Blogs from Hokkaido, Japan, Asia - page 26


Asia » Japan » Hokkaido January 5th 2008

二世古(Niseko)雪車場 - Rusutsu Resort 滑雪場 - 定山溪view溫泉酒店 今日係勁玩, 所以影相少d~ 先坐成2個多hrs車到二世古雪車場, 好壯觀... 好多雪車起白茫茫既雪地上整齊排列~ 因為遲左到達, 所以要勁快換好裝備~ 先學點控制架雪車, 跟手就跟住教練既指示慢慢出發~ 初初有d唔慣, 慢慢就放心下來, 沿途既風景真係十分靚!!!!!!!! 積雪既小樹林, 羊蹄山, .... etc. 因為天氣風和日麗又冇落大雪, 所以一d都唔覺得凍, 仲玩到熱晒出晒出汗!! 中途有個位停低休息, 想不到教練們帶左熱騰騰既朱古力比我地每人飲用暖身~ 亦趁停起這個休息站, 狂影相, 玩雪 & 訓雪~ 行到唔係雪車行既路時, 積雪厚到差不多到我既大脾, 唔敢再行入d喇~ 休息夠就繼續行, 路段亦開始有d難道, 上/落斜路, 過橋啦... 臨過橋前我仲見到有條好清澈既小河~ 開心特別覺得時間過得快, 玩完後除低晒裝備, 即刻影返d相~ 同雪車場既工作人員道別後, 去Rusutsu Resort中吃lunch buffet~ 個resort門口有個好大既摩天輪, 係有2層架! 可以上去坐架~ 食飽飽就去滑雪場~ 我之前揀左玩雪車所以下晝行resort, 不過都有去聽滑雪速成班同埋到滑雪場~ 如果玩到advance level, 可以坐登山吊車上山頂滑落黎~ 先起d平地都練, 我就周圍行同埋影下相, 睇左差不多一半時間就入返resort d鋪頭行下坐下~ 玩到累晒, 就返我地1st晚住既溫泉酒店! 間房好特別, 有現代既床舖被枕, 客廳係好似我地睇叮噹果d屋企客廳0甘~ 呢間酒店既溫泉係礦物溫泉黎, 去浸溫泉先要穿和服, 1st次穿和服好特別!! 先浸室內果d池, 真係好舒服!!!! 最正係浸露天風呂, 出去果下係人體既考驗黎.... 凍到我有諗過返返入室內! 過1st門的確凍到死, 一過埋2nd門入到露天風呂, 就暖晒~ 有d熱添架! 煙霧彌漫... 都睇唔到另一邊既池邊, 要慢慢游過去完全望到出面果邊~ "扒"起池邊感受... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido January 5th 2008

二世古(Niseko)雪車場 - Rusutsu Resort 滑雪場 - 定山溪view溫泉酒店... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo January 4th 2008

札幌千歲機場 - 白之戀人朱古力工房 - 明治時計台 - 大通公園 - 白色燈火節 White Illumination - Sheraton Hotel 一起身執好晒野就去食早餐, 準備乘坐內陸機到北海道喇!! 要趕飛機所以要比之前2日早起, 晨早流流起車度已經覺得好累, 但又好興奮好想快d到hokkaido! 導遊已預先話我地知, 日本人做野手腳好慢, 所以等頒手續要一段時間~ 真係等左好耐先有得check-in呢~ 坐內陸機要1個hr多d就到喇, 可能部機細d, 所以我覺得有d拋~ 臨降落時, 已見到周圍既地方一片白茫茫, 好靚好靚!!! 一落機已感受到溫差喇! 東京凍極都未below 0度, 北海道daytime 都零下1至2度~ 拿晒行李搞掂所有野, 跟住我地就由札幌千歲機場坐車去bbq lunch buffet既地方~ 沿路不停欣賞雪景同埋北海度既景色, 一路坐車都一路影相~ 個bbq lunch buffet好多野食, 又有好多糕點/cakes/其他甜品食, 又可以自己整細個成日食既大大舊棉花糖添! 一路食出面就落起大雪, 好靚~ 食完暖lup lup大家連羽絨都唔使著就即刻起餐廳出面狂影相~ 之後到白之戀人朱古力工場, 因為過期事件冇得入去, 但單單工場出面已令我地流連忘返! 一入去就有好多好似歐洲古堡既建築, 有聖誕老人坐既鹿車啦, 屋仔啦, ...etc. 到時鐘答正時, 整個地方有音樂, 望真d先見到古堡上面d廚師起度郁~ 凍到流晒鼻水, 跟住去下一個景點, 明治時計台~ 好大雪呢! 任我地起附近行行到夠鐘去大通公園睇白色燈火節~ 不得不提北海道既冬天, 4.30已經開始天黑架喇, 比起響東京還要早呢~ 我地見有間doughnut店, 於是入左去暖一暖~ doughnut唔太甜很好, 而個粟米湯好好味好甜的~ 吃完就見到大通公園既燈飾已著左就起行~ 入夜後起0甘空曠地方格外凍, 但d燈飾幾靚, 離遠眺望著左燈既札幌電視塔仲靚~ 然後返酒店, sheraton比起之前2日果間更好, 地方大d舒服d... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo January 4th 2008

