Blogs from Ethiopia, Africa - page 85


Africa » Ethiopia February 5th 2008

Axum is a very interesting place full of history that has yet to be discovered. Little of Axumite history has been uncovered by archaeologists (only about 4%) but it is believed that the Axumite Empire rivaled the Egyptians. There are several churches and monestaries in the surrounding area including the church that is believed to be the resting place of the legendary Arc of the Covenant. Of course no one is allowed to see the Arc and there is a single guard that is chosen by the church. We also visited the baths and palace that are believed to have been used by Queen Sheba. The stellae are large obelisks that were raised as grave markers and obviously the larger the obelisk the more important the grave. Recently one of the obelisks that was stolen by ... read more
Water girl
Under construction

Africa » Ethiopia February 2nd 2008

The next part of our journey through Ethiopia took us to the Semien Mountains National Park. The scenery was so spectacular and we took so many photos. It was so hard to decide which ones to show on the blog so we decided to divide it into two parts. The main animals that we saw were the Gelada Baboons which were absolutely everywhere! We also saw a few Walia Ibex which were pretty cool because of their huge antlers. There were also all sorts of interesting plant life which was very different for us to see at altitude when we're used to seeing nothing above the tree line back home. It was pretty amazing for the both of us because we've never been at this high an altitude. The highest we've been is only 2700 meters ... read more
Plant 4
Baboon 7

Africa » Ethiopia February 2nd 2008

Kathie is wondering why when guys travel they tend to lose weight, but when girls travel, they tend to gain weight???? no fair!! This is part 2 for Semien mountains, just cause we couldn't decide which photos to post. Enjoy!! Also just wanted to wish my sister "Happy Groundhog Day"... read more
Landscape 2
People 5
Landscape 4

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar January 30th 2008

We're beginning to wonder if we've ended up in some sort of strange Lord of the Rings allegory. Our first stop in Ethiopia is the ancient capital of Gondar. Later on we were scheduled to drive through a village called Shire. It's a shame that the Semien Mountains aren't called the Misty Mountains... Okay, I think the relation seems to stop there but it gave the geeks in us (...okay me) a bit of entertainment for a while. We immediately took a liking to this country. The food is excellent! They have teriffic pizza (Italian influence), tasty coffee (especially when instant Nescafe has been typical for the last 3 months), and cheap beer (about $0.75 per bottle). The local food is also very good - especially the food served on fasting day (ie: no meat allowed). ... read more
Vulture taking flight
Royal Enclosure 1
Gondar at Sunset

Africa » Ethiopia » Oromia Region » Robe January 27th 2008

I was invited to go and watch the Mamilla Kindergarten Institute (where I teach on a Saturday) playing in a volleyball match yesterday, but missed the game as it had finished by the time Hannah and I got there - based on the experience of today, I have no idea how! They were playing again today, so after a Sunday breakfast of eggs (the best in Robe) at Welmall Café, we went to Robe Stadium. The volleyball was taking place behind the actual stadium, in the grounds! The first match, between Robe Teachers’ College and Agafa College, was supposed to have started at 3am (local time, i.e. 9am) but had still not started when we arrived at 4am. Buno, one of my friends, was the RTC coach and Kuma (an HDP candidate from last year) was ... read more
Team Mamilla
Mamilla playing
Buno - Robe CTE's coach

Africa » Ethiopia » Oromia Region » Robe January 20th 2008

Two of my friends in Robe have set up a private training institute for Kindergarten teachers. When they first told me about it, I was impressed by their vision and the fact that they had recognised a gap in the market and acted on it. They are using an old clinic and have refurbished the classrooms. They asked if I would help them by teaching some classes, so I spend Saturday mornings teaching three groups. I don’t get paid, but the guys occasionally invite me out for a drink or dinner, which is a great deal. The sessions are about how to teach English to kindergarten children (not an area am I particularly skilled in, but thank goodness for the Internet), which I have based mainly on a phonics programme from the UK. One of the ... read more
Playing a name game
Timkat in Robe

Africa » Ethiopia » Oromia Region » Robe January 19th 2008

Tuesday was Hannah’s birthday. She had decided to have a huge party on the Saturday. Hannah’s invitation had said that it was an English party. In Ethiopia, the custom is that if you invite someone for a coffee, beer or meal, you pay for them. Obviously, Hannah was not able to pay for everyone. The party was at the Harar Beer restaurant (sometimes known as Ketema) and started at 3pm. Attota, one of Hannah’s candidates was the MC and told us the programme for the afternoon, which started with an icebreaker (oh, the influence of the Higher Diploma Programme). A second activity involved slips of paper being randomly distributed to some of the guests who had to do the action stated. Holly’s impression of a lion was a definite crowd pleaser, and worth her coming from ... read more
Traditiona Bale dress
Shekla Tibs
Lion Impression

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa January 14th 2008

Hello all! Well, I made it to Addis Ababa after 24 hours of flights. I have no luggage! It didn’t show up when I got here and then when I went to report it, they seemed very used to the problem and immediately gave me almost a hundred bucks in compensation. How odd. The problem is that there was no other Lufthansa flight coming in from Frankfurt until tonight (Monday) and I arrived on a Saturday night. Big bummer. I’m heading out there tonight in hopes of getting my suitcases and if I don’t I’ll really be screwed because we’ll be heading up into the north in a few days and this is not like Kenya where our local agent is amazing and takes care of all these things…flying your bags out to you. So the ... read more

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa January 8th 2008

Well spending a week in Addis Ababa was not in our original plans, but Ethiopian Airways seemed to have other ideas for us so a week it was. "Addis" as it is known means "new flower" and its location was chosen because of the natural beauty of the area which is now being eclipsed as massive development sprawls incoherently reaching out further and further from the city. With a population between 5-6 million, it is home to many non-governmental organizations where the white land cruisers with UN signage compete with the blue and white mini buses and old blue lada taxis belching out exhaust. It is also one of the fastest growing cities in Africa. As one couple we met noted 7 years ago there were virtually no high rises and now on every street corner, ... read more
Sign at Addis Ababa University
Life is not good for everyone in Addis
Typical street - Addis

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region » Addis Ababa December 30th 2007

Well, this was certainly going to be a Xmas to remember and not in a good way. We left Lalibela extremely late on our Ethiopian Airlines flight and then had to endure most of the full tourist circuit as we took off and landed in Gonder and then Bahir Dar before getting to Addis. Since we were an hour late when we landed in Gonder, they advised us that the ground time would be 3 minutes and it pretty much was. However, all their attempts to make up for lost time could not compensate fully and when we landed in Addis we had only 25 minutes to make our next flight to Dire Dawa, 500 km or so east of Addis. We flew through the airport as if in training for the Amazing Race, bags in ... read more
Having fun with the locals - Dire Dawa
Market in Dire Dawa - Arab influence in evidence
Where we bought our coffee pot

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