Blogs from Tamil Nadu, India, Asia - page 149


Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Coimbatore January 23rd 2006

we hired a driver to take William and bone to Coimbatore in the state of Tamil Nadu from Kochi in Kerala. We need to be in Coimbatore to pickup Jan (friend of Williams from Albuquerque who should be in great shape since that trip takes 55 hours via Atlanta, Paris and Chennai) and Hugh (from Singapore via Chennai) before we head up into the Nigiri hills town of Ooty. Heres a flowery tourism description of Coimbatore but it appears to me to be a spawling, noisy, indian city -- All the pix below are from the 5 hr trip up into the hills from the coastal waterways. Heres a nice writeup on Fort Cochin (which is also called Kochi) : read more
Kochi to Coimbatore

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Mamallapuram January 21st 2006

Mamallpuram is beautiful little coastal village 60km away from Chennai. It is famous for its ancient rock carvings. Took a taxi from Chennai airport and arrived in Mamallpuram at midnight. Tamil music was blearing out of the taxi. My first impression of the south: humid, different language, less hassles and nicer smells. Wandered aimlessly around the village looking for a place to stay but the guesthouses were either closed or charged "tired-dirty-western" rates, no thank you. Eventually I stumbled across a young man who was sleeping in an internet cafe, so I joined him. Slept underneath a computer, clutching my belongings, wrapped around a mosquitoe neat while being eaten alive by the brave, I must have tasty blood. After the best sleep of my life the helpful young man showed me into my room where I ... read more

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Chennai January 20th 2006

Felt a bit burned out over the last couple of days. Couldn't really figure out what it was due to. Actually, we both felt it upon entering the country over 4 weeks ago but secretly suppressed it for fear of ruining each other's holiday. But sensing the growing raggedness on each other's faces, we finally brought it out on the table the other night in Chennai. We just GOT into country- why does it feel like we're already tired of it? At first we credited it to the oversensationalized hype of traveling India. We came in quivering with anticipation (and a little fear), puffed ourselves up for the onslaught of furor that is India and just remained too tense to absorb anything. To head yourself up with emotion before any encounter just puts you at a ... read more
Is this MTV Beach Party?
New Friends
Into the Lion

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Thanjavur January 19th 2006

Hi All! Once again, thanks for your comments and notes...they are such a joy right now. I cannot even begin to tell you how much. Oh, and I won't be getting any belly button rings soon...sorry! ;) Last night and tonight we are staying in a hotel in the city of Thanjavur. While I love the host family experience, the hotel has been a welcome relief...reliable hot water in and of itself is so wonderful. While I don't have my own room, it is still a welcome night off from being "on" all the time. I did, however, have the requisite "American families are distant and shallow, we have too much divorce and all of that is seeping in and hurting our culture" conversation (aka lecture) at lunch yet again. I must say that topic, along ... read more
Maggie & the Bull
Team at Thanjavur

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Chennai January 18th 2006

Hi Everyone. Sorry to have been out of touch. I wrote a blog entry a couple of days ago, but the computer failed and I lost it. I didn't have the time to recreate it, and we haven't had access to a computer since. We're out in the rural areas of the country right now. I think that I'm just about fully recovered from whatever I had, but I'm not sure that my stomach, intestines or poo will ever be the same again! I fully indulged in all the local fare from the beginning, which I think was a mistake...I'm being more careful now...lighter on the spice and such...hopefully I'll heal all the way soon. (However, our hosts seem a tad offended that I'm not fully indulging in their food...but I've got to take care of ... read more
Team with Dancer
Blessed Team

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai January 16th 2006

The white bull waits impatiently before a closed gate. He has a red garland tied to his horns and vermillion on his forehead - applied by the priest at the Muniyandisami temple. Behind the privileged temple bull stands a winding line of edgy beasts, reined in by their keepers. Beyond the gate, young men in kabbadi jerseys wait for their hour of glory. Some of them will carry home their prize while some will be carried home dead or injured. The announcer says the sport would start 10 am sharp. The matadors are drunk with excitement. The less adventurous climb the makeshift galleries after paying the gatekeepers. Jallikattu, the bull run that marks the end of Pongal festivities in Tamil Nadu in India, is about to start in this village near Madurai. Many surrounding villages celebrated ... read more
Grasping glory
Calm before the storm
Battle ready

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Chennai January 15th 2006

Hi Everyone: Sorry that I've been away for awhile. I haven't had a chance to write mostly because I've been very ill. Two nights ago I started feeling poorly. I think that I got a bad flu...high fever, body aches, nausea and much more. Now I know that you aren't wishing you were here! The whole team has been ill over the last week, at different times and to different degrees. Wish I could have skipped this part of the journey, but I suppose it is part of the package. I think I'm just about recovered...I slept for ten hours last night and just got up from a three hour nap. They are giving me many pills, which are much stronger than our meds and I have no idea what I'm taking. They seem to be ... read more
The Gang at Hypnosis

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Chennai January 15th 2006

wow, we have made it to the very tip of india! Kanyakumari seems like it should be a sleepy little beach town, but instead it is bustling with activity because of its popularity with pilgrims. many Hindus make their way down here to visit the Kumari Amman Temple and to bathe in the oceans. yes, we said oceans... because Kanyakumari is the point where three oceans merge together: the Bay of Bengal, the India Ocean, and the Arabian Sea. supposedly, sometime in april, one can see both the sunset and the moonrise over the ocean simultaneously - we might just have to stay longer to see that! we visited the temple which is actually quite small and nothing special (we were not allowed to take pictures, and it is surrounded by really tall walls to protect ... read more
seaside cathedral
the missing 5th member of the alo chicken pack!
there are other amazing views besides the sea from our ocean view balcony

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Chennai January 15th 2006

I forgot to tell you that everyone on the team sends their love to all of you. And Rollin, Debbie sends much love and many kisses!... read more
Rotary School Children
My Nose "Poke"

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Coimbatore January 12th 2006

Prasanna and Santhana put up traditional decorations in their yard which announced to the neighborhood that an auspicious event was taking place in their home. (I'm not sure, but I don't think it's specific just to weddings, but to any "auspicious" event.) Side note: "Auspicious" is not really a word that I'm particularly familiar with, but it's used often in India. Looking it up in my thesaurus (after using the spell checker), I find that it means: favorable, positive, promising, fortunate, propitious, lucky and good. There was a canopy of woven banana leaves that covered over not only the entrance to the yard, but the whole yard. (you can’t tell this from the photo, only the part over the gate is visible). At the two sides of the gate there were two full sized banana trees ... read more
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