Blogs from Liaoning, China, Asia - page 17


Asia » China » Liaoning » Benxi February 16th 2010

With the year of the tiger well under way in China, I thought it was only fair to finally make the effort to catch up on my blog. To be honest, the past six weeks have been a little too hectic for my liking. With public schools on holiday and classes in my private language school doubled, it meant for six days a week only the activities of teaching and sleeping were enjoyed. On the bright side I was rewarded with a weeks vacation, where, amongst a variety of excursions, I might have accidentally, illegally entered North Korea. It’s not as dramatic and stupid as it might initially sound. I’ll save this story for later! The last time I wrote was just after New Year. Christmas and New Year seem a distant memory now, probably because ... read more
Christmas Day Celebrations
Dog Meat!
Enjoying Christmas Day!

Asia » China » Liaoning » Benxi February 2nd 2010

It’s hard to believe it’s been a full decade since I saw in the new millennium, dancing to cheesy songs and eating overpriced, inedible fast-food. So what better way to see in the new decade than to do exactly the same in China. Anyway, I will save New Year, alongside Christmas shenanigans for my next email. With daylight temperatures rarely warmer than minus fifteen degrees Celsius, exploring the bitter cold streets of Benxi haven’t really been high on my agenda. Apart from an embarrassing game of badminton, where my new boss gave a free lesson to his watching friends on how best to annihilate a foreigner, it’s been two weeks of pure, unadulterated teaching. Probably the greatest gratitude that can be bestowed upon a teachers weary shoulders in China, is the chance to give English names ... read more
Chicken Heads!
Anyone for the local delicacy?
Benxi Skyline

Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian » Kaifaqu February 2nd 2010

It has been a long time since I wrote an entry here. Much has changed. For starters, I just saw Blindness (like I just-turned-off-the-DVD-player just saw it), this movie I'm sure most of you have heard of about a city whose inhabitants all suddenly become mysteriously blind, and then devolve into a Lord of the Flies-type scenario. I have found that I am very impressionable when it comes to movies, books, and music, and after watching 90 minutes of this depressingly realistic display of human fortitude and decrepitude, I was feeling a bit of resentment towards our species. Then I got a phone call from one of my Chinese coworkers, whose new policy as a whole is to take me out to eat Ma La Tang every chance they get for the next week. The reason ... read more

Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian » Jinshitan January 9th 2010

Coming from northern Alberta, we know what cold is. And when it is cold, a person bundles up, sits in front of the television (or fireplace) and drinks hot chocolate - or other warm beverage. It was not in my range of thinking that I would be heading out to the airport for a trip to Harbin- to check out an Ice Festival - on New Year's day, with the temperature at our destination a frosty -39 Celcius! It so reminded me of one year ago when Connellans, Tutts and Berrys met at the Nest in Slave Lake for a 3 day ski and wine trip, departing at -40. Both of these ended up being fabulous trips, though. Leaving Rick behind, I joined Fairy (our intrepid tour guide), her husband Paddy, Marion as well as Peter ... read more
Finished product
Cold shot
And a fish

Asia » China » Liaoning » Benxi January 1st 2010

After three weeks in this small, polluted Chinese city, I’m finally starting to settle in to Chinese life. When the smog lifts long enough, the views from the 31st floor are actually rather impressive. While people go about their daily lives below, the distant rolling hills that surround the city stand proud. I was hoping that living closer to heaven than most people would make for a quieter, more peaceful existence. I couldn’t have been more wrong. All it equates to is being the same height as the thousands of exploding, deafening fireworks that are set off at regular intervals day and night. Apparently fireworks aren’t only used to celebrate Guy Fawkes and days of independence. They are also extremely successful products at scaring off evil spirits. From the constant dull explosions, I doubt there is ... read more
Benxi - China
Benxi - China

Asia » China » Liaoning » Benxi January 1st 2010

It doesn’t take long to adopt some of the habits exhibited by the local inhabitants. A persistent cough and unhealthy levels of hearty phlegm from the pollution regularly leaves me wanting to cough up my guts all over the city streets like everyone else. With the potential of taking part in such disgusting habits (there’s nothing like seeing a well-dressed, beautiful young lady, launch a mouthful of green mucus towards the gutter), and believing that my shocking levels of fitness might have something to do with it, I’ve decided to take drastic measures. Eight-plus weeks of non-exercising and over eating Chinese banquet style have most definitely left me heavier than I’ve ever been in my life. While size and appearance may not deter the celebrity-like status granted on the streets of this small Chinese city, looking ... read more
Benxi - China
Benxi - China
Benxi - China

Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian » Kaifaqu December 29th 2009

Been a long time, shouldn'ta left you without a witty and insightful blog post to step to Part One: Medieval Storks One of my coworkers James, is a 50-something-year-old man who is currently starting his fourth or fifth life here in China. He works at the downtown school, so I don't see him that often, but he's definitely a trip. He's been here in Dalian for about two years, and he has a Chinese wife. A few weeks ago, she gave birth to their first child (not James' first, but his first Chinese baby), and since this was the first time I have ever had a chance to celebrate the occasion of one of my friends having a baby, I decided to go down to the hospital after work on the day she was born. My ... read more

Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian » Jinshitan December 19th 2009

Merry Christmas to all of our friends and relatives. It has been such an exciting five months here. We wish that everyone of you could be here to celebrate with us and join us in the wonderful diversity of people, cultures, food, landscape, etc, etc, etc, that we have experienced. When I look back at our home page with 35 years in Peace River, we were definitely a bit hesitant and nervous as we started this journey, but can't imagine our lives without all that we have been exposed to here. Funny how things always work out - God definitely has a plan! We were planning on a very low-key holiday (Well - sort of a holiday - Who's complaining about a long weekend though). We actually have two long weekends in a row - one ... read more
Party place
Real Eddies
Not the specialty!

Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian December 17th 2009

THOUGHTS IN: 1) Regular letter size (A4) paper is significantly longer than Canadian letter sized paper. I know. i was so amazed that i believed it warranted the spot of #1 on the "China thoughts list" 2) boys smell. they smell fully, they eat meat that smells funny. ... AND they're boys are gross. I gave my boys a test, and i see a student with his finger up his nose diggig' away, THEN, he switches hands, and starts cleaning out his other nostril. These gunked-up fingers then make their way onto the test, then later, i get handed back a test with brownish yellow-green stains on it. Ew. 2b) Boys here always seem to have stomach aches. Every class i get a kid running up to me, holding his stomach, and a giganto roll of ... read more

Asia » China » Liaoning » Dalian » Jinshitan December 9th 2009

We have not disappeared since our last blog which described our Yangtze River cruise at the end of September. We just haven't been anywhere but have been busy. On several weekends we take the QingGui down to Dalian and wander around seeing the sights, visiting markets and attending Church. Since I am not burdened with a job I get to scout out many locations so we can find things on our trips together. I volunteered to help with the ESL Club, a group that meets after school to play card and board games and basically just have a good time talking English. We have played many card games that are popular in Canada but we seem to have hit on a winner: Junior Monopoly. Personally I really don't like "real" Monopoly and got the "Junior" game ... read more
Christmas decorations
I'm lovin' it!
Advent wreath

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