Blogs from Western Desert, Egypt, Africa - page 3


Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Siwa Oasis November 4th 2010

After catching up on lost sleep from the bus ride from Cairo, we headed into the town to explore. And found out yet another great thing about Siwa - Bikes For Hire. I spent the rest of the day remembering how great it is to ride a bike. The bikes are falling apart. So heavy it feels as if they've been engineered from marble. And with brakes that don't work, and pedals that don't turn. But it's fantastic. Cheating on Sienna has never felt so good. Me and Mike tour the sights around town, enjoying the childish thrills of an open road and two wheels, with a few ancient monuments thrown in to help us catch our breath. The Temple of the Oracle is a mud-brick temple built on a small hill on the edge of ... read more
Siwan temple
Siwan temple
Beeees? (Or maybe dates)

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Siwa Oasis November 2nd 2010

So I left the Akram Inn, and the company of the two Australians I met on the ferry, and with trepidation back in my heart, I headed off on my own to the bus station for a 10hour overnight bus to Siwa, a small oasis in the middle of the Western Desert, just 40miles from Libya. On my own, for the first time. It was good to have some company for the first few days, but I was now ready to head off alone - it had all been a bit too predictable and dare i say it, almost too easy so far. I wonder how long I'll regret writing those few words? I found my way to the station, even to the correct platform, was getting used to being the only white face in the ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert October 27th 2010

Dimanche le 24 octobre, Carl est encore une fois reveille le 1er. Cette nuit, on a tous dormi comme des bebes, il n y avait pas une once de vent. On quitte nos jolies dunes de sable pour revenir a Magic Spring ou on en profite pour faire un petit brin de toilettes et faire la vaiselle. Aujourd hui, le rythme est plus contemplatif, fini le rallye automobile, on admire les paysages. On entre ensuite dans le vieux desert blanc, vraiment immense. Il s agit en fait d un desert de sable ou ca et la des plaques de calcaire blanc au sol et d etranges formations rocheuses toutes blanches et assez petites. En plein milieu de ce desert blanc, on arrive a Water Melon Valley. il s agit de centaines de tranchees creusees par les ... read more
Lever de soleil
Virginie qui est zen dans le old white desert
Old white desert

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert October 26th 2010

Jeudi le 21 octobre, Vous avez ete bien chanceux hier d avoir de nos nouvelles! On logeait dans un petit hotel d un oasis du desert egyptien et par miracle, il y avait internet! Voici donc aujourd hui le debut de nos aventures dans le desert egyptien! Carlo est encore debout a l heure des poules, il en profite pour aller faire un tour sur internet, c est a se demander ce qu il va faire pendant 6 jours dans le desert sans ordinateur! Nous n avons pas le temps de prendre notre dejeuner que notre chauffeur, Mustapha Mohammad Ali arrive, a 7:45. Et c est parti pour un 3 heures de route a 150 km/heure. Ce qui devait etre un trajet de 4-5 heures devient finalement un court trajet de 3 heures de route. On ... read more
Crystal Montain
El Agabat
Campement dans le desert

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Siwa Oasis June 10th 2010

Hi everyone, I am Yehia from Cairo Egypt, and I will be posting a series of posts for what to do in Egypt out of my own experiences, and hope it will be useful for you. For this post I will start with one of my favorite activities to do during a weekend, Visiting Egypt, and stying at Cairo, having few days to spend there and don't know what to do, looking for something exiting to do, and don't know what is it, don't worry if the adventure one of your hobbies how about sand boarding in the Oasis road desert, enjoy the Qatanya dune over 180 M. slide, only 1 hour away from Cairo, trip goes on 4X4 safari cars, from the main road into the desert till you reach Qatanya dune, then you get ... read more
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Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Baharia February 10th 2010

We've been traveling through the Middle East for almost 3 months now, we've seen desert. We've seen vast expanses of sand and rock. We've visited remote castles and isolated villages. They've been interesting, enjoyable, but none really compare to the spectacular scenery of Egypt's Western Desert. It was already midday before the coach dropped us off in Bawiti, the biggest town in Baharia Oasis (yes, the oases are big enough to have multiple villages in them!), so by the time we'd met the other tourists and the local drivers who would take us into the desert in two 4x4s and stopped for 'bedouin lunch' it was getting fairly late in the afternoon and we weren't too inspired. However the road soon took us far away from other people, to where hours pass with just sand and ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Baharia January 14th 2010

Jan 12 Well my driver collected me early and we headed off to round up a few more people then hit the bus station. Where he put us on the bus and sent us 5-6 hours in to the desert to Baharia oasis.  Where we were met by mobs of tour operators and touts. Our guide had no sign just said his name wlgdy. He separated us into some old 4 runners and away we went. We drove for an hour or so before stopping for lunch which our driver made fo us. It was pretty good. My car consisted of a weird German guy named gregory and a Japanese kid named Teto. Our first stop Cristal mountain. I was under the assumption we were going to hike this or something or at the least it ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert December 1st 2009

Nice when things live up to your expectations. Films, documentaries and stories have fed my imagination since I was a pup and for me the Sahara became the quintessential desert, populated by Bedouins, small towns clustered around oases, mile after mile of sand hills, rocks eroded by the incessant winds - a hard, extremely fragile environment that takes no prisoners. Deserts are special places for me and this one lives up to its reputation as the daddy of them all. We joined our Dragoman/Intrepid tour on the 23rd. This required us to move from our place at the Juliana Hotel where we were very comfortable - after we sorted a room issue. The place we moved to was OK but it was into a dorm room with 7 people, including us. Dorms I can live with ... read more
Top of a Pyramid
Lots of Rocks

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Baharia November 30th 2009

On my last day there is a fire in Cairo. In my stomach. Taking this as a cue that the city no longer agrees with me, it's time to leave. I arrive too late the next morning to catch the solitary bus to Bahariyya, a desert oasis that is to be my next destination. Instead I am pointed towards the minibus depot, located miles away under a urine soaked flyover. There isn't a foreigner or English speaker in sight but I am eventually able to locate the correct desert taxi and we get underway after barely an hour of waiting. The minibus has 17 seats but we get away with just 23 occupants. Behind me the back four seats are taken up by two voluminous women and their assorted baggage. I have already noticed that many ... read more
White night
Our truck
Camping under the stars

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Siwa Oasis June 7th 2009

I have been patiently waiting to find the right time to travel to this remote oasis located in the Western Desert of the Sahara, only 40 km away from Libya. When I found out in May that my friend from high school, Mushi, was planning to visit me in Egypt, I knew right away that we needed to make the journey to Siwa. After running late and being stuck in horrendous Cairo traffic on the way to the bus station we finally made it onto the overnight public bus. While running through the Turgamon Bus Station to get to our bus gate, I had flashbacks to episodes of The Amazing Race. The bus ride from Cairo to Siwa normally takes 11 hours, however, luck was not on our side and our bus broke down in the ... read more
Our Jeep
Town Center
Mud brick house

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