Blogs from Kandy, Central Province, Sri Lanka, Asia - page 13


Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy February 6th 2011

Kandy We left the capital Colombo on a beautiful rickety old red train heading towards Kandy in the hill country. It was definitely a second class train, with us as possibly the only foreigners on board. There were no seats left, so Amy and I fashioned our own bench out of our two rucksacks balanced on top of each other. We got some stares on the train, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't only due to the fact we were sitting on rucksacks! I loved the fact that the doors just never shut and people were sitting on the steps in the breeze gazing out. I on the other hand, held on tight with one hand and leaned out attempting to take photos! It did feel very free though as we whizzed past the verdant countryside ... read more
A full train to Kandy
Both of us were people watching
Heading towards hill country

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy September 27th 2010

Hello from Sri Lanka! Our trip here has turned out quite well actually. After a fairly slow start at the beach town of Unawatuna we ended up climbing Adam's Peak or Sri Pada. It was the top of the mountain where Adam, when thrown out of heaven, landed and left his footprint atop a 7500 foot mountain. We started hiking up it at 230 in the morning as the sunrise is supposed to be amaazing. The only thing we saw however was the cloud we were in. Also the 15 kilometer climb has nearly 6000 steps so my legs are still killing me. Also Laura had several leeches stuck to her leg and I had one as well. It was great exercise and the photos that have been produced from this peak are amaazing. The next ... read more
Picture 122
Picture 123
Picture 124

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy June 21st 2010

Hello again! I cannot believe it is the start of my last week! Since i last wrote lots there's been lots of adventure and relaxation which has been a perfect combination. Pool side adventures last wednesday were interesting as there seemed to be nearly no other guests at the hotel we visited (and if they were there they were certainly not swimming). teh pool attendent was very attentive as were many of the other workers so we had a small audience which was interesting. later that night the other girls from teh centre came around to our flat and we got takeaway - we all tried wattu which is pancake type things chopped up with massive knives with lots of veggies and other such things (i had an egg one). it was very dense and rich ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy June 17th 2010

another type of conflict more prescient than the lion-tiger the human-elephant conflict. and I don't mean ganesh. i've never been this close to real, live wildlife conflict. a most grateful guest, i visited the field station of the Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society outside of Wasgamuwa Park for several days (and by outside, I mean like an hour from a proper little village. middle of nowhere basically.). recuperating from my nasty buddha-belly-bug, i only got to help out (or rather, tag-a-long) a tad, but I learned a whole lot. arrival to the field station: night, after a very, very bumpy ride. makes it more authentic. the next morning, rose at 6 to a rising sun, to a landscape which immediately set off my internal gramophone on Circle of Life. I sat pondering... read more
rubbing my eyes in disbelief
whoop d do d doo-doo
rare sighting!

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy June 15th 2010

Another week has gone by and there are just two weeks left! only 6 more days working at the centre which seems crazy. Last week passed extremely quickly and on Friday afternoon we (me, kerrianne, and sophie) left the centre a little early and caught the train to Colombo. On the train tehre was a group of people from the UN and they sang for the 2 1/2 hour journey which was quite an interesting experience. we also got a sweet cup of tea which was a lovely treat. Upon arrival we barginned for a tuktuk to take us to Sophie's friends house. A rather interesting experience b/c as we soon found out hte drivers are prone to saying they know where they're going but actually don't! Kerri and I found a hotel in teh guidebook ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy June 8th 2010

Have finally had time to settle down in the Queens hotel to provide a hopefully some what comprehensive update! Lots has happened since Fri and my arrival in Kandy - all good which is lucky. On Saturday we woke up at 5.45 to meet Reverend Saman (a local scots kirk reverend) who helps run the city mission farm up in the mountains. The drive was about 2 1/2 hours and we drove up through mountains and through many tea plantaitons which were really amazing to see. I felt a bit car sick on the way up but recovered once we arrived. While we were there we were shown the pigs and hten how they make cheese in this small hut. Later we got to taste the cheese and it was really really good! Kerianne and I ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy June 4th 2010

Have arrived in Kandy and spent my first day out volunteering. Due to some interesting organization the placement situation is a little interesting but we spent the morning at a day care with 40 kids who were pretty crazy. They colored in birds that we had traced because they don't have a photo copier which makes group activities very tricky as everything must be hand made! We got some lunch (Sweet and sour chicken) and then went to a street childrens project which we were going to give up on however some kids started to arrive and then this girl who is volunteering here too. She gave us her contacts and opened up 2 new projects for us! So we'll be working with younger kids as well as some older ones. Kandy itself is very lively ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy April 29th 2010

La route qui relie kandy à Delhouse est un délice pour les yeux. À plus de 1 000 mètres d'altitude, les paysages de rizières, qui façonnent habituellement le paysage asiatique, laissent place à des plantations de thés qui semblent ondulées jusqu'à l'infini. Effectivement, le thé détient une place importante dans l'économie du pays. Il est parmi les exportations les plus lucratives. Dans ce domaine, le Sri Lanka est classé deuxième producteur mondial juste après l'Inde et avant le Kenya en Afrique. En contrepartie, la qualité de ses récoltes surpassent celle de sa rivale. Le thé du Ceylan est plus apprécié par les acheteurs internationaux. On pait jusqu'à deux fois plus cher qu'en Inde, pour 1 kilo de cette feuille aux multiples vertus. Le plateau montagneux du centre du Sri Lanka est l'endroit par excellence pour cultiver ... read more
Kandy, Sri Lanka
Kandy, Sri Lanka
Kandy, Sri Lanka

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy March 5th 2010

I see there are 22 people, plus partners sometimes, who read, or at least are invited to read this blog. I thought it would be fun for you to get to know each other a little, and find out who you are exactly, that I would inflict this burden upon. Let's go chronologically, from people I've known the longest, which means that Louise, you are up. Born a year after me, I've known her all her life. Louise is a fiery vegan Leo woman, looks after Aids patients in a hospice. Used to be quite the party animal. Kind of girl I would hit on if I met her in a bar. Actually....ah, that was a long time ago, I was drunk, and I think she's forgiven me. Janet is the next in line, the only ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy March 3rd 2010

Woke up this morning, looked in the mirror (always have one in bed with me) and said to myself" Sam, my man, you are looking' good". Said in a Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Richard Prior kind of black sounding way. I don't know why, that's just the voice I use when I talk to myself sometimes. Then I realized that lot of people probably never experience that feeling, of really liking how they look, happy with who they are, feeling good(almost as important as looking good.) I think I have my mother to thank for that. Although I later had cause to doubt her-Jesus is God, playing with myself is a sin, and so on- when she told me how handsome I was, and how intelligent, I believed her, and never doubted it. Of course it ... read more

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