Blogs from Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal, Asia - page 14


Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel August 12th 2010

There is only one way to describe Kathmandu - IT'S NUTS. Most people here stay in single bed hotels, however I decided to stay in a 5-bed dorm in Hotel Silver Home and have the entire room to myself. So lucky for only £1 a night. ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel July 31st 2010

It was teachers day last week so Francesca and I visited Rajan and Sushmita's school. We had an amazing time with so much fun, eating, singing and dancing. Enjoy the photos.... read more
Teachers day starting off being quite peaceful.
They all sang along with gusto, who ever Gusto is.
Sushmita far left is inspecting her bright red hands.

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel July 17th 2010

Have had an unreal few days in kathmandu....visited a whole lot of temples and Durbar squares - Boudnath (big buddhist monument), , Pahipati (where they cremate people by the river) and Patan (Durbar square), met up with the group - 8 people all single and in 20s/early 30s (except for the old couple). Im the only Aussie. The Drago crew seems pretty nice. Had a massive night in Kathmandu at Tom and Jerry's Pub. The Nepalise people are so chilled and relaxeD. And the weather is sooo hot! Left Kathmandu today and drove for a few hours through amazing green lush countryside, muddy roads (if you could call them that). So beautiful. Called the Last Resort because it is literally the last resort before coming to the Nepal- Tibet border. OMG - massive suspension bridge across ... read more
Tianemen Square

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel May 19th 2010

After two days of being stuck in Hile with Pasang and our lovely family who forced us to dance for them every evening (and morning for that matter), we discovered that the Maoist strike in Pokhara had come to an end meaning that us and the Irish girls could make our way back to civilisation again. We walked to Naya Pul and bumped into Mukesh from Thamel who has very nice arms. From here, it was a good hours jeep ride to Pokhara - through the hills and down on to a flat, low-land plain which reminded Rosie of a more tropical Napolean Dynamite scene Pokhara is fantastic - so chilled out, with space and trees and a massive, beautiful lake. It was great to see non-skuzzy city tourists again but both of us really missed ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel May 11th 2010

The Maoists called off their blockade of Kathmandu one day prior to our arrival which we were both jolly pleased about. I flew direct with Thai but poor Darren had to endure a connection in Hong Kong plus a touchdown in Dhaka, Bangladesh meaning a late arrival into Kathmandu on Sunday night. I arrived at lunchtime and as I was pretty much expecting it was sensory overload as soon as I left the airport. I was met by the Kathmandu Peace Guest House 'rep' and transfered to our luxury $18 a night accomodation in a rusty old minibus which took 4 attempts to start and stalled 3 times enroute. It was a long transfer as traffic was hideous plus of course napping cows in the middle of the road always delay things a tad. The guest ... read more
Nepali Cuisine
Kathmandu shave

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel April 25th 2010

Arrived yesterday without issue. Boston-NewYork-Delhi-Kathmandu. Travellers conversation with a young man at the airport in Newark. I ask for suggestions about best way to get safe/clean/inexpensive hotel for 1 night in Delhi. He tells me how to do it but also says "if you run into trouble in India call me" and he gives me his parents home phone number in Delhi. It turns out getting a 1-night visa in India from the airport is non-trivial so I end up spending the night in the airport "transistion area" (the most comfortable there were backpackers with sleeping pads). Met another 2nd young man at the airport in Delhi. He was going home to Kathmandu after six years away. He asked "are you travelling alone?" and when I said "yes" he responded with "if you run into trouble ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel April 6th 2010

The title is purely because we rather liked the name of this mediocre cafe - it bares no other significance than this. This week has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Two of our beautiful children, Sunita and Sushil were taken without warning to Pokhara. Their family belong to a group called the Maoist, who are currently trying to expand their numbers, but quite literally collecting all Maoist children together. Sunita and Sushil's mother has a history of mental illness and has been in an Indian hospital for 3 years. She was badly beaten by the Nepali army and their father was killed in the same event. So on Wednesday, their mother and her new husband (a Maoist leader) came unexpectedly to Happy Home to take the kids to a Maoist camp near Pokhara. ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel March 25th 2010

J: Over breakfast in Pokahara one morning, Mel & I were discussing our plans for the final part of our trip, and we decided that it was time to move on. We packed our bags, and the next morning we hopped on a bus to Kathmandu, Nepal's bustling capital. M: By this point we'd already experienced 5 long-distance bus rides in Nepal... which was more than enough to know that this time it was well worth the splurge of $15(US) each (3/4 of our daily budget) to take a 'high-end' tourist bus. Under the best of conditions with the roads being is such horrible shape it takes a long time to get to places as you spend a bunch of time dodging potholes, missing chunks of road and trying to pass cars on narrow roadways. If ... read more
A typical Thamel street scene
Stupas at Bodhnath

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel March 14th 2010

Hey guys, We arrived safely in Kathmandu after another 8 hr bus journey through mountainous terrains. The ride was quite scary as there were several bus wreckage's, where they had come off the road and down the mountain, which didn't' fill me with much confidence. Anyway we got to Kathmandu about 4pm, and finally gave into a guy persuading us to go to his reccomended hotel. We arrived accepted that the room was fine and luckily it all worked out ok, about 4 pounds a night, though the water was brown and as with Pokhara the electric only works after 6:30pm. We later found out that the reason for the lack of electricity is due to the low water levels as Nepal's electricty is provided by hydro-electricity and in the monsoon season everything is fine, but ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel March 13th 2010

Kathmandu is quite an interesting and cool place. We of course had a flight at 7:30 which was delayed till 9 but still got us in early. We flew Air India, and let me say this plane was the ghetto express. Not very clean and a bit out of order, but it got us here and safely. We had a ride from the airport to hotel organized by the hotel. We had to wait for one more person to arrive though, so the three of us crammed in an 82 Toyota Corolla and we had our luggage in the trunk and front seat. It was about a half hour ride into town. We saw a bit of everyday life on our way. It is a very dusty town with roads constantly under construction, vegetable vendors on ... read more

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