Blogs from East, Cambodia, Asia - page 20


Asia » Cambodia » East March 20th 2008

All the rumours of the new road to Vietnam came true. There is indeed a road through to the new International border, but I wouldn't recommend taking it without the company of a very talented Chiropractor! We traveled 10 km or so along this newly graded road to visit our cashew nut farm purchased just over one year ago. Sebastien had never seen it and had ideas for a timely completion of the house under construction on the land. Progress along the road is still slow, dusty at this time of the year and will more than likely become almost impassible once again when the wet season arrives. Everything is on the move. Much of the public wooded highland has become "private" and members of the local government removing native trees at a rapid rate in ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » East » Kratié March 3rd 2008

Sorry, this one got really long, but it has been absolutely amazing. As always, here is our favorite conversation from the road these past few weeks: “You buy bracelet?” “No thanks,” I replied. “Okay.” The little girl replied, disappointedly. “Where you from?” “United States.” “Oh, America. Washington D.C. capitol. Population about three hundred million. President George Bush. Alaska biggest state. Rhode Island smallest state. Honolulu capitol of Hawaii.” “What about Wisconsin?” “Umm…” The girl gives me a blank look. I ask myself if anyone ever knows anything about Wisconsin. “Now you buy bracelet? I give you special price, fifteen for two dollars?” “What do I do with fifteen bracelets?” I ask, thinking of the Wayne’s World scene discussing gun racks. “You give them to your girlfriend.” “I don’t have a girlfriend.” As I chuckle. She obviously ... read more
Angkor Wat
Bayon at Angkor Thom
Ta Prohm

Asia » Cambodia » East » Banlung February 4th 2008

From Sihanoukville we travelled back to the capital and then from Phnom Pehn we took a mysterious bus journey in the direction if the Ratanakiri province. I say mysterious because according to the Lonely Planet this journey takes about 19hrs... best case scenario... but the bus company we were travelling with claimed we'd make it in 12hrs, no matter what. So as we sat there questioning to what lengths our bus driver would go to save us those 7hrs and observed that the Cambodian countryside was nothing like what we were expecting. The roads in Cambodia are notoriously bad and, although they are improving, the province that we were bound for has one of the worst reputations in the country. They are- worst case scenario- sand tracks maintained only by other vehicles frequenting them and, in ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » East » Senmonorom February 4th 2008

Only one full day left in enigmatic Cambodia. It's going to be such a shame to leave this incredible country as there's so much, all in the details, that we're going to miss. Here are some of the minutiae that make up the crazy whole that we love so much:- Khmer food (especially Lok Lak and the supremely delicious Amok), local markets selling the living, barely living and very much dead creatures of this country (you can ascertain the level of life by the number of flies - the more flies, the deader it is), the gorgeous red dust tan, counting the number of hello's received as we walk through a new village and the most beautiful smiles as we return the greeting, the happy serendipity of arriving, randomly, at the perfect guest house after a ... read more
Village near Kampi
Silken water
Portrait of girl reading

Asia » Cambodia » East » Banlung February 1st 2008

Our first stop in Cambodia was in the Ratanakiri Province, which is in the North East of the country. We met some people on the bus who were also travelling there and decided to split a four hour cab ride for $45 - 5 of us plus the driver in a Toyota Camry. Yikes. Because most people skip past this area, there is only one bus a day, which we missed, so we squeezed in for a bumpy ride and got to know each other. Our new friends, Janet and Jakov are from Malta, and Sijs, pronounced like 'lace' with an 'S', is from Belgium. The five of us arrived in Ban Lung and settled into a lovely guesthouse. We ended up spending quite a few days with these guys, so anytime I say "we" in ... read more
In the Shared Taxi
On the Move
The Gang at the Volcano Crater Lake

