Blogs from Domar, Tibet, China, Asia


Asia » China » Tibet » Domar June 2nd 2010

We've climbed up to the Tibetan Plateau but we haven't officially entered Tibet yet, that's still 300 miles away on gravel roads with passes in excess of 5200m. Considering its a plateau there's an awful lot of up and down - I always thought plateaus were flat. I suppose it means we've climbed up above 4500m and are going to stay there for the next few weeks. The gravel roads are good but somehow it still takes us 7hrs to cover the 153 miles from Mazar to Reed Willow Beach. I guess that all the up and down doesn't help; at one point we drop from 4930m to 3600m in 30 miles, you stand at the top of the pass and can see the road twisting and turning its way down the mountain side below you. ... read more
typical scenery
the road we climbed up
the roads are very dusty up here

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