Blogs from Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, Asia - page 26


Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing October 6th 2007

9.Oct. Heute gab's Sightseeing am Berg. Eine Seilbahn fuehrt zum hoesten Punkt und man haette, wenn es nicht diesig gewesen waere, eine tolle Aussicht. Auch ist einem die eigentliche Ruhe nicht vergoennt, da die Einheimischen, glaube ich immer mehr, keine Ruhe vertragen. Sie mussen schreien, sich anschreien oder wenn es gar nicht anderes geht, im Handy die Musik auf Volllautstaerke stellen. Es ist mir unverstaendlich. Es darf einfach nicht ruhig sein, noch nicht mal im Wald. Naja, ich bin Gast hier und versuche zumindest zu verstehen. Ansonsten war ich noch im Sun Yatsen Mausoleum. Sun Yatsen war der der erste Praesident Chinas. Bis er vor dem Kommunisten nach Taiwan fluechtete. Er wird von den Chinesen und den Taiwanesen gleichermassen verehrt. Er starb 1925. Das Mausoleum wurde 1929 gebaut und liegt schoen am Berg. Und...! Dann gab's ... read more
Nanjing Museum

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing September 29th 2007

Ok, so I realize I haven't really given you much information besides the fancy dinners that we had with the mayor and the Premier, so I am going to backtrack a little bit and give some details. The total travel time to get here from Woodstock took just over 24 hours. We left Woodstock for the airport at about 7am Sunday Sept. 16. The plane was scheduled to leave at 10:30am but did not leave until 11:20am due to delays. Due to winds, we were told the flight time was going to be about 16 hours instead of 14 1/2 hours. We landed in Shanghai just before 3pm China time (3am EST). We then took a bus from Shanghai to Nanjing, which took about 5 1/2 hours. We arrived in Nanjing at 9pm (about 24 hours ... read more

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing September 23rd 2007

I have learned that if I am to expect anything in Nanjing, it is to expect the unexpected. For the past week, the director of the Bond schools has been touring the cities in China where the schools are located (there are 4 of them). She was in Nanjing over this weekend. On Friday afternoon around 2pm we were informed that we would be leaving the school at 4:30pm because we had been invited to dinner and a party hosted by the mayor of Nanjing, as part of the autumn festival that is currently going on (kind of like Thanksgiving). As it was a formal affair, we rushed home after classes to get all dressed up and got back to the school to be picked up. We were transported by van to a hotel to pick ... read more

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing September 20th 2007

After Shanghai we went to Nanjing, and what a gem of a place it was! We experienced traditional looking architecture, something I was hungry for after the modern city of Shanghai. The evening lights completely transformed the city, into a romantic, pretty, scenic town. Nanjing has little river, canal like waterways weaving among one part of the city, we took a boat trip one evening to see the sights, which was most enjoyable. ... read more
Chinese dragons
Amazing, some of these stone carvings!
Shame no blue sky for this pic!

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing September 19th 2007

So, I have officially arrived safe and sound in China. After a 16 hour flight to Shanghai, followed by a 5 hour bus ride to Nanjing, I was exhausted when I arrived. The apartment is quite nice, and I will post some pictures when I get a camera. It has been raining here pretty much since I got here so far, but that also means that it's not that hot either. Right now, the internet connection at the school isn't that great, but it should be improved in the next little while. When it does, I will be able to post some more details, but in the meantime I just wanted to let everyone know that things are going well so far. I welcome comments and messages from everyone and would love to hear from you! ... read more

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing September 14th 2007

Here's a video that Casey and I made last night. It's a walk down the main back-alley near our apartment. I don't think that it completely captures the area, but it gives you a vague idea.... read more

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing September 13th 2007

Hey, So I just got my Skype account up and running. For anybody who's interested, my Skype account name is mlamb128. If I have time, I'd love to chat. So, give me a call or send me a message. Also, I do have two phone numbers here in Nanjing. My home number is 52381961. My cell phone number is 13584068761. (note the fact that I have only one 4, which is bad luck, and two 8s and two 6s, which are good luck.) The area code for Nanjing is 25. When calling from the US you need to dial 011 first. -Mike ---------------------------------------------- Hola, Abri mi cuenta de Skype. Si tienes ganas hablar conmigo, mi nombre de Skype es mlamb128. Si tengas tiempo, me gustaria mucho hablar contigo. Entonces, marcame o mandame un mensaje. Tambien, aqui ... read more

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing September 10th 2007

Hmmm…where to begin? I left Mexico City about a week and a half ago in a bit of a haze. To put it quite vaguely, our last night was full of stories that I’ll be telling for years to come. Neither Chris nor I slept a single wink. That last day was rather surreal…we pretty much just spent our last day repeating the mantra of, “Did that really just happen to us?” I’m sorry for being so vague, but once again, common decency demands it. Off to Shanghai After a tearful goodbye, I flew to Los Angeles, went through customs again, took a 14 hours flight to Seoul, Korea, followed by a 2 hour flight to Shanghai, China. In Shanghai I attended an orientation with other teachers for the Beijing WITT program. It was very reassuring ... read more
Shanghai from a cab
Arm Wrestling in Shanghai
Me taking over

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing August 25th 2007

Nanjing, the current capital of Jiangsu province, one of the oldest cities of China, also was the capital of Chinese empire before the Beijing become the capital. Nanjing, the place of the recent historical events, like Nanjing's massacre, the proclamation of first president of Republic of China, the final victory of the communist against republican. And another sights like the Sun Yat Sen tomb, the Passion river, Confucius temple, etc. The Presidential Palace, the current museum about the republican party, that is the only one museum I found in China having so much information about the republican party, maybe the Nanjing is the most republican city in China, anyway, inside the museum you can find the republican ideology, organization, events and documents. Sun Yat Sen tomb, Sun is the father of republic, he led the revolution ... read more
Communist victory
Sun's tomb view
Blue sky, white sun

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing July 6th 2007

I woke up early to get to Nanjing this morning; I wanted to take a 7:50 am train. I took the metro about 30 minutes to the Shanghai Railroad Station. Good thing I gave myself a lot of extra time because there are literally a million people everywhere. The train station ticket line is a zoo. I got my ticket to Nanjing - a bullet train that only stops once in Wuxi. The station is huge, but easy to navigate, I got to the platform, got to my car number and found my seat. The train ride there was nice, except that it smelled a little mildewy. Also, there wasn't really fresh air circulating, so next time I'll take some airborne. Right when the train starts moving, the train attendants immediately start coming by every few ... read more

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