Blogs from Western Desert, Egypt, Africa - page 5


Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Dakhla Oasis October 14th 2008

I need a bath!!! This was going to be our last night in the desert and our first opportunity for an actual shower. Yippie !! We were moving out of the desert itself and instead going to be spending the night in the Oasis town of Dakhla. Even in ‘winter’ as they called it - The Desert was piercingly hot during the day and freezing cold at night. Sitting in the truck for our drive with nothing but warm Desert air being ventilated through the open windows made most of us almost catatonic, leaving us with little or no energy to talk let alone do anything upon reaching our destination. Our first order of business after lunch was finished was to determine the shower roster for the group. There was only one bathroom in place we ... read more
Dakhla Oasis
The Locals
The mud hut village

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Baharia October 13th 2008

Does a bear shit in the forest? If so what do you do in the desert? We spent the previous night under the stars in the black desert (Sahara Suda) close to a train line that stretched for miles into the middle of nowhere. The black desert was not what I had visualised the desert to be - thinking that all deserts would be filled with mountains of red or white sand that stretched out endlessly (Okay! I only had the tv to compare it to). Instead the black desert was mounds of sand almost completely covered in small black lava rocks. We arrived late at night and immediately started preparations for our dinner (sadly I was on the cooking group tonight). Unfortunately the wood that we had originally sourced and tied to the truck ... read more
On the way to the White Desert
Modern technology even in the Desert
Now that's what I call a supermarket

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Siwa Oasis August 30th 2008

Saturday 30th August What a day. We travelled from Alexandria to Siwa. Our first stop was Al Alamein battle field cemetery and Military museum, the cemetery was very beautiful, peaceful and well maintained. Reading some inscriptions on the headstones and being in the hot dry desert where the young Australian men had fought and lost there lives was a very moving experience. The drive followed the coast passing a continuous stream of condo style apartments built on the beach. After watching the apartments go by for the first 20kms we were impressed, after 100km we were even more impressed, after 300kms we got bored and just ignored them. The apartments had all been built in the last 20 years. Ron commented give them another twenty years and no one could invade by sea as the whole ... read more
Lunch at Mutrah
Dinner on the roof of our hotel at Siwa
Siwa from the Mountain of the Dead

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Baharia June 7th 2008

今早六時起來,本身是約了阿叻一起看日出,但結果他起不了床。我就自己衝上那個山丘看日出。我想自中學時代去過鳯凰山看日落外,都沒有試過了。其實日出吸引的地方不是漂亮,而是在瞬間把一片黑暗變成光明,而且日出的時候空氣都是很清新,給人一個很有生機的感覺。雖然日出能令人精神爽利,但看完日出後我繼續睡,一直睡到十時半,這是我整個旅程睡得最多的一天。 接近中午時候,那對法國母女回來,一問之下,原來她們是去了White Dessert。她們在沙漠上搭帳幕野餐,而且還吸引了很可愛的野狼呢。 其實當時我的確很後悔沒有在來之前跟campsite溝通好我想去white dessert,因為一個人去沙漠是很貴的,所以如果有人一起去就會便宜很多。 但是世事豈盡如人意。其實本身來不來到沙漠都是未知之數,現在能夠來到這裡已經很幸運。 跟她們倆母女談了一會,原來女兒在這裡工作,媽媽來探她。她們這次主要是由東向西走,主要是海灘跟沙漠,避開了所有遊客區。還有,她還告訢我,她拿著那個埃及工作證明,去金字塔是不用付錢的。所有要付錢的,都只有是遊客呢。其實就是這些先人留下來的偉大遺跡。 留在這個campsite的感覺不像旅遊,像是在這裡生活一樣。下午跟阿叻忽發奇想,想往附近的Black Mountain走一走,那就開始了在沙漠行山這個特備節目。Black Mountain上有很多像炭一樣的石頭,所以看上去整座山都是黑色,很特別的呢。阿叻出發前更準備了點生果及汽水,放在冰箱裡,而他卻踢著拖,把那個冰箱摃上肩上就出發了。在前往Black Mountain途中,是先經過一段沙漠,在途中我看到動物的骸骨,以及動物被吃後的腐屍,這些都是我沒有見過,而且身在沙漠的感覺就更強烈。在途中,我們不停拍照,而且常常在沙上寫字,阿叻寫阿拉伯文,我寫中文。山上的石頭很特別,是風化很久的,是脆的,一踩就碎了。 最後我在山頂,看見太陽從山後落下,慢慢消失於山中,這是我在埃及見到最後的一個日落。 我們晚上八點半才回到campsite,今天的活動,一般遊客不會做,其實他們當地人也不會這樣無聊去這樣玩,所以作為在埃及的最後一天的活動,是... read more
阿叻 and me

