Blogs from Hokkaido, Japan, Asia - page 25


Asia » Japan » Hokkaido January 21st 2008

Monday 21st Jan 08 Well today is our last day skiing at Club Med and with a bit of fresh snow over night it was looking to be a nice day. There was only one problem, it was bloody cold, and every now and then the wind would pick up and blow snow and ice in our faces. In the morning we got up to the top of the mountain in the gondola but when we got there the cloud had come in and there wasn’t a very good view, then by the time we got halfway down the mountain the visibility had improved so I got the camera out to take some photos. Who would have thought that your hands could get that cold in such a short time, but I got some nice shots. ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido January 20th 2008

Sunday 20th Jan 08 It was snowing this morning and I was itching to get out there, and I was feeling good, so after lunch Donna and I went out skiing together. My knee felt okay, not great but okay, and we just stuck to the green runs, but it was good to be out on the snow again. It was very cold, about -15C, and we were freezing whilst sitting on the ski lift in the falling snow so after a few runs we came home. Tomorrow I will hopefully take Donna on the gondola which hopefully she should find a bit better as its fully enclosed. ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido January 19th 2008

Saturday 19th Jan 08 Well today was a rest day for me, again. I basically sat around and watched videos, it wasn’t really my ideal way to spend my holiday when there is a meter plus of snow outside, but its all I can do. Donna had a lesson this morning and then had the afternoon off with me. If everything is going well I’m thinking about going out skiing on some easy runs tomorrow arvo. ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido January 18th 2008

Friday 18th Jan 08 Well this morning my knee was hurting pretty bad, so I decided to get it seen by a doctor. Can you believe that a; the resort doesn’t have a doctor or nurse, and b; they don’t even have a shuttle bus to go into town? Anyway, a $40 taxi ride later and I was at the hospital. My Japanese isn’t very good at all, so the resort was nice enough to send an interpreter with me which came in handy. As we went into the hospital there were little, and I mean little, slippers that you had to wear. So not only am I limping around with a sore knee, but I'm wearing plastic slippers that are about an inch and a half to small for me and wont stay on my ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido January 17th 2008

Thursday 17th Jan 08 With some fresh snow falling over night I was looking forward to hitting some more powder and playing in the trees however our class decided that we were going to practice on the steep bumpy runs. Bumps are where I am the weakest so it was good to get some pointers and my skiing was really improving until we decided to head into the trees, I was having a ball until I had an awkward fall and I twisted my knee. I managed to ski out of the trees and powder and then a nice blue/green run home, and it didn’t feel too bad however I decided to have a rest, so I went back to the room and put an icepack on it. After lunch I decided not to go back ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido January 16th 2008

Wednesday 16th Jan 08 Our first day of skiing!!! We headed down to breakfast this morning then out to our ski lessons, I went for a lesson five whilst Donna went for a lesson 2. My lesson wasn’t very formal; in fact it was basically just a guided tour of the mountain with a few pointers every now and then. We trekked all over the mountain and skied everything from groomed runs, bumps and moguls, to the powder in the trees. It was a fantastic day skiing so much powder that by the end of the day I was completely exhausted. Donna’s day wasn’t two bad either however she had forgotten a bit more than we thought, and ended up dropping back to a class 1, but she still had fun. After dinner I went to ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo January 15th 2008

Tuesday 15th Jan 08 Today was a travel day, we got up and caught a train to the airport which ended up taking about two hours, then jumped on a plane to get up to Hokkaido. We got in to Hokkaido and were greeted by a layer of snow covering everything in sight. We jumped on a train from the airport to a small station where we had to wait for about 15 minutes for a connecting train. It was about -6C and we were waiting out in the open, but the train came quickly enough and we were soon on our way. The train ride was nothing short of spectacular as the train wound its way up into the mountains on its way from Sapporo to Shinjuku. We arrived at Club Med around 5:00pm and ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido January 7th 2008

