Blogs from Labuanbajo, Flores, Indonesia, Asia - page 5


Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo July 2nd 2009

There was only one thing for it now that I knew where both the hanging parrots and giant rats should be found - I went back to Tebedo the next evening (after yet another unsuccessful morning visit) and stayed the night in Frans’ house so I could be “on-site” as it were. There were still no parrots that afternoon (I wasn’t really surprised at all). I had taken my field guide to show Frans the birds. When he got to the page with the elegant pitta on it he exclaimed “oh, very expensive bird this one, 500,000 in the market. A couple of years ago people came with big nets to catch these birds to sell.” I asked if there were still elegant pittas in the Tebedo forests and he said no. According to Frans the ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo June 30th 2009

For the fourth morning running I headed up Potawangka Road in search of the Wallace’s hanging parrot. Its interesting going through villages early in the dawn because it gets quite cool overnight, so you pass the villagers all squatting in blankets along the roadside, like snakes basking in the stored heat of the tar-seal. This time I had some information from a person in town that the place to go was all the way up to the village of Tebedo, twice as far as I’d been up before, and there I could see the parrots in the trees about 300 metres past the village. But again no luck. It didn’t help that unbeknownst to me at the time, my motorbike driver took me right through Tebedo and onto the next village so I was in completely ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo February 20th 2009

By Fokker to Flores to see the Komodo Dragons Sunday 15th February 2009 We got to Dempasar airport from Padangbai after a two hour journey with a driver who believed that a single white line in the centre of the road approaching a roundabout uphill with heavy oncoming traffic meant one had to overtake! On arrival at the domestic air terminal we asked for two tickets for the midday flight to Labuan Bajo in Flores. The conversation went something like this… Girl in Booth: “No, you cannot go!” Me: “Is it fully booked?” GIB: “Not booked” Me: “Can we buy two tickets then?” GIB: “No” Me: “Why not?” GIB: “You not go today you go tomorrow” Me: “We would like to go today, please. There is a flight at 12.10” GIB: “No” Me: “Is there a ... read more
Flores Straight
Labuan Bajo Harbour
The green green hills of Flores

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo December 25th 2008

Labuanbajo (Flores) Aaaah... Even een paar dagen geen busreizen en waardeloze hotels. We hebben genoten van drie dagen duiken in Komodo National Park. Al bij voor het inschrijven voor het duiken hoorden we verhalen van grote hoeveelheden manta's in de wateren rond Komodo. Niets was minder waar; we hebben een aantal geweldige duiken gemaakt met grote scholen vissen, haaien en manta's (zie blog: duikfoto's Indonesie). Op een duikstek, genaamd 'airstrip', lagen de manta's in rijtjes in de stroming om het planktonrijke water langs hun kieuwen te laten stromen. Voor ons een flinke inspanning; op sommige plekken was de stroming zo sterk dat onze wangen gingen flapperen! Rinca Op Rinca leeft de grootste populatie Komodovaranen in de wereld (we horen jullie denken: 'was dat niet op Komodo?') en besloten een duiktochtje te combineren met een bezoekje aan ... read more
Schaalmodel Gunung Rinjani
Porter en Gids
Bas de bioloog

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo December 15th 2008

Makassar Een grote stinkende stad. De drie na grootste stad in Indonesie stelt niet veel voor; met zijn 15 miljoen inwoners verwacht je wel wat meer.. We blijven hier gelukkig maar een dag, en voor het eerst in tijden eten we een pizza (zonder tomatensaus, wel een beetje raar). De volgende dag kunnen we de ferry nemen naar Maumere, Flores. We kopen een kaartje voor de 3e klas, want economie (lees: slapen tussen de kartonnen dozen) is toch wel een beetje smerig. Maumere Op de ferrytocht komt Eva er achter dat je zelfs op een enorme boot zeeziek kan worden. Met alle heftige busreizen en boottochten vliegen de primatour-pilletjes er door heen. De boottocht verloopt rustig en al de volgende ochtend komen we aan op Flores. Maumere is een tiental jaren geleden door een Tsunami getroffen, ... read more
Kratermeer Kelimutu
Op het randje van de afgrond
Waterval Moni

