A new hostel and some new friends

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February 14th 2007
Published: February 15th 2007
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Yes it´s true... we finally made some friends! We´re in a hostel with loads of other English speakers now which is cool but getting used to dormitory life and sharing bathrooms is proving a little tricky! We now have our PADI dive cards so we can officiially go out on our own (good one)! We´ve also been busy little bees sorting out Carneval which, as expected, has proved to be enourmously expensive. We´re going to be in 3 ´blocos´ which are roped off areas around the trucks with bands on them where you have to wear a special T-Shirt - and believe me, the T-shirt´s are really ´special´... Simon looks especially fit in the illuminous pink and green wife beater! We´ve also organised to be in 1 ´Camarote´ which are big balconies which look over the carneval and where we get ´free´drinks all night (although when the ticket costs you 75 pounds i´m not sure how free the drinks really are)! But it´s supposed to be the best party on earth so we´ll keep you posted. It starts tomorrow and ends on Tuesday night when we´re seeing Fat Boy Slim.

We´ve also been learning Capoiera which is a martial art dancy thing and is so much fun!

SpeciaL mention in this blog entry has to go to Mummy Matthews and Chris Hagger whose brithdays are both today. Happy Birthday to you both and Happy Valentine´s Day to everyone!

Lots of hot Brazilian love to you all xxxxxx


16th February 2007

Well finally I could be bothered
So you managed to lose the camera already. Pity it doesn't have a tracker on it :-)) Glad to hear you are ok. Nothing changes here at orange. I still can't work out who are the carers and who are the inmates. Belated Happy B. Be careful. J
16th February 2007

Hi Alison and Simon, I met up with Hannah Harris last week who told me you guys had a blog, just been having a quick read! Shame about the mugging, hope it wasnt too traumatic. Just remember that material things can always be replaced!! Hope you enjoy the carneval, I jumped out of a plane yesterday and would highly recommend it!! Grace
16th February 2007

That sucks geez and geezette. They sounds like some bad 'roaches. Good job you took all those photos of the camera when you should have been packing eh!! Psy- You'll look proper cool in the Pink and Lime wife beater. Hey, I'd wear that from choice. Enjoy the Carneeeevaaal and the anorexic / obese DJ fellow! Remember £75 gets you a taxi and dinner back here so make the most of it!
16th February 2007

hola amigo's!!
hey guys.. glad all is going well! sorry about the muggings- the bastards! happy belated bday and valentines to you both. Alison sweetie- am impressed with your bug handling so far- didnt think you'd agree with cockroaches! Have a lovely festival time and now that i can get on this site, will catch up more often. love from all the boys here too.xxx
16th February 2007

i have no idea if you can get this.. not really up to date with this technology and cant see my comment on the comments page so hope you get this. lots of love to you both. mwah mwah mwah.xx
16th February 2007

Partay !!!
Whats £75 when you get free drinks, and a 6 day and night long party !!! O yeah !!! Sounds like some amasing version of heaven

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