札幌千歲機場 - 白之戀人朱古力工房 - 明治時計台 - 白色燈火節 White Illumination - Sheraton Hotel... read more
train at hokkaido
freezing temp

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido December 27th 2007

Merry Christmas to you all!!! Here's a few new photos to keep you posted on our goings on in Japan. All is good here ... The job is picking up a bit and I've done some good backcountry and cat skiing training. Our accomodation is still pretty rubbish and Nick and I have still only taught a few lessons each but this is set to pick up in the busy months ahead. I've posted some pictures of night skiing, the backcountry trek I did and the cat skiing on Boxing Day up Mt Iwonai. I hope everyone is well. Ben ... read more
Nick Night Riding
The River Base Favela
Cat Skiing on Mt Iwonai

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido December 6th 2007

In Niseko, Grand Hirafu. My address for the winter is: 170-138 Aza-Yamada, Kutchan-Cho, Hokkaido, 044-0081. JAPAN.... read more
Mt Yotei
Kutchan Station

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo December 4th 2007

Hey! In Sapporo now. Caught the plane up yesterday . It was a good call on the flight - 40quid and it took around an hour ........... not such a good call on the hostel. We've been punished for badmouthing backpackers as this place is completely empty - thats not an exaggeration, its actually empty apart from us. Not a single other westerner to be seen. * We had a wander yesterday - much quieter than Tokyo but it still has a good feel to it . Its reminicent of Vancouver in the way the mountains are visible to the west and its one of the few Japanaese cities that has adopted a US style street grid system . Went to a small bar/eatery and it went like this: (in Japanese) Owner: ... read more
Odori Street

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido November 11th 2007

Left Hakodate in excellent spirits, hoping to reach Biei and then to access the Daisetsuzan National Park (see last journal entry). For this I had to change shinkanzen at Sapporo and Asahikawa, in eight hours of train travel (there's a lot of land up here). The scenery is quite wonderful - deep fir woods with patches of the trees in autumn umbers of pale yellow and others of vivid green - with mountains at the edge of everything. I suppose that is what made me want to go on from Hakodate, the range of mountains which seemed to begin lumbering from the southern tip of Hokkaido (the name of this island) to the north. Also, there's some folklore that Japan, which cartographically does suggest it, is actually a quiescent dragon, and Hokkaido its head. So, roughly, ... read more
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Photo 11
Photo 3

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Hakodate November 8th 2007

Took it pretty easy today. I did go on one long, slow walk to the outskirts of the port (photographs attached). It's quite picturesque, but so is any seaside town, really. I'm ready to move on. Strayed off the beaten path a bit and found some food markets only the locals seem to know about. For lunch I had raw red salmon marinated in sweet vinegar, fish-cakes, and some prawns. For breakfast I had sea-urchin. All of it has been pretty cheap to buy. This is my last night here, so I'll probably spend a little money buying a plate of crab tonight. It's been really cold. Last night it was 8 degrees Celsius, but I think it was colder this afternoon at the harbour's edge. I'm sure it will be colder further north. I'm trying ... read more
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Photo 4

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Hakodate November 7th 2007

Quite exhausted, and not really into this entire blogging thing. This account will be written plainly, without a lot of effort. Hope that's okay. I think, perhaps, I'm suffering from a sensory overload, it's put me into a little funk (not the disco kind). Anyway, I shall begin recording details here, as it's easier. I've also been doing a tremendous amount of walking, and am losing sloughs of weight. Hint - if you're carrying a few extra pounds, don't go on a diet, go on a backpacking holiday! Well, anyway, please take for granted that I have somehow ended up in Hakodate, on Hokkaiddo. I had an amazing first weekend in Tokyo, but to explain all of that would take too much time. So the journal begins now ... Hakodate is a large port town, south ... read more
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Photo 4

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