Blogs from Luang Prabang, West, Laos, Asia - page 18


Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 23rd 2013

Really tired today, reminds me why hostels have been off the plans so far in the trip, people in and out all night, talking and laughing, its great if you dont have to be up early! Lol 7am down at the boat, first one here, pleasantly surprised to see that there are some car seats along the edge for people to sit on, yay this journey should be about more comfortable than expected. The boat in very long, at the far end are the living quarters of the family's who's boat it is. It slowly fills up, first all the travellers arrive to claim decent seats then the locals come in with their large packages. This boat is seriously full, thankfully they haven't tried to get us to squeeze up on the seats. There boat is ... read more
Packed boat
The Mekong River

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 22nd 2013

Change of plan, after some thought last night I get up early and head to the bus station to ask about buses to Luang Probang, thinking of heading back there and getting straight off back to Thailand on the slow boat. At 7.30am I walk down to the bus station fully loaded, the bus is waiting, this time its a very comfortable looking mini bus, not bad. While waiting for the bus to fill I head to a street food stand and the lady is selling waffels, haven't had any breakfast so I get one, wow are these good, the taste like they had about of coconut milk in them and maybe rice flour,that good they warrant a second taste, Lea the girl I've been speaking to from Holland follows my lead and then a guy ... read more
Market stall
'Spicy Laos'

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 20th 2013

Geo: 19.8841, 102.142DAY EIGHTEEN (1/20/13) — Luang Prabang, LaosFarewell Tour Shortly after dawn, a gong announces the end of morning prayers and the beginning of a procession of monks emerging from the temples to seek alms. We rise before the roosters and are lined up as the monks walk single file past us in their gold and orange robes, barefooted, with heads closely cropped and eyes lowered. We "make merit" by placing rice in the buckets of the monks, and crackers in the pots of the novices. Luang Prabang is a UNESCO World Heritage site because of this continued live tradition.Etiquette: Shoulders, chest and legs should be covered. Hats and shoes should be removed. Use only provisions supplied; do not by from vendors. Do not speak to, touch or make eye-contact with the monks. Keep your ... read more
Patrick prepared for Laotian monk alms procession
Laotian monk alms procession
Laotian monk alms procession

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 19th 2013

Geo: 19.8841, 102.142DAY SEVENTEEN (1/19/13) — Luang Prabang, LaosMONKy See, MONKy DoAirline flight schedules have changed; so have our plans. Our flights are now mid-afternoon so we have an impromptu tour to a small temple.On our drive through the Cambodian countryside, our guide talks about Cambodian culture. There are still many arranged marriages … 50% in the cities, perhaps as many as 80% in the countryside. The man's family pays the dowry; the girl leaves home and lives with the man's family.We pass many thatched homes built on stilts that are without utilities. The homes are built for natural "air conditioning". This is an area where there are still many landmines remaining from the 1970s … a project Princess Diana took on. They believe they have located and deactivated 70+% of 10 million originally buried here. ... read more
Thatched shack in Cambodia -- no utilities
Wedding at Banteay Srei
Banteay Srei, Seim Reap, Cambodia

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 18th 2013

We weren’t sure if we were going to visit Laos on this trip or not, as we had been before in 2010 and while we liked it, the country didn’t ‘wow’ us. However, we wanted to experience the slow boat from the Thai border and as we were in Northern Thailand with our visa about to expire, we thought ‘why not give it another chance?’. After 2 days on the slow boat we found ourselves in the UNESCO town of Luang Prabang in North-West Laos, and as the sun was setting over the Mekong we wondered around to find a guesthouse for a few nights. We couldn’t really remember where we had stayed before but soon found a nice place close to the main market street which had a friendly owner and was quite cheap so ... read more
Natural 'Blue' pools at Kuang Si
A resting monk
Sunset over the Mekong atop Mt Phu Si

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 18th 2013

Bit tired this morning thanks to some lovely people in the next room, I don't understand if there's a curfew of 11.30 that people can come banging in at 3am and then continue to shout to each other along the corridor, beats me! A sligh bang on their door as I head out for my very early run makes me feel slightly more better ; ). Run up the steps today, wow thought I was going to throw up, but you have to compose yourself when the japenese tourists are saving and clapping you on!!! Yes really! We head for breakfast at the book and tea place this morning, I had spotted museli on the menu and it was screaming my name... Oh and they had peppermint tea, Heaven! Setting out today to look about more ... read more
Some unexpected friends at the waterfall
Tad thong Waterfall
Lol, Bee and Craw.

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 17th 2013

Awake bright and early and off for my scout around the town and scout out some new digs. This is nice but I've heard you can get decent places for half the price, an hour later I'm back and have bagged a bargain double room with an suit for 70,000 kip (about £5.50!). Time to head out for some sightseeing, there's mountains of temples around Luang Probang so a full day ahead.... We head onto the main street Sisavangvong Where many temples are located, very similar to those in Bangkok, decorated with mountains of gold paint and coloured glass. With golden Buddahs dotted around the place. The monks walking up the road appears to be a regular sight here. Heading down to the main doc area to scout out a boat for a proposed trip I ... read more
The market
Food in the market
Watching the sunset

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 17th 2013

Days 119-120 (Thurs 3rd – Fri 4thJan) Recently has been pretty good going so I have not moaned in a while. Today is the day for a whinge. Myself and Megan endured the 2 day slow boat from Houay Xai to Luang Prabang. I have no problems with boats and am very familiar with them but I absolutely hated it. We spend 9 hours each day on this canal barge basically going down the Mekong. The boats were ok and only once did I feel like it nearly tipped over but the journey was thoroughly boring. The scenery is quite nice but very samey all the way down. It was a bit like a Scooby doo chase scene, hills, rocks, sand, water buffalo and repeat for 9 plus hours. The first day was slightly more enjoyable ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 15th 2013

From Luang Nam Tha the bus ride was long and windy but truly beautiful. The mountains were covered in green jungle with villages poking out once in a while in between the trees. Our stop for lunch was on a perfect viewpoint that showcased the many mountains we had come through and what we could expect from the rest of the ride. This blog is being written more than a week after our visit. Sorry for the brief recap, it's hard to remember details of each day when we've had so many in between. However, we really loved Luang Prabang and hope that shows! Finding a hotel in Luang Prabang was more difficult than we had anticipated. With Tyler's foot not yet in full working order, Paul and Rebecca went off in separate directions enquiring at ... read more
Night market from above
Shady lane in Luang Prabang
Sunset from Wat That Chomsi

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 10th 2013

Started the day feeding the munks... an interesting experience, but now so commercialised I'd never do it again. The morning started by getting ripped off by a street vendor selling rice balls and plastic wrapped crackers (Agreed once price, she acted dumb and demanded more... in the grand scheme of things it was $1 and it was pitch black 4:30am in the morning so let it go, but started the day off bad). The monks in orange start making their way through town and eventually got to my mat. I got through my rations after about 10 minutes and watched for another 10 or so. I noted that eventually the monks, who I later learned wouldn't eat theplastic wrapped crackers, gave the wrapped crackers to poor looking street kids. Where did the street kids go... right ... read more

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