Blogs from Sinai, Egypt, Africa - page 26


Africa » Egypt » Sinai September 13th 2006

The other significant stop while staying in Dahab was a moonlit hiking ascent to the summit of Mt. Sinai. I've always wanted to visit the spot where Moses received the 10 commandments - twice! as well as walk around the same desert that the israelites wondered for 40 years - no wonder they complained - we were all pleased to return to the sea after only a few hours of being away! We reached the top at 4am along with many other hikers, bedoins and camels, and pulled out the sleeping bags to nap for a couple of hours on a jutting cliff before watching the sunrise from the summit. At the base of the mountain is St. Katherine's monastery. Considered to be the second most important religious site in Christianity following the Vatican. Here, we ... read more
looking rough

Africa » Egypt » Sinai August 22nd 2006

Joined our Kumuka tour group, boarded the 'truck' and left chaotic Cairo. Some interesting aspects of the drive to Mt Sinai include: * Smashed up tour bus and van - head on collision - not surprising as they drive like absolute maniacs (refer below). * Drove under the Suez Canal and saw ships floating through the desert (see piccie). * Stopped for a toilet break. Toilet was a mound of dirt beside the highway - for the girls as well! * Had a local bus overtake us with an oncoming van only 100 metres away (which had to swerve off the road to avoid the above happening again), only to stop about 1 minute down the road at a bus stop to let a guy off. Crazy. * Nearly had enough road kill for a mixed ... read more
Ships in the desert
Mt Sinai

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab July 29th 2006

Sunday July 23, 2006 - Well, I slept terribly and arrived in Dahab in a less than good mood. Met at the station by reps of the hotel the Canadians had recommended, so I went there. There was no room for me yet, so I waited 30 minutes while they cleaned one. Afterwards I got a shower and went for a walk around. Everything is pretty much at the water front and very touristy. I decided I didn't like it immediately. Even though everyone loves it here. There is no real beach, so I couldn't figure out what to do or where to go, unless you went to one of the many restaurants with cushions to relax on. But this isn't my style. I walked the length of Dahab and then back after some internet (air-con!) ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Sinai June 27th 2006

I woke up early to catch the sunrise at the beach camp. We had a nice breakfast and then we went on a 2 hour van ride to Saint Kathrines Monestary at the base of Mt. Sinai. I took a look around the Monestary and got a view of the Burning Bush located within. I then climbed up some rocks so I could get a great picture of St. Kathrines Monestary. After the monestary we headed to our hotel to check-in, have lunch, and take a nap before we would climb up Mt. Sinai for the sunset. He headed back to St. Kathrines Monestary were we met our guide Musa to take us up the mountain. Actually Musa guided the other guy in our group up the easy camel path while I choose to do the ... read more
The Half Way Point
The Stone Arch
Our group on the top of Mt. Sinai

Africa » Egypt » Sinai June 24th 2006

We woke up early to catch the high speed ferry from Hurghada to Sharm El Sheik. It took 90 minutes by ferry to reach the Sinai Peninsula. After arriving in Sharm El Sheik we were met by a van which took us on a 4 hour ride to our beach camp in Nuweiba. We arrived at our beach camp called Sawa. It consisted of a main open air restaurant and beach huts right next to the water. The beach huts consisted of a cement slab with a lightly constructed frame with palm leaves covering the roof. Inside was a a few small carpets and a mattress on the floor but the best part was that you were only 30 feet from the water. There was no internet or phones available in the area and we were ... read more
My beach hut and the Red Sea
5 Star all the way
View from the Main building

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab June 2nd 2006

Shared taxi from Pigeon House to Sharm bus station...lots of cops and the driver still tried to steal from me. For those interested, there are a few daily buses from Sharm to Dahab and they only cost about $2 USD. Easy bus ride as it took a little over 1 hour through baren landscape of Sinai. I land in town and search for a place as I walk the boardwalk and find the prices are too high especially as it is low seaon and since its just a month after the bombingm vacancies are high. I finally settle on the small hotel called Nirvana. I get a good room for $10 USD per night. I decided to dive with Nirvana as it was recommended by the dive shop in Zanzibar. Dahab is a great sleepy little ... read more
Welcome to Dahab

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab June 1st 2006

This one is a long time coming....We left Egypt almost a month ago and are now settling down in London for a bit of a long haul. Egypt was a country full of beauty, mystery, heat, annoyances, and stunning scenery. Once again, we are so going back there. We started in Cairo and arrived at about 9:30pm and the heat hit us as soon as we stepped off the plane. The flight was delayed by about 2 hours so we were wondering if our taxi driver from the hostel we had booked would still be there, thank goodness he was cause as soon as we walked out of the airport we were bombarded with people wanting to "help" us and take our bags to their taxis etc... We arrived that night and arranged to go on ... read more
Looking across the Bay
Coral Cuts

Africa » Egypt » Sinai June 1st 2006

(Dustin) Well the 16 hour bus to Dahab was kind of odd....we would stop for about 2 minutes at places where there was food to eat and a half hour or more in the places where there was nothing and the people just seemed to be messing around. But we finally got it over with and it was great to be back at the beach for a little while. The sun was out the town is alot smaller and quieter than we imagined and we met some old friends from the road again there. The town is pretty cleared out since all the things that happened last month and some of the people still talked about how things are quite different know which we could easily understand. We wandered around, confused some people at a restaurant ... read more
Chillin at the Top

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab June 1st 2006

Well, as everyone else... hehehe... we need some vacation too, we were traveling in a strong pace and visiting places was becoming boring because we were always tired. So we decided to stop in a relaxing place for more than only three days, the chosen place is Dahab in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. I know you may think we are crazy because in the last 24 of May were some terrorists attacks here. But the place is great and cheaper than many other places we have been before. We pay less than two US Dollars for the night in the hotel. There is many great diving and snorkeling places... yes, this is the famous red sea.... where we can sea a great diversity of big fishes, including turtles, moreias, araias, dolphins, Sharks, Lion fishes and ... read more
Beduin dinner
Climbing Mt Sinai
Sun rise at Mt Sinai

Africa » Egypt » Sinai May 12th 2006

Trekking up Mt Sinai late at night to see the sunrise was really something.....We arrived at the bottom of the mountain around 8pm...then it was all hands to work to cook tea, clean up and set off for the top of the mountain. Finally, housework all done, w set forth. It was 10:30pm (or thereabouts) before we finally got underway for the 2-3 hour trek...... To camel or not to camel??? That was the question. Would our knees and thigh muscle manage unaided?? Being determined to do it under my own steam I decided not to camel it. I think that perhaps that decision, will turn out to be one of the best ones I have made, for that experience - the walk up in the moonlight, on those bare narrow ledges, stripped back to ... read more
Sleeping at Sinai
The trek back
The eternal timelessness

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