Blogs from Western Region, Uganda, Africa - page 20


Day 34 - 39 Ah....from Nile Porch Lodge overlooking the Nile! Wonderful "half tent/half lodge"accommodation ...very exotic and lovely, sleeping and showering in the open . We had a short and uneventful flight from Nairobi to Entebbe with the very nice free continental brekkies that we have come to love on local, short flights . The Nairobi airport was the most amazing mix of people from all over, especially the "sultan" garbed men and their ladies...just gorgeous dress! Patrick,our driver, met us and we were off for a short tour of Entebbe,a very nice,small, modern city of a million, then to a very nice interpretive centre to see lions, zebras, monkeys etc and after lunch to Nagambi island on Lake Victoria . The chimp sanc... read more
Dianne is somewhere up ahead
We made it
Having fun on the Nile

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Kibale National Forest October 24th 2012

De habituation experience te Bwindi Impenetrable NP was zo ongeveer mijn mooiste dag in Uganda. De hele dag werd ik omring door chimps, hoog in de bomen maar ook op de grond vlak bij me. Ik kreeg een gids voor mezelf, Jessica. We zouden de chimpansees treffen in de boom waar ze de avond ervoor slapen gingen. Dit is meestal vlakbij een vijgen, vruchtenboom, zodat ze snel aan eten geraken. Chimpansees slapen elke nacht ergens anders en rollen enkele takken met bladeren samen op als nestje. Er zaten een zevental chimps in de enorme vijgenboom. Er hing een babytje te zwieren aan een tak, er stond een vrouwtje heet en had geregelde bezoekjes. Ik stond ereen tiental minuten, toen plots op enkele meters achter me een chimp verscheen. Deze chimps zijn niet aggressief naar mensen toe, ... read more

Om 8 uur start de gorilla tracking, dit betekent vroeg uit de veren want het is 2 uur rijden. Er hangt een gezonde spanning in de auto. In het Travellers Rest Hotel in Kisoro hangen verschillende nationaliteiten rond, allen voor de gorilla,s. De wildste verhalen gaan rond, over zware trackings, een gorilla die naast een man gaat zitten en zijn arm er rond slaat tot een Australier die een stomp tegen zijn schouder kreeg en viel. Aangekomen dienen we ons paspoort te tonen om onze permit te verkrijgen. Allen hebben op voorhand een gorillagroep toegewezen gekregen, wij de Nshungo. Als ze merken dat de groep niet voldoende fit is, kan dit nog wijzigen. Om 8 uur is er eerst een briefing, onthou vooral dat je een gorilla niet in de ogen mag kijken. Tevens op 7 ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Kisoro October 22nd 2012

Het doven en blinden schooltje... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Fort Portal October 18th 2012

Queen Elizabeth National Park We have recently done a safari at queen Elizabeth national park. It included both a game drive in the park and a boat cruise. The trip was started by an early morning ride in a matatu 100km from fort portal. We stopped at the equator on our way which was a cool thing to check out. After photos we continued on and went into the park. Upon entering we drove around on route to our boat cruise. We saw elephants, cob (Ugandan deer with large horns), Ugandan buffalo, and warthog. On our cruise we set out for a 2 hour journey which we saw many interesting birds, hippo crocodile and other animals drinking from the lake. The boat was good because we we're able to go above the roof on a deck ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Fort Portal October 18th 2012

Africa time.. We have begun to realize the differences in the cultures. First noticeable difference is what they call Africa Time. Basically time hardly exists here,people walk almost everywhere and take their time. If your to meet someone at 4 they will begin to show up at 5 maybe 6 and at is completely normal. For us it's so different because we are used to drive throughs and I being late is one of mine and Sams biggest pet peeves. We find ourself hundreds of meters ahead of the group who are walking at African pace. It is going to take some time to adjust hah. Weather.The weather is quite random. One minute its super hot, the next it's thunder storming and then back to sunny. We like the weather because unlike other areas in Uganda ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Fort Portal September 15th 2012

Hello everyone! I cannot believe it has already been two weeks since we started our adventure! I can defiently say that I was not prepared for all of the the things that Uganda has to offer! It is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever seen! We are living right by the Ruwenzori mountains amongst the hill side, banana trees, chimpanzee and lush green countryside. Inside of that Beauty lies the ugly truth of the current state of the country. The immense poverty that we see everyday is unbelievable I am currently studying how HIV/aids effects women in rural Uganda. The last two weeks I have been given an intensive orientation and begun doing community outreach. The first day of orientation really put things into a harsh reality for me. We went to visit ... read more

The Ugandan Gorillas – 24 July 2012 We woke up very excited – even though it was 4.30am!! Had breakfast and the group was divided up into 3 groups (8,8 & our group of 6). Each group was allocated a particular family of gorillas to visit as they restrict the numbers of people observing them. Our family of gorillas was the Nshongi family which consisted of 23 members. We got into a Toyota van and drove for 2 hours to the entry of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park where we were met by local ranges working for the Ugandan Wildlife Authority (UGA). Two English people joined our group. We were briefed by our guide on the rules for visiting gorillas. We had our Gorilla permits and had to show our passports. Permits were $US500 which all ... read more
Ugandan Gorilla Tour 24 July (37)
Ugandan Gorilla Tour checkin point 24 July (11)
Ugandan Gorilla Tour Guide (12)

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Lake Bunyonyi September 9th 2012

Here are the phoitos of the 'Pygmy' Village we visited - but saw no small people only - all we saw were displaced people being trained by tourists to ask for money - very sad!... read more
Pygmy Village Uganda (11)
Pygmy Village Uganda (12)
Pygmy Village Uganda (13)

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Lake Bunyonyi September 9th 2012

Lake Bunyonyi Overland Resort – 25-26 July These 2 days were spent around, on and above the Lake. Lake Bunyonyi is a body of water seven kilometres west from Kabale Town, south-western Uganda. It is 25 km long and 7 km wide, covering an area of 61 square kilometres. The lake's altitude is 1,950 m, and it is surrounded by hills that are 2,200 to 2,478 m high and intensely cultivated. Its 29 islands are concentrated in the central part. These islands have few settlements; they are mostly used for tourist facilities and for a secondary and a primary school. The data on the lake's maximum depth varies; from 44 m to 900 m in parts (although a conflicting sign on the side of the Lake stated that it was 2000m at its deepest). If the ... read more
In around and above Lake Bunyonyi Uganda 25 to 26 July (6)
In around and above Lake Bunyonyi Uganda 25 to 26 July (7)
In around and above Lake Bunyonyi Uganda 25 to 26 July (8)

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