Blogs from Phnom Penh, South, Cambodia, Asia - page 21


Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh December 9th 2013

My morning began at 12:02 SAM, when my assistant arrived and needed to be vetted before the clerk would let him into the room with the sleeping student he's rooming with. Up again early and then a group trip to the Russian Market, where several kramas, pairs of pants, and bags were purchased. Lunch at a Taiwanese place (Candy Taiwan Tea House), then a brief rest at the hotel before tuk-tuks to the Foreign Correspondents Club. A slow walk up Sisowath Quay, with a temple and some restaurant scrutiny, then I gave everyone some time on their own. I went first to Artisans Angkor to look around a little, then to Seeing Hands, a massage business that employs blind masseuses, and had an hour-long reflexology foot massage ($7). The man on the table next to me ... read more
OunaLom Pagoda
At OunaLom Pagoda
River Cruise

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh December 8th 2013

We had three flights to get here, all of which were delayed, all of which were somewhat tedious, none of which were eventful, which was good. My assistant was on a later flight to Seattle and was prevented from connecting by snow. I expect to see him sometime after midnight tonight. After getting here with my students, collecting those who took routes through China instead of South Korea, and checking in to the hotel, I stayed up until 2:00 AM checking arrangements. I was up at about 6:30 and sat through multiple student breakfasts between then and 10:45. Nice choices and a pleasant courtyard at Frangipani Villa-90s. It was weirdly cool today--cooler that I've ever experienced in Phnom Penh. We split into two groups and walked around near the hotel looking for stores and restaurants. The ... read more
Dining area, Frangipani Villa-90s
Lunch at The Terrace at 95

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh December 8th 2013

By far the most heart breaking and gut wrenching place I've been to...Why would people do such horrendous things to one another? Fuck politics... Other than religion, only politics can manipulate people to commit such atrocities. The Killing Field is where prisoners, during Pol Pot's reign were taken to be executed. Prisoners that consisted of teachers, doctors, husbands, wives and children. Anyone who Pol Pot deemed a threat to his regime. It was pretty much Cambodia's version of the Cultural Revolution. Pol Pot would recruit poor uneducated Cambodians who would be easy to manipulate. While killing off all the gifted and educated Cambodians. Truck loads of prisoners would be transferred from Toul Sleng Prison to killing fields daily. Loud speakers would play patriotic music at night to block out the screams of prisoners' execution. Bullets were ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh December 6th 2013

I met Daniella at Mad Monkey Phnom Penh. She was my roommate. We both bonded over the the fact that we were both recovering from our illnesses. On my last day in Phnom Penh, she introduced me to this scavenger hunt game called "Geocaching." It was confusing at first, but then sparked my interest. There's a website called Geocaching where you do treasure hunts anywhere in the world. I completed my first treasure hunt with the help of Daniella and her gps. The treasure was located in a hole, in a tree and in front of a heavily barbed wired house with two security guards. I was nervous and did not know what to expect. We had to get our treasure without arousing the guard's suspicion. We devised a plan in which Daniella would distract the ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh November 30th 2013

Against my better judgment we decide to pull off the road and take a look. Coincidentally, when we pull of the road, we just happen to stop right in front of a mechanic. After we look at the engine for a few moments, I notice a gap where the muffler attaches to the manifold. I put my hand next to it and I can feel the hot air blowing out. Luckily it is just a minor thing and we won’t have need of the mechanic who is now sitting in front of his shop staring at us. We decide to keep going. We can still drive without any problems it just makes talking difficult as it is quite loud. I figure I can get it fixed early tomorrow morning in Phnom Penh. We hop back in ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh November 30th 2013

I wake up really early in the morning. I look at my clock and it is just 6:40am. Perfect time to get started. If I can be at the mechanic by 7:30, maybe I can get the jeep fixed quickly and we can hit the road earlier. It turns out to be a good thing I woke up early because just as I get out of the shower, there is a knock on my door. It’s about 6:50am when I open the door and I am greeted by a kid of about 15 years old. I must move my car from one side of the street to the other I am told. I find it mildly strange because they had me move my car from the other side of the street to this side of the ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh November 29th 2013

I’m woefully behind in posting. When you live abroad, or maybe just when you live anywhere, it is either feast or famine. It feels like weeks will go by when nothing in particular happens and then—BAM—everything is happening and it’s all coming so fast you don’t have any time to write about it but you know it is really impactful and you want to share. Since my last blog the political situation has gone from heightened to off the radar. The opposition party has refused to assume their seats in the government and they schedule occasional protests and tour the world trying to get someone to pay attention to the situation in Cambodia. Eventually, people get tired of opposing and they have to go back to work. Now it is sort of like YAWN, old news, ... read more
ALF in Cambodia
Buddha Restored
Angkor Wat at Dawn

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh November 29th 2013

Again an early rise for 6am. After breakfast we were supposed to start the cycle from the hotel. But the traffic is mad. We had seen a fatal accident and another accident the day before and were all quite anxious about trying to navigate our way through the traffic. Luckily they decided to drive us about 14ms through the town to a Buddhist temple site where we picked up our new bikes from the Cambodia team. Once everyone was sorted with their new bikes, we were off. This morning we cycled through beautiful countryside. Very lush, green fields. We cycled 40kms this morning and then stopped for lunch. But before we could have lunch it had been arranged that we were going to look at a temple with amazing views and by that you've probably guessed ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh November 14th 2013

For the last few days we have been in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. The bus journey here was even worse than the last one. On numerous occasions, I just had to close my eyes and pretend I wasn't there as I could see the bus driver on the wrong side of the road with trucks coming towards them. It seems very normal here to drive in this way. We are yet to see any accidents! In Phnom Penh, there are famous places that are very sad to visit. In the 1970's, a party of people, the Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot, wanted to rid the whole state of any Western influences and got rid of anyone educated, religious or involved with any other governments. There is a place called Tuong Sleng that was ... read more
Beds where prisoners were chained and tortured
Memorial Stupa

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh October 31st 2013

This morning we took a tour of the Presidential palace and grounds. It is a gorgeous place in the center of Phnom Penh. The president was in residence, so his residence was off limits, but the rest of the buildings, formal meeting places, temples, burial spaces, opulent and gilded were gorgeous. We went back to the ship with a short stop at Artisans d'Angkor, and VERY HIGH QUALITY silk and art store, here and in Siem Reap, which I somehow missed there. The prices reflect the exceptional quality of their items, but it was the best shopping of all the places in both Cambodia and Vietnam that we visited. I have bought a couple of things online since I returned and they have arrived with no delay and in perfect condition. I walked back to the ... read more
Pagoda at Killing Fields
Children's Tree
Mementos everywhere

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