Blogs from Sri Lanka, Asia - page 21


Asia » Sri Lanka October 4th 2017

Pardon ! Cet article sur notre randonnée de 5500 marches (de nuit !) pour atteindre le haut d'Adam's peak (ou Sri Pada) n'est disponible qu'en anglais ! The alarm wakes us up at half twelve (no, not midday!). It is very hard getting up after barely four hours of rest but we cannot change our minds now. The tuk-tuk is coming to pick us up. We are climbing a mountain, at night, to see sunrise from the top. At half two, we meet with our newly made friends Marcin (from Poland) and Kaine (from Australia). There are several trails that go to the top of Adam's peak but the shortest (and steepest) is the Hatton trail - which is the one most tourists and pilgrims choose. We start walking and see a sign next to a ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka October 2nd 2017

French only, sorry :) Nous avons pris le bus de Kandy à Dambulla. Nous sommes arrivés à notre auberge de jeunesse vers 13h. Un autre jeune est arrivé à la même heure donc nous avons commencé à discuter. Il nous propose de le rejoindre à 14h pour aller voir le coucher de soleil sur le Sigiriya rock (un immense rocher). Il nous dit qu'au lieu de monter sur le Sigiriya rock (dont l'entrée coûte 25 euros), il va escalader le rocher d'en face (dont l'entrée coûte 3 euros !). Après une heure à discuter avec les autres jeunes qui restent à l'auberge, nous partons donc avec notre nouvel ami Sam et allons en Tuk-Tuk jusqu'au rocher. Lorsque nous payons pour l'entrée, on nous donne un flyer explicatif et nous comprenons pourquoi l'entrée de ce rocher est ... read more
A nice rest after the climb!
View from Pidirangala Rock
Sunset from Pidurangala Rock

Asia » Sri Lanka September 30th 2017

Cet article sur Kandy et ses déceptions n'est disponible qu'en anglais, pardon !! Kandy was a nice place and we visited quite a lot. On the first day we took a tuk-tuk to tour around the different places as it was the cheapest way to do it. Tuk-Tuks aren't the most comfortable mode of transport. We have the wind in our faces all the time, whistling in our ears and drying up our eyes. It is very tiring! Our first stop was the Pinnawala elephant orphanage was very nice but we didn't really enjoy it. We were not sure the elephants were actually well treated. It was bath Time when we came so the elephants were in the river. A baby elephant was playing in the water with his parents, it was a really adorable sight! ... read more
Little wooden friends at Kandy viewpoint
Woodcarver at work
Nice smelly bowls made from cinnamon tree (hence the delicious smell!)

Asia » Sri Lanka September 29th 2017

Pour être juste, cet article sur nos premières impressions sur le Sri Lanka ne sera disponible qu'en anglais mais ne vous en faites pas, je suis sûre que Google translate peut produire un résultat compréhensible ! J'essaierai de l'écrire en français plus tard ! To make up for the last article which was in French only, this article will only be available in English! (I'm lazy but fair!) Sri Lanka is hot and rainy in this season. On the road, crammed streets with long rows of tiny shops alternate with miles of wilderness. Monkeys, cows, dogs and people share the same space. Some people wear very 'westernized' clothes while others wear their traditional outfits. I love the colourful sarees women wear. People are relaxed, even if it doesn't seem so on the roads, where everyone constantly ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka September 29th 2017

Apologies, French only this time for 'the story of the hotel that doesn't exist'! But please don't fret and use google translate ;) Français uniquement cette fois ! Nous sommes arrivés à l'aéroport de Colombo vers 6 heures du matin. Il y avait un homme qui se trimballait avec un frigo, d'autres avec des téléviseurs... Et il y avait plein de petites boutiques où étaient vendus des appareils électroniques qui semblent peu utiles dans un aéroport ! Nous n'avions encore pas dormi de la nuit, donc nous nous sommes assis. Nous avons commandé un Uber (oui, il y en a dans certaines régions du Sri Lanka et c'est moins cher que les Tuk-Tuk) pour nous rendre dans un petit temple près de notre hôtel. A ce moment là, l'idée de visiter ce petit temple plutôt que ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Unawatuna September 24th 2017

After leaving Ella we headed for our first taste of the beaches that Sri Lanka has to offer! We headed for Arugam Bay which is on the East coast rather than heading south where everyone had told us it had been raining solidly! Gillian and Ross, a couple we met on the platform at Kandy from Glasgow, had made their way down the previous evening and assured us the sun was shining so we jumped in a taxi from Ella with another couple Charlotte and Dave, from Cardiff who were staying in the same hotel as us. When we woke up the following morning we weren't disappointed to see the sun shining and the waves were only a stones throw away from our front door! After a lazy day on the beach the six of us ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Mount Lavinia September 19th 2017

As the Sri Lankan adventure slowly moves towards finishing so to has my timeliness with this blog. I am now two days behind and writing this on the morning of our final day. There is an unspoken rule amongst us blog writers that all blogs must be completed prior to disembarking in your home country. Hence the two days covered here and what will probably be two days in the next posting. After our trip to Galle we decided upon a quieter day so a trip to the beach followed by a cooking class and dinner in the guest house. Tuk tuks to Polhena beach which was about 6km from Marissa so 15minutes by tuk. The staff at guest house said this was a beach favoured by local folk not so much by tourists but was ... read more
Polhena beach
Stilt fisherman with a catch
Donna's man

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Weligama September 17th 2017

Staying in a lovely guest house (The Spice House) here in Marissa. We would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who is coming here, probably about six or eight rooms and a lovely pool with quiet gardens all around. A nice respite from the hustle and bustle outside. This is a beach part of the holiday so a fair bit of r&r and so not so much activity to report on. Hence bi-daily blogs. We did on the first morning suffer the inevitable navigational issue, this time,however, with Marie and Donna in tow. Decided to walk down to the fishing harbour and after getting there hot and tired decided to get tuk tuks to take us back to the beach. The tuk tuks dropped us of on a corner and we headed off up a road that ... read more
Marie and John enjoying sunset.
Remains of crab curry
Selling sprats roadside

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Galle September 17th 2017

Awoke to torrential rain. The plan for today was to take a van to a beach east of Marissa that McVet had found and had pretty good reviews. Alas the rain and wind suggested it was not an ideal beach day so over breakfast we decided to repurpose the van and go to Galle. By way of background Galle is an historic trading city. The Portuguese oringanially built a small fort here in the 1500's which was then taken by the Dutch in the 1600's. The Dutch build the large fort,that still stands, and the city was the main port for Sri Lanka until the late 19th century. This fort area is now a attraction filled with various small stores, bars and cafes. Galle was very badly hit by the 2004 Tsunami with the bus station ... read more
Galle cricket ground.
Future great cricketers!
Marie and Donna still on the walls of the fort.

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Colombo September 17th 2017

Day 14: Sunday 17 September - Colombo After breakfast, we began our journey back to Colombo. Our guide, Fernando showed us many, many buildings that were destroyed by the Tsunami and have never been rebuilt. We saw a Japanese-style Buddha which the Japanese built as a memorial. We also saw another memorial on the beach side with its concrete carved mural depicting the tsunami tragedy. This was where 100s of villages crowded in the train thinking that his would be a safe place. Most were washed out to sea and drowned. The whole experience of seeing these memorials was very moving and surrreal, and hard to imagine what it was like. I hope I never find out. After, we continue to Colombo. On arrival, we embark on a city tour of Colombo. We explored the Fort ... read more
Colombo Natural History Museum (5)
Colombo Natural History Museum (6)
Colombo Natural History Museum (10)

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