gordons alive" or even better "DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!" (cue thunderous Queen soundtrack). Take care scrotecakes x
17th April 2007

Titicaca he he indeed

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