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South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro
February 26th 2007
Published: February 27th 2007
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We´ve just finished two days in Rio where we manically tried to fit all the major sites into two days and failed miserably! We stayed in Santa Teresa which is a really pretty if somewhat dodgy part of town up in the hills. Rio is beautiful - the mountains and the sea would be the perfect setting for any city (shame we can´t put St. Albans there i think)! The hostel we stayed in was awesome - an old renovated victorian house with a pool table, verandas and music. It was really cool and we greatly enjoyed the short time we had there.

On the first day we went to Copacabana and much to Simon´s disappointment we didn´t see a plethera of fitties as had been promised by the guide books! We sunbathed for a bit and then went back to the hostel for some homecooked food and some beers!

On our second day we awoke with pretty savage hangovers so we went to the botanical gardens for a day of chilling in the shade of amazing trees from all over the world. Simon developed a penchant for frequent toilet trips at this point so i found a bench and a book and settled in for some hardcore relaxation! (On one of the aforementioned loo stops i missed not one but two bloody monkeys in the trees - gotta love bowel timings!!!) The monkeys were in fact Tamarins of some kind and very cute although they kept devouring bamboo and then throwing the rest in my direction! Since Simon was under bathroom arrest i cooked dinner again and made an "awesome" bolognese (appreciation at last for my masterchef cookery skills)!!

On our last day in Rio we went to visit the big JC atop his hill and got some amazing pictures (we hope) of Rio from on high! Divine inspiration and all that! We never smelt so much clutch burn in our lives as when our ancient taxi bravely took on the hill!

Right... have to go. There´s a man behind us staring rather intently at the back of our heads (me thinks either he´s trying Jedi mind tricks or we´ve outstayed our welcome)! We´re in Campo Grande now and heading out to the Pantanal tomorrow to see some nature!! Boo Yah! Big love to all and special love goes out this time to all my family (Alison´s) who are having a bit of a toughy today. Big kisses xxxxxx


27th February 2007

Yummy bolognese!
Well I can certainly vouch for your bolognese - its brill! Glad you're both having such a fantastic time! Really enjoying reading about your adventures!! Tamarins are my favourite type of monkey so I'm very jealous! lots of love Carly xxxx
28th February 2007

Aha - like Katherine, I too have only just found the blog. Things take a while to get to Sweden I think! Thanks for the birthday greetings. I'm very jelous of your weather - last week we were about 50C colder than you! Toodles xx
2nd March 2007

Hey Sweetie, have just been catching up on your blog and it sounds amazing (apart from the whole mugging thing...) I am muchly jealous. One tiny piece of news you might be interested in... Jared and I got engaged! We're not planning on doign the deed for at least a year though, so don't worry about missing out, although it will probably be much less exciting than South America sounds anyway :) Right, am at work so must go, glad you're having fun Cat
2nd March 2007

Words up down and all over yo ass!
Yo Yo Yo Peeps. Luvvin' the humorous updates on Simon's bowel movements, reminds me of living with him (eugh). Oh and since when did he need to eat something dodge to go to the loo every 3 seconds. Seen the jumbo JC chillin' atop his hillok so many times in videos but must be F'in wicked to see it for real. Anyways, gotta try and do some work so enjoy!

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