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo August 12th 2008

The boat to Serayu left at and took about an hour. As we got about 150 metres from shore we pulled up alongside a tiny little boat that looked like more like a hollowed out log, it had 6 inches of water in the bottom, this was our transport to the shore. The boatman bailed out the water and put down a few planks then loaded 4 backpacks on plus Stan and myself, leaving the other four passengers behind. He then began to paddle with his hands then he spotted my flip flops and said “Marm?” took them off my feet and began to use them to paddle us into shore! The accommodation was just as basic the bathroom had no roof, a toilet with no flush or seat, no shower just a cold water ... read more
View of the beach from the hillside
 Simona and Tomaz on the Tiny Boat we Were Taken Ashore On!
Reindeer on the Beach!

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo June 7th 2008

The journey from Queensland to Indonesia wasn't the most obvious route. Jetstar decided to cancel my original flight and reschedule so that I would arrive at the layover destination 2 hours AFTER my connecting flight would have already left! As a result I now found my self connecting via Melbourne meaning I first had to fly 2 hours in the wrong direction. I finally arrived in Denpasar on the island of Bali at 1.30am. At least that's what I thought. I jumped in a taxi only to be told by the taxi driver that although the airport is called Denpasar it is in fact much closer to Kuta, a popular beach resort. Deciding to avoid DPS, I went on the search for a room for the night in Kuta. Making my way through the narrow streets ... read more
Seaweed Farms
The Island of Gili Air

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo April 4th 2008

After ascending Mt Kelimutu for sunrise to see the summit lakes in the clarity of the early morning, I returned to Moni village to get ready for the bus west. By the time I left, thick cloud was already enveloping the summit. Thick clouds also enveloped me a little later in the day - clouds of foul acrid smoke as my fellow bus passengers puffed away at cigarettes made from pickled cow dung mixed with cloves. On its own, that would have been enough to make a 12 hour bus journey really quite unpleasant. It was, however, not on its own. Oh no. Not even slightly. Wedged between several hundred kilograms of rice and a trio of chainsmokers, in a seat that was so close to the one in front that I would have had to ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo April 2nd 2008

We made it into our 8th country with the 2 month visa we had been trying to get throughout Malaysia and then got in about half an our in Tawau the border town! We left Tawau (Malaysia) on the 11th march on a 3 hr (actually more like 5) boat trip to Tarakan!(indonesia) We booked into a hostel there and went to find out any info on boats going south, as it turned out we'd missed the 2 weekly boat to flores by a day ddddooooooooohhhhhhhh!!! slightly gutting but there was a boat on the 13th to Makassar so we spent 2 days playing cards as there is nothing to do in Tarakan! It was also a long way from the relative comforts of malaysia, they dont get many foreigners there so we were somewhat a ... read more
King of the dragons
sunset at Labuanbajo

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo February 11th 2008

so leuts nach einer gewissen internetabstinenz meld ich mich wieder zurueck.... wir sitzen zur zeit in Labuhan Baju fest. kein schiff verlaesst im moment den hafen den die see ist mal richtig unruhig in letzter zeit... und die kleinen klapperkaene werden dadurch uboottauglich.... eigentlich wollten wir nach sumba nochmal andre treffen den franzosen den ich im letzten blog erwaehnt habe aber das werden wir wohl vom wetter abhaengig machen muessen. denn fluege giebt es nicht.... ein gruss an allle ende der durchsage ps: ihr koennt mir auch ne sms schicken oder anrufen unter 0062 81396515027...... read more
vulkan mit heiligenschein
mmmhh fritierte bananen
schwule friseure

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