Photos from Qinghai, China, Asia - page 12

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The main-entrance temple, called the Lesser Golden Roof Hall.
Walking toward the Ta'er Si, I pass a row of Tibetan prayer-wheels.
Close-up of a Tibetan prayer-wheel
The Ta'er Si Buddhist Monastery, also known as the Kumbum Monastery, is one of the most important Tibetan Buddhist sites in China.
The Ta'er Si Buddhist Temple was built in honor of Tsongkhapa, founder of the Gelugpa (Yellow) sect of Buddhism in 1560.
The walled temple complex is nestled into a hillside, about 20 miles from Xining, Qinghai in China.
Tai'er Si Temple is a working monastery and now houses over 600 monks. There were once as many as 3,000 resident monks.
After telling him about my TravelBlog, my new friend asked me to convey his greeting and blessings to all of the readers, and he invites everyone for a special visit, and will offer you a personal tour.
At the entrance of the Great Mosque of Xining, Qinghai, I thanked this local Muslim man for all the information and kindness he showed me during my visit to his great house of prayer.
A Buddhist monk makes his way through the Muslim quarter of Xining.
Taoist priests walk the Muslim quarter of Xining, Qinghai
As this proud Grandfather shows off his beautiful grandchild to me near the Grand Mosque of Xining, it is time to close this photo essay and say good bye for now.
She offered to prepare the one for me, all I had to do was make the selection.
I was surprised to learn, that chicken come in colors ?
They are sold according to their weight, claws are included and are considered a delicacy in China.
Most of these cuts will soon appear on the dinner tables of the local Muslims.
I had some of these delicous offerings for my late lunch.
The prayer service in and around the mosque is over, and now it is time to hit the local shops around the Great Mosque.
Food shopping time in the streets surrounding the mosque.
A proud mother shows off her beautiful child.
Ready to eat food is plentyful
Women use ancient stone tool to grind these dried green seeds.
One lonely Muslim wife and child waiting for her husband.
For other women, it is a time for a little gossip.
The women are becoming a little impatient, as they cannot participate in the prayer service.
The trees along the streets provide minimal shade for the women and the children.
Other woman wait more comfortably.
Muslim women search for their praying husbands in the crowd.
A variety of animal parts are available and sold by the women.
The Muslim women keep their distance from the men. Their chores are to patiently wait for their men, tend to the children, and manage the shops.
The search for one more shady spot to pray.
Much of this meat will be bought after the prayer service.
Local Muslim woman takes care of the butcher shop.
looking "toward" the Great Mosque
Looking "away" from the Great Mosque
For late-comers, there are arguments with the Imans, about where to take a space.
At prayer, in and around the Great Mosque, only men are permitted to take part during prayer time.
Devotees must brave the bus-traffic of Xining.
A little distracted from his prayers
Imans try to control the crowds
Friday prayers have begun, even on the side-walks of Xining surrounding the Great Mosque.
As within the prayer hall of the mosque, no shoes on the prayer-rugs along the side-walks.
No more space here.
Late arrivals take a place where ever possible.
My great fortune was to meet this young Iman at the Great Mosque of Xining.  He introduced the mosque to me, with fountains of friendly information, and finally gave me permission to photograph the interior of the "prayer hall".
Friday prayer time brings thousands of Muslim faithful into the city of Xining.
The sidewalks along the main road are no longer passable.
Almost every corner surrounding the Great Mosque has been taken.
Outside the mosque area, thousands of devotees have already taken their prayer spots under the shade of trees.
It is time for me to leave and view the surrounding area of the Great Mosque of Xining.
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