小樽 - 小樽古運河遺跡 - 水晶音樂城 - 札幌狸小路 唔知係咪心理作用, 尋晚浸完硫磺溫泉後硬係覺得自己仲有好大陣硫磺味~ 匆匆吃過早餐就坐車到小樽喇! 雖然我對情書呢套戲印象唔太深, 但都感受到呢個地方好寧靜浪漫~ 起運河附近狂影相, 忽然又落起大雪, 令到整個地方好靚好優美~ 小樽係個玻璃製品出名既地方, 沿路見到d玻璃舖頭既作品真係好靚好名貴~ 因為我地一個上晝要去好多地方, 所以把握時間先到水晶音樂城~ 拿左紀念品後就衝上3樓睇, 果度有得自己去整1個獨一無二既音樂盒, 自己揀音樂, 盒既形狀, 裝飾物~ 我都心大心細唔知整唔整好.... _" 後尾都係衡量過比既價錢同現盛整好既貴少少, 但如果整得唔靚真係dum心~ 所以都係決定睇下1, 2/f既音樂盒~ 真係好大, 勁多不同類型既音樂盒! 花多眼亂..... 樣樣都好靚!!! 後來買左個chip & dale音樂盒, 同埋1個木既音樂盒, 轉動音樂盒後上面3隻貓咪會左右搖, 好得意~ 個職員好pro!! 無論乜野形狀既音樂盒三兩下手腳就包好, 包得快不在話下, 還要包得好靚~ 時間無多, 衝去飲coffee拿hello kitty杯! 起小樽既銀之鐘1號或2號館就可以飲完coffee/tea後, 洗返乾淨拿走hello kitty杯就據為己有的~ 我地去左2號館, 果度有4款hello kitty 杯揀, 我揀左透明紫色玻璃杯連碟, 十分靚!!!!!! 雖然件cake係普通既牛油蛋糕, 但好香好好味, 我極少飲coffee既都覺得果度既coffee好好飲, 暖lup lup~ 間cafe有埋sink盆比客人洗杯的, 我地快快手洗完就去繼續影相周圍行~ 出到去剛剛12點正, 水晶音樂城正門外既蒸汽鐘一路噴出蒸汽, 一路播起音樂, 音樂聲傳遍整個地方~ 跟住走馬看花地睇d玻璃舖頭, 實在唔夠時間!! 最後去左導遊話正宗賣6層雪糕既地方食雪糕, 就起北一哨子館旁~ 我地見到有12層雪糕, 上面仲有個雪人仔(威化餅)!! 唔想0甘多就叫左1個12層雪糕幾個人share食!... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido January 7th 2008

小樽 - 小樽古運河遺跡 - 水晶音樂城 - 札幌狸小路... read more
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Asia » Japan » Hokkaido January 6th 2008

洞爺湖 - 昭和新山 - 熊牧場 - 蟹御殿海鮮市場 - 登別地獄谷 - 登別Mahoroba酒店 訓醒一望出窗佈滿厚雪, 尋晚一定係落左好大雪~ 坐車出發去洞爺湖~ 洞爺湖既風景真係好靚, 海天一色0甘~ 跟住我地就到熊牧場睇熊喇! 我地先拿入場券蓋印, 還買左一袋曲奇餅&蘋果, d團友笑言蘋果就留返自己吃~ 一入到去就見到好多熊, 好得意!! 想我地比食物時, 仲識得企起身"請請"! 我地先到地牢, 導遊話d曲奇最好係起地牢時餵, 將餅放起洞口比隻熊聞, 感覺到隻熊吹氣就放手, 塊餅就"shur"落去比隻熊食~ 感覺好特別, 1st餵隻熊時真係比佢股氣嚇親~ 餵晒d餅就上返去拋蘋果! 真係好得意, 傻傻地望住你等食, 準備拋落去時特登揮動蘋果, 就好醒目0甘企起身伸高手望住你, 一掉出去, 眼界十分準確地用口接住個蘋果!! 講緊個距離一d都唔近架! 餵晒所有野我地周圍影下相, 又開始落雪喇~ 我地出返去影昭和新山, 原來呢個係火山黎, 山頂積晒雪~ 同埋睇熊牧場內個商舖, 有好多熊出沒既products~ 買左蜜瓜和牛奶味雪糕試下, 真係好好味!!!!! 蜜瓜味十分香, 香到一d唔覺得味道係人工化整出黎既假, 牛奶味好濃郁, 我初初還以為白色只係普通vanilla味! 落住雪食住0甘凍既雪糕真係別有另一番風味~ 當起熊牧場入口出面既雪地食緊雪糕時, 有隻貓貓走過黎我腳下"high"我0爹我呀, 好好好好得意的!! 最特別佢係藍色眼睛架! 當起我腳下"meow"我時我就好傻0甘同佢講, 0爹我都冇野食比你啊~ 大家都不停摸佢, 可能嚇怕左, 又見個個都冇野比佢食走左躲在一角~ 跟住馬不停蹄地坐車去蟹御殿海鮮市場揀海鮮食lunch! 之前已order定毛蟹, 起海鮮市場揀左帶子, 海膽同埋拖羅~ 揀左就上樓上等吃, 師傅即刻開/整sashimi~ 好鮮.... 好重海水味~ 地方個view又勁靚, 望出去就係太平洋黎~ 無錯! 係太平洋!! 市場一出外就係喇!!! 食飽飽就去行下, 市場內除左有海鮮外, 仲有其他北海道特... read more

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