Blogs from Laos, Asia - page 504


Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng November 7th 2006

Well, what can i say about Vang Vieng? Its kinda like a place where Laos meets the costa del sol. Its definately not everyones cup of tea, and more suited to young people.This place could be anywhere in the world and has nothing "laos" about it Basically its a small town with a street lined with bars and restraunts showing films and repeat tv shows like friends(is there a worse tv show on this planet!!!???) and simpsons. The scenery is spectacular though as the town is based at the bottom of some steep hills. 3 days here is all you should spend and not 5 days like we did. There doesnt seem to many laws in this town either as every bar menu has the word "happy", "mushroom", or "weed" in all of its dishes and ... read more
The road to Van Vieng
Rush hour on the main bridge
The road to Van Vieng

Asia » Laos November 6th 2006

(We told you it was a doozer!) Ahhhhh Laos............... As soon as we crossed the border (where of course the Vietnamese 'officials' charged us a $1USD 'stamp charge') we knew we would love Laos, especially after getting so Hanoi'd. The roads are wide (promoting a brief dose of agoraphobia after claustrophobic Vietnamese cities) and quiet (we both have permanent tinitus from the constant horns of Hanoi traffic), the people are so laid back and friendly and the scenery was stunningly unique. It is a little known fact that Laos is the most heavily bombed country in the history of the world. This is slightly ironic as it is also the most beautiful either of us has seen yet. We have a theory on this fact; as we know the US Air Force is not the most ... read more
Blue Lagoon - blue and lagoony
Returning to the Blue Lagoon

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane November 6th 2006

My camera is being a complete arse but here are a few of the pictures that we have taken since being in Laos. Enjoy... read more
Mekong River
Mekong River
Luang Prubang

Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng November 6th 2006

alright, so let's see if I can remember everything that's happened up until now... I had to part with Maya cuz she's off to New Zealand to work on a farm, it was a mixed blessing, I was sad to see her go but it's also kinda nice to be on my own again. i didn't cry though. thank goodness! took an overnight train to the boarder of Thailand and Laos, go to sleep accross my 2 seats and then I get shaken awake because the person whose seat I'm slumped accross has finally gotten on, man it was hard to get back to sleep after that, what a bitch. So I get to the boarder and on the other side I get swarmed by guys trying to get me to take their taxi or tuk ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane November 6th 2006

Hi Everybody! We got up very early today for a 6:10 flight. When we got to the airport, we found out that the airlines made the ticket for the wrong day. We were suppose to fly tomorrow. We have been trying to resolve the problem for 4 hours. Finally, they decided to put up on a 12:00 flight to Bangkok and a late afternoon flight to Siem Reap. That will cut our time short in Cambodia, but we will just have to deal with it. I don't know if I have mentioned or not that we have to pay airline taxes when we leave some of the airports. When you enter a country, you have to pay for a Visa on Arrival if you haven't previously purchased one. We took care of a couple of countries' ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang November 5th 2006

SCENE 6:14am Halloween morning. A deserted street in Vientiane, Laos: “You go wrong way!” “What? Huh?” “You go wrong way!!! “How do you know where I’m going?” “You go to bus station, yeah?” there’s a sly smile on my stranger’s face while he takes another drag from his rolled smoke. I can tell he loves spotting a foreigner. “Umm. Yeah, okay then, bye!” I continue on my way, seriously lacking the caffeine to deal with touts at this early in the morning. “You go wrong way! Come. I drive you. Only tee dollas” “No thank you, I know where I’m going, goodbye!” I sauntered away on my knowing heels. Or rather, my knowing flip flops. “You want northern bus station? It that way 5 kilometers.” He is pointing in the direction I just came from, ... read more
The Royal Palace
The Royal Palace
Just one of many temples...

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane November 5th 2006

so the journey from chiang mai to the loas border was uneventful - we bounced around in a grotty mini bus for six hours. we'd ben told that the slowboat is a fun way to get to luang prabang (our first stop) as the scenery is spectacular, blah blah blah.....which it is (for the first couple of hours) however fast forward three hours and i was in so much pain i could have been looking at an attractive man or a particularly tasty cake and i couldn't have cared less. i'm talking about sitting in the same position for seven hours. i'm talking about arse ache, something you don't even consider before you leave home but which any traveller will tell you starts to prey on your mind after a couple of 12 hour bus journeys. ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang November 5th 2006

Laos...the land of a million elephants or 1 ATM..... So after the long boat journey we stopped of in Luang Prabang for 4 nights. It was probably a bit longer than we should have but this little town was very relaxing and the days passed by without us really noticing how long we actually stayed there. The highlight was the trip to the waterfall. The waterfall was about 50 meters high i reckon although it was probably higher than that. The pools were lime green and the water nice and cool. Diving into one of the pools from a 3 or 4 meter high waterfall was great craic. The day after that i went on a bike ride out the road where the waterfall was. We had passed many villages on a bumpy stoney dusty road ... read more
Luang Prabang

Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don November 5th 2006

After the delights of Vientiane we had to live through the horrors of an overnight VIP bus down to Pakse, a city in the south of Laos. When we started 'traveling' in Australia we thought that overnight busses were the bees knees however every time we take one now it just gets a little more painful. It isn't just the lack of leg room and having to sit sleeping up but also the constant stops for snacks along the route and the way the bus sways from side to as the driver hurtles through the dark and winding roads. After the bus colliding with an ox incident in Thailand and reports from our friend Patrick of thieves going through the bags in the locked hold as the passengers sleep we were very keen to get this ... read more
Taking a dip

Asia » Laos November 5th 2006

Well, despite the scaremongering in guidebooks and on the web, Lao Airlines flight 522 was a faultless ride with descent onboard service and even arrived 20 minutes early! Gleely motioning through immigration we shared a clapped out 70's toyota with two fellow travellers and stopped at 3 different guest houses before settling on Joes on the banks of the Mekong. After a bite to eat and a phone call to the folks we jumped aboard a Jumbo "Lao's enlarged tuk tuks" to Pha That Luang a radiant gold temple where a festival of the same name was taking place. It was in fact the full moon finale of a week long festival where it seemed the entire populus of the Lao Capital began to congregate and walk through fairground attractions toward the temple itself. Before entering ... read more
Lao landscape

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