Blogs from South Korea, Asia - page 331


Asia » South Korea » Jeju January 6th 2007

OK! So this isnt a glamourous lifestyle but it is fun as hell. Every morning I wake up, dreading working my 12 hour shift, but then I realize how fun and easy it is, and I forget that I'm even working. But let me back-up So I got on a bus to Gimpo airport, and took a two hour flight to Jeju Island (First Class!). As soon as we landed it was raining hard, and I found out, it rains 300 days a year here. I see it as a mix between London and Key West, loads of grey sky and light rain with tropical birds and plants everywhere. From there I was picked up by three Koreans, all young but fluent in English (Fluency is something of a misnomer here. If you can carry on ... read more
Cool building down the street
Lost in a farm
A view down the street

Asia » South Korea » Suwon January 5th 2007

Again, bidding you a warm welcome from the land of booze and rudeness... To pick up the (en)trail at the point we last left it... the following weekend was to be had in a city by the name of Osan. It is famous for being an industrial city and having the US Air Force base there, yet still not a lot is to be seen. However, we found some adandoned buildings and factories to take photos of. The day passed by and photos we taken, a restaurant was found, food taken and beverages consumed. All in all a good day. Next of course... I made my way to the land of the rising sun. Departing for Nagoya to see a friend of mine whom I met whilst studying Korean in Seoul. The first night was spent ... read more
Johnnie Blue!

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang January 5th 2007

I will lose 20 pounds this year. I will stop drinking so much and spend more time at the gym. I will call my mother more. I will never smoke again. I will eat healthier............................ Blah blah blah blah blah OK, fair enough, it would be lovely to actually succeed with goals like that. But resolutions shouldn't be so cut and dry. I have now, almost offically, spent a year away from home. I have grown, and changed. I have met fabulous people and ravelled to some of the most fascinating parts of the world...the most beautiful beaches, the most serene landscapes...and tackled some of physical and mental feats. But what I really came here for, beyond the obvious desire to see the world, was to work out who I am and who I want to ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Yongin January 5th 2007

Well, today it is snowing outside! I have never been in falling snow before and I am loving it!!! :o) We are teaching a full day today (yes, it is saturday and we are working from 7.30am until 8pm) and then we are heading into Seoul after work. The university here is putting on a bus to take us in tonight and so we should be in there by 9pm-ish...just in time for the all night markets!! Our typical day (all days are the same as we have quite a strict timetable to follow): 7.00am: A very loud wakeup call goes through the whole dormatory (all 6 floors of it) to wake everyone up 7.30am: Have to be outside to get on the mini-van that takes us to work 7.4/7.45am: Get to the School and have ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Incheon January 3rd 2007

After 19 hours on a plane (Total), I've landed. Korea is very easy to get around, everything is in Engrish and everyone wants to practive their engrish. And the people are obnoxiously, By the time I left the airport I had two offers to give me ride to my hotel. I'm used to people telling me to keep my bags firmly by my side and 'if a gypsy throws a baby at you, swat it to the ground,' so it has been an adjustment when people grab my bags and carry them for because I looked weighed down. My hotel picked me up at the airport and walked me to my room. It was awesome!!! It looked like a prison cell from the outside my opened up to a quaint minimulist style apartment, including TV, which ... read more
The Room
Health Feet!
Italian Eatery for Breakfast

Asia » South Korea January 2nd 2007

Well, it wasn’t “white”, and it wasn’t “just like the ones I used to know” but it was “merry and bright”. We had a fabulous dumping of flaky goodness about a week before the big day, and with the cold temperatures, it stuck around for almost long enough, but not quite. We threw ourselves in the deep end and decided to host Christmas dinner this year. On Christmas Eve we had 13 people around for festivities and scrumptious delights, enough to feed about 30. We’d decided to keep it small, partly as our apartment ain’t that grand, and mostly because we just wanted to spend a relaxing time with good company. It turned out to be quite the production anyway, and not so relaxing for us hosts as we might have hoped. It was a very ... read more
Our place
Christmas shopping with the locals
Trampolining on the card table Christmas night

Asia » South Korea » Seoul January 1st 2007

Hello Everyone! Happy Belated Holidays!! As you all can see, we had a VERY busy holiday season! It started a few nights before Christmas Day, December 23rd I believe, when Larry, myself, and many other friends headed to Jessica & Adam's apartment for a Christmas/Birthday celebration! It was both Jessica and Nolan's birthday, and so we wanted to give them a proper celebration...not tacked onto Christmas as many birthdays around the holidays sometimes are. Anywho, we sang our favorite song "Count the Numbers," had some homemade cider, wine, & desserts, and enjoyed eachother's company. It was a very nice evening. Next up, Christmas Eve. For this celebration, we went to Mel & Gareth's apartment, where about 15 friends shared a potluck dinner and Christmas cheer. It was a very delicious meal and we had a lot ... read more
lots of food, friends and drinks
hangin with the birthday kidz
Cheryl, Melanie & Jessica

Asia » South Korea » Busan January 1st 2007

Stuff we see and do around town !... read more
The Asian Mart
Emma's new man
the smallest dog's in the world

Asia » South Korea » Busan January 1st 2007

Nampadong is Busan's downtown district - 4 miles of stalls just up Emma's street - full of back alleys, all push, pushy, hustle, bustle - a typical crammed Korean feel. The vast Kimchi stalls, ( Korean National dish) make for a very colourful and pungent experience. Although it has many health benefits ensuring the posiibilty of Koreans to work 16 hour days !! ( like my Hagwon director) it is certainly an aquired taste Anyone for fermented vegetables (usually Chinese cabbage) smothered in chilli paste ? - no thanks mate !! There are hundreds of varieties and it is eaten with EVERY meal including breakfast , YES BREAKFAST !. Believe me I can eat most things including snails and frogslegs but not this delight . Bitter and slimey to mine and Emma tastebuds- it might explain ... read more
whats the smell ?
The Human, Its Beautiful Name
Busan 1953

Asia » South Korea » Busan January 1st 2007

Well not much to say here except that it looks a lot different than A traditional English village and what Korean villages look like looks like today. It was free to get in and it has not been finished yet - hence the bottles of Soju left by the workman ( not mine honest )- oh and you can stay there - one of the buildings is a hotel !... read more
Traditional Korean houses
Emma eyeing up another new pair of shoes!
A spiritual moment

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