Blogs from Luang Prabang, West, Laos, Asia - page 17


Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang February 25th 2013

We've spent the last three days travelling from Chiang Mai to Luang Prabang, using almost exclusively local transport methods, which has definitely upped the heartbeat on more than one occasion. I can't imagine this post is going to be particularly interesting but I will do my best. In order to get across the border into Laos, we first had to get the bus up to border crossing town of Chiang Khong. We headed to the bus station in Chiang Mai to get the coach, but sadly it had already sold out, meaning we had to head for Chiang Rai and hope there was some kind of way of getting across to Chiang Khong before nightfall. As it turned out, there was: the local bus, a vehicle that has been laughing in the face of health and ... read more
Sunset over the River Mekong from the boat
Slow boat, at the village stop.
Tom not enjoying the boat ride.

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang February 19th 2013

Hi All, Well, we have arrived in Hanoi and I'm just sitting down in our stinky, damp, loud hostel to (re)write the blog that I already wrote the other day before Alex came along and turned the computer off before I had published it. Thanks Alex, I have nothing better to do. Of course it was my fault because I didn't save it as I went along. Sure. Anyway, I had written a glowing review of our 2-day trip down the Mekong and the 4 subsequent days that we spent in Luang Prabang. And it went something like this: We got up bright and early at 7am last Thursday in Chiang Khong because we had to cross the border into Laos and catch the slowboat that would take us to Luang Prabang. After fighting two old, ... read more
On arrival Luang Prabang
Kuang Si Falls
Top of Phu Si

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang February 11th 2013

Geo: 19.8841, 102.142Luang Prabang was the right place at the right time for us. It is a quiet city with no shortage of charm and we found a delightful place to stay (Villa Chitdara). We liked it so much we stayed in this town for 4 days each at the beginning and ending of our time in Laos.Filled with temples and monks, this World Heritage Site's most intriguing attraction is the 6:30am daily 'alms' where the monks walk in silence through the streets while locals and some tourists give them offerings of rice. There are times, as well, when needy children collect rice from the monks. Jim was fascinated/obsessed by this ceremony and got up almost every morning to photograph it.We met a few of the novice monks. Vixsai chatted with us one morning before starting ... read more
Hangin' with the Novice Monks
Temple at Night
Monks 5

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang February 1st 2013

This is our last day in Laos and tomorrow we have an early flight back to Bangkok where we pick up a car and head to Koh Chang. This morning some of us got up early to go to the market and others had a lie in before breakfast at nine. After breakfast we negotiated with a tuk-tuk driver to take us to the local paper factory. This turned out to be a retail experience where hand made products in papier mache, wood and loom woven fabrics were available. We returned to town to have lunch in a riverside terrace. Althouh we have only visited Luang Prabang in Laos, we have all fallen in love with the country and the people. Walking around we feel secure and that we are not being over exploited by the ... read more
Tuktuk 3rd class
Market kids

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 31st 2013

On the conjunction where The Mekong and the Nam Kahn rivers meet, the magical city of Luang Prabang thrives. With streets lined with Frangipani and palm trees, bakeries, restaurants, cafes and French tourists this place is more like Paris than Paris. The obvious difference being the orange clad, head shaved monks, which roam the streets. With their gentle smiles and black umbrellas, they wander around like someone with nowhere to go. I imagined Laos to be a wild adventure where no man had trod before and here I am in this sophisticated city, with all the other adventurous tourists. It certainly is hard to get away from the maddening crowd these days. A tuk tuk whisks us away from the bus station and drops us several blocks from our destination. The Lao Wood House. You know ... read more
washing and scenery
laos farm

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 31st 2013

Thursday morning and we are off elephant trekking, unfortunately it is pouring down but at least the rain is warm. We were picked up at our hotel in a beat up minibus and taken up into the jungle and deposited into a long canoe and whisked off down the river to meet up with our transport--elephants. Each Elephant has a saddle device to contain 2 passenges with the mahout sat on the shoulders. With great trepidation the elephants were boarded and we and set off into the jungle sliding past teak trees and other tall objects. All was fine until we got to sloping ground at which point a few squeals were heard as the passengers slid forward in the saddle. Even greater excitment was to follow as we approach the water jump, not knowing how ... read more
The pointy end
Our guide
Negotiating the Nam Khan

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 30th 2013

Late breakfast and short walk to Wat Xieng Thong - built in 1560 and continued to remain under royal patronage until 1975. If anyone is doing, please don't worry about Rachel from Bolton - she's fine. We met her on the steps of the Wat and she directed us to a wild bar and restaurant on the other side of the Nam Khan River - a tributary of the Mekong. Way to get there was via a very wobbly bamboo foot bridge. Lovely view - thank you Rachel. Tuk tuk drive in the afternoon to the other side of the old town - shops and stalls - busy busy - this is a very lively town. The first quiz was won by Lottie-May - answer was Bells Whisky. We could do with a bit more participation ... read more
Royal funeral barge

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 30th 2013

Yesterday we left Houei Xai and sailed south. We travelled through mountains and forests and past villages perched high up in the trees to reach our overnight stay, Luang Say Lodge, on the banks of the Mekong river. The river, at this time of year, is very low so we faced a 40-50 meter climb to reach our accommodation in the forests above. The Lodge is made up of a central main building surrounded by wooden bungalows interconnected by teak walkways, we would each have our own house on stilts for the night. We dined Laotian style with a huge buffet and plenty of wine and retired for the night. Today we continued on our Journey down the mighty Mekong to our final destination of Luang Prabang. I don't use the word "mighty" lightly as in ... read more
Fish on a stick
Breakfast in the lodge
Low water on the Mekong

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 29th 2013

The boat trip to Luang Prabang is 6 hours and going on our last experience, we go for the public bus, 40000 kip each ($5). The locals are waiting with all sorts of packages from grain to vegetables. Nothing alive thank god! Our bags piled on top, the bus at full capacity; with Lao music blaring, we climb into the back seats and bump, rattle and roll our way up and down the countryside to Luang Prabang. Great for one’s soul but not so good for one’s posterie.... read more
bus stop
monk on a bridge
monks on a bridge

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 27th 2013

Our slowboat arrived on scheduled time on the pier in Luang Prabang. Because I'm always prepared, I pre-booked my hostel on hostelworld and set off to find the Khamanny Inn Hostel. Without a map or any navigational skills, it took me about half an hour walking around town to finally find it. I spent about 5 days in Luang Prabang. The reason is, that it has a very nice backpacker atmosphere and is completely different from what you would expect from Laos. I felt like I just went to another city in the north of Thailand, as it reminded me a lot of Chiang Mai or Pai. I ran into a bunch of people I knew from Pai, which made it even harder to move on on my own. We kind of got lost in the ... read more

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