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Baharia June 6th 2008

整晚都是坐著睡,但出奇地並沒有醒來,睡了六個多小時。本身是叫服務員八時叫我們,結果他七時都叫醒了我們。 早餐是幾個硬得像石頭的面包,但暫看服務員的態度還算ok。吃完後,才發現那個早餐是要付錢的,還要LE20,而且我們之前是問過是免費的。結果,大家都很堅持,說要鬧上警局也不付。但由於我不是終站下車,而是在Giza下車,所以我只好先付掉錢,而且還錯過了這個大鬧開羅警局的機會。 今天的目的地是沙漠,由於時間不配合的關係,只好付比較多的錢,由campsite派車來接我去。車程大概5小時,那輛是部吉普車,乘客亦只有我一人。進入沙漠,真的很荒落,什麼都沒有,比想像中有點出入,但始終獨自闖入沙漠的感覺還不錯。 到了campsite,真的是跟網頁的照片一樣,那裡只有一個又一個的草屋。當時campsite有一對來自法國的母女。但是她們當時正準備出發往沙漠,由於我剛剛到來的關係,還搞不懂她們去哪裡,她們就出發了。但其實當時看一看錢包,剩下的錢也沒有太多,還是留在這裡度假,省點錢,以免有什麼意外的時候不夠錢用。 結果,在campsite剩下只有我一個客人,以及一個不懂講英文的埃及員工。接下來的時間感覺有點無聊,沒有電視沒有上網,campsite處於沙漠的中心,也沒有什麼觀光地點可去。Campsite 中間是一個大帳幕,我在那裡睡午覺,但卻有很多烏蠅撲在我的臉上及咀,好騷擾,那個埃及人也在睡,那時我感覺自己好像當地人一樣,過著很悠閒的生活。 那個埃及人雖然不懂英文,但我們用手語溝通也不錯,完全沒有陌生的感覺。差不多日落的時間,我去了附近的一個很小的山丘看日落。 我再一次在埃及看日落,而這次是在一落無際的沙漠上看,看著太陽消失在黑山後。 晚上,那個埃及人阿叻預備了一餐很大很大的晚餐,而且是超好味。在campsite外面有一個洗澡的地方,那裡有一支水管把地下的温泉水抽上來,而地下水是有很重的硫磺味。我就在那裡洗澡,在沙漠上浸著温泉水,望著滿天星斗,感覺很滿足,因為這些非一般的享受不是每一個旅客都能感受到的,正是我這次旅行的目的。Campsite附近是個小村莊,因此有時會有陌生人過來,他... read more
Pic from train
endless desert
endless desert

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Siwa Oasis May 27th 2008

Siwa is great! It is a small desert community that had no road until 1980, so things are still very "old Egypt". There are donkeys everywhere, the women were covered from head to toe (face too), and every morning everyone lines up at the bakery to collect their flatbread for the day (including me!). It is only 90km from the Libya border and in the middle of the desert. I was told by a Canadian guy (Scott Cable, met him in Irkutsk, Russia) that I had to check it out. He also informed me of an interesting tidbit of information that he was told by an Egyptian guy regarding the habits of the local men and their lust for the donkeys. Apparently some politician's wife was bothered by this fact, and ordered that all the female ... read more
view of Siwa
A Natural Bedoiun
Paradise Island

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Siwa Oasis May 11th 2008

Disconnected is one of many words that could be used to describe the Egyptian transport infrastructure (hopelessly inefficient is another good way of describing it). We were lucky to score a night train ticket out of Luxor and into Cairo although we had to pay extra to catch the train originating in Aswan (even though we were boarding in Luxor) as the train originating in Luxor had been sold out (makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?). Regardless, we were fit to say our goodbyes to Luxor and hustle our way to Siwa along what amounts to a big “L” shaped series of tracks and roads. The first leg was an overnight train to Cairo, followed by an afternoon train from Cairo to Alexandria then a series of two buses (one from Alexandria to Marsa Matrah, and one ... read more
Fahim pouring tea
Rozy climbing up a dune

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Baharia April 18th 2008

After months of planning and weeks and days of stressful pre-trip preparations, I finally departed for my first 4 day field trip as the teacher instead of the student! Ever since I arrived in Egypt, I have had the idea of taking the high school students to the Western Desert as part of their PE class. Part of the high school curriculum requires students to learn about physical activity in an alternative environment, as well as look at some basic survival skills and first aid. Back in February, I picked the second week of April as a perfect time to take a break from the routine of school, enjoy the not-too-hot early summer weather and head out for a week in the sand. I sought out a reputable tour company and hotel, researched what other local ... read more
the Minamar Resort
Oasis road
The Jeeps

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert April 11th 2008

This day marked our journey across the desert and our night under the stars. It was amazing scenery along the way, and we made a few stops including Sand Dunes, Volcano Mountain, The Black Desert, The Obstacles, lunch at Haez, Crystal Mountain, The Flowers and Fossils, The Old White Desert (Mushroom Rocks) and the New White Desert, which had Chicken Rock and was our final camping spot for the night. I think my Dog Rock at Crystal Mountain was better then Chicken Rock. Here was a relaxing night under the stars by the campfire, where our friend sheesha popped up again. ... read more
The Sand Dunes
Volcano Mountain
Me in the Black Desert

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Siwa Oasis April 8th 2008

8-4-08 It was another long day on the road. We had an… early start, just for something new, and hopped on the bus. Ten hours later, after passing some pretty amazing Mediterranean coastline, we arrived in the Oasis town of Siwa. First impression was that it was a pretty small and barren town, but delightfully, first impressions aren’t always right. We first headed up to the site of the old town, which gave great views of the area. It was amazing to see how much of the area the water took up. We were up the top, just as the sun was setting. Ahhh, holiday! We then went out for dinner in what would become our regular, followed by some sheesha at a local coffee house. This coffee house was equipped with a real coffee machine, ... read more
Man checking the time
Admiring the view

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