Blogs from Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Japan, Asia - page 3


Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki June 10th 2011

First steps into Kyushu see me in the largest city namely Fukuoka and trying to navigate my way out of the world's (seemingly) largest train station. Find my way out I did and was even able to find my hotel successfully even though there were three buildings of the same name on the same street!!! The temperature was notably higher here than I had experienced previously which made it an effort to do anything but I mustered up some energy and took myself off to hunt out the nearby shrines and temples as well a strange game going on in the park that looked like a cross between golf and croquet. It got so hot by the middle of the afternoon that they had started handing out free ice lollies near to the station and I ... read more
Photo 5
Photo 6

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki April 9th 2011

Een hoop gezien, een hoop gedaan! Na een ontbijt in het hotel zelf (erg makkelijk!), standen we allemaal om 8:30 klaar voor een drukke dag. We zouden veel dingen gaan bekijken. Er was slechts een probleem: het weer. Het regende werkelijk pijpenstelen! Na een kort overleg werd er toch unaniem besloten om ervoor te gaan. We regen paraplu's te leen van het hotel en zo gingen we moedig de regen in. We zouden de dag voor het grootste deel lopen en hier en daar de tram pakken. De eerste plek die we gingen bezoeken was Dejima. Het was toen gelukkig opgehouden met regenen waardoor we deze locatie rustig konden bekijken - we hadden afgesproken na 3 kwartier weer op een centrale plaats te verzamelen. Dejima was de plek waar de Nederlanders gehuisd waren door de Japanners ... read more
Glover Garden
Confusius tempel
Atoombom museum

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki April 7th 2011

Dag 4 alweer! Wat gaat dat toch hard! vaak een dag voordat de rest hem ziet - dat komt omdat wij ieder commentaar eerst moeten accepteren om spam te voorkomen. Allereerst iedereen bedankt voor jullie commentaartjes! Wij kunnen ze allemaal goed lezen, al duurt het bij dit blog. Vandaag moesten we om 8 uur 's ochtends bepakt en bezakt klaarstaan om door te trekken naar Nagasaki. Onderweg zouden we Okawachiyama en Hirado aandoen. Er stond een bus voor ons klaar die ons de hele dag zou brengen naar waar wij wezen moesten. Over onze koffers hoefden wij ons dus gelukkig niet druk te maken. Wat vooral geweldig was aan deze dag, was dat de plekken waar wij kwamen totaal niet toeristisch zijn. Wij waren dus de enige buitenlanders en dat is heerlijk. We zien wat van ... read more

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki November 17th 2010

From outside the restaurant seems small and intimate, like the entrance to a house. A rectangular pond has been dug flat into the pavement. There are goldfish in it and little else- orange flames on the surface, flickering slowly over weeds. There is a fat stone slab for a bridge. A Sushi menu hangs by the door. The writing is red; Japanese characters on laminated white. Some are black, and when you look closely the black ones are in fact scratchy drawings: big fish, small fish, eel, octopus, squid, shrimp, and a prawn. I have to duck to get inside. The first room is dark and buzzing with excitement. From somewhere I can hear laughter- a roar, high pitched screams, clapping and singing. From the kitchen comes the hot waft of a deep fat fryer. I’m ... read more

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki September 9th 2010

When entering Nagasaki, you almost feel as though you are back in Europe. The port and thickly-wooded hills provide the backdrop, as trams effortlessly slide through the streets and exposed wires hang down bustling side alleys. Cafe culture thrives. Lisbon, San Francisco and Naples are all cities that come to mind, and are referred to proudly by locals as points of reference. It is therefore hard to believe that just 65 years ago, 4 square km of this vibrant city was flattened, and pain and sorrow brought to so many in an incident that changed warfare forever. At 11.02am on the 9th of august 1945, the 'Fatman' nuclear bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, the second bomb to be dropped on Japan after Hiroshima's only days previously. Ironically, it was only by a twist of fate that ... read more
Fireworks over Nagasaki
Andy, Tim and I at the beach

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki April 11th 2010

Today I am going back to October 2009. October was one of the most exiting months of my life because I got to experience some first time moments, and as you already know, first experiences last a life time. It was my first time leaving my family and loved ones behind, my first time traveling as an American citizen, my first time making an international flight, my first time traveling to a different country, my first time meeting Japanese people, and my first time getting into a huge ship and performing my first Field Service, The excitement was overwhelming. I flew from my hometown to Detroit Michigan where I met another MCI engineer with whom I had to make the travel. I had not met him before and I had never been at that airport, and ... read more
The road
A tractor trailer

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki October 14th 2009

We got back to the ship in Tokyo in time to meet up with shipmates Norm and Kitty who were entertaining their Japanese friends on board the ship. Norm’s father was a Vice Admiral in WWII and had obtained a bell from a Japanese ship which was scuttled in a battle in the Solomon Islands. Their friends, Masa and Myoko had arranged for Norm and Kitty to present the bell to the Japanese Defense Ministry. It was quite a formal affair and they were told the history of the “Kikuzuki,” destroyer vessel, and many pictures were taken to mark the event. But the amazing coincidence is that we had met Masa at our marina in Sausalito seven years ago through mutual friends, Gene and Tu. Masa is a sailor and he and his wife had lived ... read more
Kitty & Norm
Masa & Myoko visit Mariner
The Orange Temple in Kyoto

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki October 12th 2009

We woke this morning berthed in Nagasaki in southern Japan on the national holiday (I think it is sports and health day). Nagasaki is a harbour city with a massive suspension bridge and mountains in the background all around. We bought a day tram pass for ¥500 ($6). First stop was at Peace Park created in memory of those who died in WWII and to reinforce anti war thoughts form the future. The remains of destroyed walls from a prison levelled by the bomb are all that remain of what happened in August 1945. On a street corner whilst we were twisting our map around trying to locate directions, a street cleaner man came up and showed us which direction to take next. We trammed it back into the city and found a couple of temples. ... read more
Peace Park - Nagasaki
Yasuko and Maureen
Walking across the river

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki March 9th 2009

4th March Got up sharp had things to do and places to go…………………… After breakfast we attended the gym for a body constitution assessment and personal fitness plan. Told what to do to get fitter, even though we seemed to be not to bad for our ages - or so the machines said.. We have to go back towards the end of the cruise for a recheck-he he-we know what that will be like. Goals: to get fitter and maybe loose some weight. Started well with a 2 mile brisk walk around the deck- then, faltered at lunch time - had some cake, afternoon - couldn’t resist the chocs, dinner time- more cake and 2 extra puddings…argh don’t tell our trainer!!! Judi went sun bathing on the top deck-windy and not too warm only 26 today. ... read more

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki March 7th 2009

24th Feb While steaming away from Brisbane we thought that it was about time-as we had a couple of days at sea- to become domesticated and properly unpack and place all those empty cases under the bed. Judi enjoyed watching the sea whilst ironing- made it almost a pleasure. 25th Feb Early rise as we were to be sailing through the Whitsunday islands. We were quite excited at the imminent visual delights; however we sat next to a strange Australian man during breakfast who nattered constantly so we missed most of them. He was a poor soul! With a Foo-manchoo beard, he claimed to be a scientist who was out to save the world. Even though he had a broken back from tumbling off a motorbike in the Australian outback at age 18, he said he ... read more

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