Asia » Cambodia » East » Banlung January 14th 2008

So, this blog will include two places: Kratie and Ban Lung. On 1/10 we left for Kratie which is about 5/6 hours from Phnom Penh in central-eastern Cambodia: *The night before in Phnom Penh, I watched a dog take a dump on a pile of trash around a light post. I thought to myself, that is a very smart dog, as it could have crapped anywhere. *Our bus was freezing and was filled with mostly upper class travelers, very few locals. A man spoke for almost 5 minutes in Khmer though, and then spent 10 seconds explaining what he had said in English. He spoke with a loudspeaker inside the bus. My eardrums bled. *Along the way, we stopped at a rest stop and Dan and I got mobbed by some young girls trying to sell ... read more
Irrawwaddy Dolphin @ Sunset
Sunset on the Mekong
This goes out to you G-Unit Fran

Asia » Cambodia » East » Banlung January 14th 2008

Hello to everyone that reads this. So for the last 5 days we have traveled into the north eastern part of Cambodia and it has been fantastic. We left Phnom Penh early to catch a bus up to Kratie which was about a 6 hr bus ride on a paved road thankfully. Once in Kratie each of us took a moto and a driver on a 15 min ride through the town and rural areas to a dock where we would take a boat to see freshwater dolphins in the Mekong river. Before I get to that though I just want to say, riding on a moto through Cambodia was F-ing awesome! It was exhilarating flying down a road, passing other motos and small huts with kids out front leading their cows to feed and ... read more
A dolphin I presume
Looks like the sun is smoking
Ban Lung fast food

Asia » Cambodia » East » Kampong Cham January 13th 2008

On I'd read about a homestay experience that sounded interesting. A couple, Don and Kheang offered an experience to see what rural life is like in Cambodia and the reviews of the experience had been great, so when I arrived in Phnom Penh I rang Don and organised a visit. Don is an American that's settled down in Cambodia, with his Cambodian wife and two children Ra and Na. They are a really interesting couple that have both had fascinating lives and it was just so interesting hearing their stories!! Kheang had actually been alive while PolPot was in charge, so had seen a lot of hardship and a lot of change in Cambodia. When I arrived, so I could see a bit of typical Cambodian scenery and also get a bit of an insight ... read more
A close up shot of the spiders - gross eh. Even worse though, was that there was a bucket next to it full of ones that were alive!! Very scary!!
The scenery on the way to Don & Kheang's farmhouse
Some beautiful Cambodian scenery

Asia » Cambodia » East January 4th 2008

A flight from Ban Lung in Ratanakiri Province to Sen Monoram in Mondulkiri Province, then on to Phnom Penh. total time was 1.5 hours! Impressive considering it takes 13 hours by bus. These are the aerial pictures from the flight. There's a lot of them, but I moved the best ones to the first page. Full disclosure, most have been cleaned up in Photoshop, it was very hazy that day. I included so many pictures with the hope that someone, somwhere will find them useful... * NOTE * -I've recently discovered the key to getting the best clarity out of posting pictures and panoramas to Travelblog is to keep the image size at the smallest dimensions permitted. Example: Go to the last page od images and click on the last two pictures of the Wetlands. One ... read more
Workers and Dust, Phnom Penh factory
Forest Pools
the mighty Mekong River

Asia » Cambodia » East » Banlung January 3rd 2008

What I expected was to see a society totally different from Cambodian culture, known for their carved totems of deceased family members. What I got was an amazing river trip on a unique boat, views of Vietnam, a $1.50 ramen meal and also a glimpse at a Chinese village over 100 years old! It was hot, the river was cool. I bought a hat that barely fit my head. We were exhausted on the drive back to Ban Lung, as the sweltering heat, tropical sunshine and 120 decibell boat engines deafened us the entire way. It was an amazing trip and a perfect way to end my time in Ratanakiri. With a few more years of tourist dollars, proper preservation of the forest and some more tourist promotion- Ratanakiri is poised to be the outdoor capital ... read more
bong pro(brother); Tonle San River
Tonle San River forest
bong srei(sister); Tonle San River

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