Blogs from West, Laos, Asia - page 376


Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 26th 2004

Sad news from the temple... the old monk who used to sit on the steps of the drum tower with his old dog died.  The temple was crowded yesterday for his cremation.  The rain came down off and on and there was alot of chanting throughout the day from those who came to pay their respects. In less serious news, my el cheapo $50 Chinese bicycle has finally quit on me.  It's lasted for 11 months but it too, sadly, has passed away.  With only six days left here I have decided to leave it outside.  There's an old man who comes by with a wooden cart; he collects pieces of scrap metal and bottles - just about anything.  I'm sure he'll be happy to have the frame. Busy packing and avoiding cleaning so...  ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 23rd 2004

Well, I'm starting to feel it now.  It's taken awhile but now that I only have two weeks left here the sense of 'leaving' has hit.  It probably has alot to do with starting to pack up my house, actually packing bags and giving stuff away that I don't want to carry on with me to Europe.  The bummer is that I'm feeling a bit sick, just a head cold that's grabbed me and won't let go, probably because I haven't had time to rest and my mind is on so many things at once at the moment.  But, I will manage a week of R&R as from next week as I plan to go down south to Champasak; it will be interesting to see if I love it as much as I did Vang Vieng, Luang ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 17th 2004

So I have spent the whole of summer anticipating but not seeing a single snake - until yesterday.  After tales of cobras in houses and snakes in bedrooms and sunning themselves on the warm roads after the heat of the day has gone, I encounter my first snake in the middle of the school's playground.  What is the first thing I see?  Two of my students going at it with lumps of wood in a killing frenzy.  I tell them to get away but another kid just says to me, 'We will kill it.'   Finally, the two kids stop thumping the snake and it's laying there, completely still, faking death - despite the whalloping it had taken.  I finally get the kids to move away from it and the school's guard comes over with a little broom.  I'm ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 14th 2004

Well, the party turned out to be a funeral.  Apparently, funerals are semi-celebrations here.  It seemed the whole neighbourhood was nextdoor.  The street was clogged with vehicles of every kind - tuk-tuks, motorbikes, cars and utes and everything in-between.  Music from morning until night for two days; it seemed like a great way to celebrate a life.  I didn't see the monks come, as they usually do, but perhaps I was at work.  It hasn't stopped raining for two days.  The kids have decided to rename summer school 'winter school.'  I can't say I blame them; it's difficult having a schedule of outdoor events planned only to have it rain on their fun all the time.  I suspect some re-thinking needs to go into the planning stage considering it's rainy season at this time every year ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 12th 2004

The people nextdoor are having some sort of celebration today.  They've erected huge, colorful tents and have set out the compulsory red plastic chairs for their guests to sit on.  Hopefully, with all the rain of late, the chairs don't sink into the muddy ground.  For the guests' sakes I also hope the neighbours' dogs are chained up because you don't want any of those fangs sinking into your leg!  Imagine the rabies shots - ouch!  So, lots of music, alot of laughter, it will probably go on 'til late but it's better than their nightly karaoke sessions - talk about setting off the neighbourhood dogs!  Getting a bit sick of skirting the muddy puddles that form in the pot-holed dirt roads every time it buckets down.  By the time I get to work I have ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 10th 2004

Bangkok was great, a pleasant respite from the quiet life here in Vientiane.  Pleasant in some ways but ghastly in others - the public buses; sure, comfortable, but with the open windows letting in the exhaust fumes of thousands and thousands of vehicles in one journey...  Can't be a good thing when you get off a bus and your tongue feels furry and your lips numb and you feel a distinct nausea just because you had to get from point A to point B.  I was keen to get to a cinema - because, of course, Vientiane's cinemas died a quick death 10 or so years ago.  The markets here are saturated with illegal Chinese DVD's and VCD's, but watching a movie in a cinema - there's nothing like it.  It felt great to relax back ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 1st 2004

Today has seen the return of the hot weather.  Not pleasant.  Find it draining even though it's cool-ish outside now.  Excited, because I head to Bangkok tomorrow.  Just for the weekend but it's always good to be on the move.  Love the rollicking journey on a Thai overnight train.  All I really want is a big plate of squid curry on rice from one of the street stalls.  Before I leave this neck of the woods I will learn to cook Thai-style.  I will!  ..or maybe I will just relax, take in the scene and dig into a plate of something that someone else has cooked.  That's more likely.  Bring on a cool night wind!... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane June 30th 2004

My first entry. Well, I'm not really travelling at the moment but everyday is like a mini holiday in some way which is why I work overseas and not in my home country. This year I find myself in lovely Laos - but it's taken a long time for me to feel that it is that - lovely. Anyone ever been to Vientiane? It's a city that grows on you. If it grows on you. It took six months for it to grab me in any meaningful way. There are days now when I wonder how I will drag myself away from the peaceful days that seem to flow slowly from one to the next, but it must be done, and all in just over a month's time. I've never been good at imagining myself in ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang April 15th 2004

After Spending some time in Thailand, witch I found too touristy for my opinion, It was great to set foot in this 'unspoiled country' By slowboat I took 2 days to reach the first City in Laos, we started in the north of Thailand and arrived in Luang Prabang. Not much Highlights in laos, but is just the overall atmosthere, the feeling that you get beeing among the people there. Different style of tourism, that atracted me. Small guesthouses with unbelievable frienly hosts. In this country you get the feeling that there is no time...why hurry enjoy the moment and you have a great time. Visiting waterfalls and drink the milk from a coconut or try one of the fruit smoothies. Waching the quiet city life of the locals, play hackysac with them or bike around ... read more
Luang Prabang
Ankor Wat, Cambodia
Trees, growing around the temple ruins

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang November 23rd 2003

Laos was super amazing. It was a school community service trip but admittedly I feel we didn't do enough community service. I saw the most beautiful waterfall oasis, trekked up steep dangerous hills in flip flops, elephant trekked through the most surreal surroundings. We got 5 US dollar an hour massages (sooo nice) and went river rafting (rafts built by the orphans we were helping out). The people were lovely, and I think to truly experience this place, you need to do it in the rough.... read more

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