Blogs from Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, Asia - page 27


Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing June 30th 2007

Yes, it's not really good bye. I have more blogs to write about China. I owe you Dun Huang, one of the best "scenic spots" in the country. Thousands of Buddhist paintings, a great center for several religions, another stop in the Silk Road, etc. You'll get it when I get back to a fast internet connection and can upload lots of photos. Today the blog date is the real date, June 30, 2007. Tomorrow morning, July 1, I catch an early train to Shanghai, a shuttle to the Pudong airport, an international flight over the north pole to Chicago, go through customs in the US and then catch a small (only three hours) flight to Atlanta, Georgia. I appreciate my friends and family. Several people are helping me on this trip. Ya will ride ... read more
Confucius and Coral
Half of class
older students

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing June 11th 2007

Olympic news China Daily, the official English newspaper, had a story about water. The Olympic visitors will have drinkable (potable) running water. I wonder how that will be accomplished. No one in China drinks faucet water. Water is drunk hot to be sure it was boiled. My visitors do not want cold water, even on hot days, and none of my guests has ever said 'yes' to the offer of ice in the water. In Beijing, one day a month is queue day. Everyone in Beijing has to line up for the busses, elevators, etc., on that day. As it gets closer to the actual Olympic date, queue day will probably happen more often, e.g., every week, then every day. Before the Cultural Revolution people used to be very polite and would line up; but the ... read more

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing June 8th 2007

Well...where to begin, I just got back from what was....basically the highlight of my trip. I WISH dom/robin/nancy/rich/ruth/anyone really had been there to see and take pictures, I wouldn't have heard the end of it. I spent today doing pretty much nothing because I woke up at 3pm and when I got the Nanjing museum (which I had planned to see today), it had already closed and I had no other real plans so I went back to the hostel. When I got back I was in a bit of a bad mood and was a bit pissed off at Nanjing so I went to the internet cafe and pissed about for 3 hours on the internet. After this bored me I decided to go for a walk around Fuzi-mao (which is like a riverside shopping ... read more

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing June 5th 2007

Another quick trip on the CRH bullet train and we arrived in the City of Nanjing. Nanjing served as the first capital of the Ming Dynasty and the capital during other historic periods as well. On our first day we visited Sun Yat Sen's Mausoleum and the Mingxiaoling Mausoleum (founder of the Ming Dynasty) located in the Purple Mountains. Sun Yat Sen is regarded as the National Father of Modern China and was explained to us as the "George Washington" of China. Probably becuase he was the first president of the Republic of China in 1912. His presidency was short lived but his mausoleum won't be going anywhere for a very long time... To get to the Mingxiaoling Mausoleum we walked through the "sacred way" which is a path with large statues of elephants, camels, ... read more
The Sacred Way Walk
Wall at Ming Tomb
Ming/Hing Archway

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing May 30th 2007

Hello! So the last two days have been spent really focusing on class. The amount that we are learning about China and the culture here is truly amazing. To be honest, as much as I could have read a lot about China in the US you really have to be here to "get" the culture and I have to say that I am slowly beginning to understand why China makes many of the social and political decisions that it does. One thing we talk about in class is the immense cultural communication divide between the US and China. It's pretty amazing and we have such a diverse group of professionals in the class who really add a lot to our debates. Last night we all got out of class mentally exhausted from all the discussion ... read more
sleeping on the job
gucci knockoff anyone?
Hunan Lu

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing May 29th 2007

Hello from Nanjing. It's been a crazy couple of days and a total adventure getting here with an url="" target="_blank"emergency landing before even getting out of the U.S. The flight over was pretty fantastic. We went straight up over the North Pole through Russia and Mongolia into China. It was a beautiful clear day and I was able to see the land and ice below. Pretty amazing. Arrived in Beijing and needed to transfer to an Air China flight to Nanjing, except Air China would not let us board their flight since United messed up everything when our flights were rescheduled so we spent a few hours running around Beijing airport getting passed off between Air China and United like volleyballs, it was pretty funny. In the end we were ticketed to get on the ... read more
And they said turn left on what street?
Classmates at dinner our first night in Nanjing
Koi Pond at JHU center Nanjing

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing May 15th 2007

Das ist All You Can Eat And Drink beim Japaner und eindeutig das leckerste, was es hier zu essen gibt. Man hat fuer den Abend einen eigenen Koch, der am Tisch alles brutzelt, was man sich wuenscht. Hab das bis jetzt zweimal gemacht und bin jedes mal mit gebeugter Haltung aus dem Restaurant gewankt. Mit dem leckerem Zeug kann man sich einfach sowas von voll fressen. Vom Reiswein und dem restlichen Alkohol merkt man aufgrund des vollen Magens erst mal wenig. ... read more
Unser 1. Gang von 25 Gaengen
unser Koch
Lockstedter Kräuterschnaps

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing May 6th 2007

Jiansu Province Kun Opera It’s not the Beijing Opera, but it’s great to be in the audience. The operas are staged in an old Confucian temple and a small theater so you can really see the details of the performers’ costumes and make up, as well as the emotions they project. This is a long blog, but my sons and daughter-in-law are coming this week for ten days, so I want to get caught up on these blogs. After this one I want to tell you about the incredible cave paintings in Dun Huang in Gansu province in the desert. But for now, read on about the magical Kunqu (pronounced koon-chew) opera. We went twice, March 24th and 31st. The first night we met a woman from the Nanjing Normal University staff (my university) who ... read more
the lecherous monk
A monk and nun
the ex-husband as high official

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing May 4th 2007

Magpies bring you good luck and crows bring you bad luck. Luckily, I see magpies all the time. Of course, I've always been lucky. A few weeks ago, while walking through the old campus, I heard a lot of squealing and squawking in the air. A magpie was attacking a bat. This was about three in the afternoon so I had several questions. Why is a bat out at three o'clock? Usually I see a lot at dusk. Why is the magpie attacking it? Do magpies eat meat? A magpie is about 4 times as big as a bat. It was a lengthy battle. The bat flew out of a tree; the magpie attacked from a nearby roof. They battled a minute or two then each retreated to the starting places. The magpie had a ... read more
father and son reading
shopkeepers knitting
another camera

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing April 27th 2007

Chinametzger Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing By Christopher Bittel April 27th 2007Die Chinesen haben bei der Kaufentscheidung von Fleisch etwas andere Kriterien als wir. Hier geht es keinesfalls um artgerechte Tierhaltung oder eine ansprechende Präsentation des Fleisches. Das einzige Kriterium ist Frische, was jedoch etwas verständlicher wird, wenn man sieht, dass es hier doch etwas wärmer ist als bei und es noch nicht wirklich lange Kühlschränke gibt.... read more
Ansprechende Werbung
Frische Huehner

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