Blogs from Tiwanaku, La Paz Department, Bolivia, South America - page 2


South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku April 20th 2009

The city of La Paz varies in altitude between @3000m - 4100m, a fact that was enough to blow my mind even without the altitude sickness I was suffering from! OK so perhaps travelling here from sea level in just one day hadn't been the best idea ever but experience told me my first few days at altitude were going to be pretty evil regardless and there really hadn't been anywhere else to stop in between. Still I tried to be a good little backpacker during those first days, pushing myself out of the hostel to do 'touristy' things (interspersed with lots of sit down breaks!) by day but inevitably being back in bed at an embarrassingly early hour, having finally succumbed to the pounding headache and nausea, whilst everyone else it seemed went out partying. ... read more
Plaza Murillo, La Paz
Soldiers outside the Government Palace
Plaza Murillo, La Paz

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku April 7th 2009

Jose, Ceci and I took a tour to Tiwanaku Bolivia’s most significant arquelogicla site. Not much is known about the people who lived here and builded this great ceremonial place, but it’s belived that Tiwanaku rose in about 600BC and disappeared about 1200AC, with different theories, one of them being that the Inca came and took the land as there has been found evidence of its influence. There are a number of megaliths strewn around the site, including a ruined pyramid which is still being excavated as it hs been covered by sand and mud for hundreds of years, and the remains of a ritual platform. Our guide took us first to the museum and gave us lots of information about this pre-inca civilization, the most bizarre one was the deformed skulls we saw (they looked ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku August 23rd 2008

Camisaki (Hello in Aymara)! It’s been over a week since we last blogged because we have been so busy here! We just got back from “el campo” (the field) two days ago and we have a lot to say. We left off two days before we left for the remote Apolobamba region of La Paz, Bolivia in the Bautista Saavedra Province of La Paz (northeast of Lake Titicaca). Before leaving, Laura and I went to the MUSEF (Museo de Etno-Folkloria) to do some research on the Kallawayas and meet with Majo’s prior anthropology professor for some tips on what to do in the field. This guy was awesome. He had studied and taught at Harvard, Columbia, and Yale, among other top tier American universities! And on top of that he was very knowledgeable and a good ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku May 27th 2008

Acordamos cedinho, 7 da manha e fomos tomar cafe novamento na Chola do mercado, a van que nos levou a Tiwanaku passaria no Hostel as 8 da matina. Cafe da manha a Chola novamente com toda a simpatia nos serviu um delicioso mate de coco e dois paezinhos com manteiga... muito bom. Pegamos a Van e seguimos por 72 Km ate o sitio arqueologico de Tiwanaku. Tiwanaku foi a civilizacao que deu origem aos incas, tinhamos um guia muito bom o grupo de 12 pessoas com Irlandeses, Ingleses, um americano, um alemao, espanhois, franceses. Almocamos num restaurantezinho no proprio lugar, o Zenun comeu truta e eu pedi um frango... tava ruim... enfim... valeu a pena. O dia foi cansativo, muito sol e muito frio. A noite fomos ao Mongos, um restaurante baladinha tipico. Maravilhoso, chegamos la ... read more
Fachada do Hostel

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku May 15th 2008

Excursion a cote du lac titicaca aujourd'hui pour visiter Tiwanaku, des vestiges de temples inca, partiellement detruits par les conquistadors espagnols qui esperaient y trouver de l'or... et qui ont construits une eglise dans le village d'a cote avec les pierres volees ! Aujourd'hui encore les fouilles continuent et on peut voir un petit groupe de gens avec des pinceaux sur des ossements, sympa l'archeologie ! Bon, c'est pas tikal au Guaté mais ca vaut le coup d'oeil... Et puis notre guide etait Sue Helen alors... ... read more
cordillera real depuis la route
calendrier solaire

Eng version below. Ruiny Tiwanaku sa tym dla Boliwii czym Machu Picchu dla Peru. Choc mniej spektakularne, pozostaja najwazniejszym stanowiskiem archeologicznym tego kraju. Kultura Tiwanaku powstala na wiele lat przed inkaska (ok 1500r p.n.e). Upadla okolo roku 1000 n.e. Jak wsrod wielu ludow ameryki przedkolumbijskiej, tak i wsrod tego byli swietni budowniczy. Swiatynie i inne obiekty, wzniesiono na wysokosci 4000m z idealnie dopasowanych do siebie blokow kamiennych. To, co zostalo odkopane zachowalo sie w swietnym stanie, mimo ze bloki nie byly niczym spojone. Prawdopodonie ruiny prezentowalyby sie bardziej imponujaca, gdyby nie najezdzcy ze Stare Swiata... (dalsze opisy pod zdjeciami). Zabwanie bylo przed dotarciem do ruin, kt sa polozone poltorej godziny jazdy autobusem od La Paz. Autobusiki sa malenke i nie odjezdzaja dopoki nie sa zapelnione pasazerami. Kierowca wlazi na dach i wy... read more
Ruiny Tiwanaku
Pozostalosci swiatyni/The remains of the temple

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku April 1st 2008

Po divokych zazitcich z minulych dni jsem se rozhodl pro mene adrenalinove sporty a zvolil vylet na archeologicke naleziste prehistoricke kultury Tiahuanaco. Misto lezi zhruba hodinu a pul cesty minibusem. Odjizdi se od mestsekho hrbitova, ktery lezi asi dva kilometry do kopce smerem od hotelu. Cesta nahoru uzouckyma ulickama je jedno velke trziste. Vsude mraky lidi, vsichni neco vykrikujou, kazdej nabizi a snazi se prodat naprosto vsechno, co si lze predstavit. Nahore u hrbitova jsem nasel klucinu, sediciho na strese minibusu a vykrikujiciho v kulometne kadenci "Tiahuanaco, Tiahuanaco, Tiahuanaco ..." Nasedl jsem a cekal. A cekal. A cekal... Z avizovanych deseti minut se nakonec stalo minut padesat, protoze ridic nepojede pokud nebude mit na palube aspon 4 lidi. Vedle me si sedla stara indianka v burince a za mnou sedli dva Francouzi. Vyrazili jsme. Nekonecne dlouho ... read more
Predmesti La Paz

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku February 21st 2008

Finding ourselves with a layover day in La Paz, we decided to take a short little day trip to a nearby archeological site called Tiwanaku (or Tiahuanaco). We boarded a little bus with a bunch of other tourists from all over the globe and rode about an hour and a half to the site, which is near the south eastern shore of Lake Titicaca. Our guide took us into the small museum and around the site explaining the history of the Tiahuanco people, believed to be the cultural predecessor to the Incas. Much of the site is in poor condition due to being looted by other ancient groups and of course, by the Spanish. We were taken to the colonial period church in the nearby town to see that it had been built with rocks pilfered ... read more
The Sun Gate
Interesting Rock Work

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku January 25th 2008

Eine Tagestour zu den alten Ruinen der praebolivianischen Kultur vor den Inka. Eigentlich viel wichtiger als die Inka hier, aber wer hat vorher schon von den Tiwanaku gehoert? Uns zu Fuessen liegt jedenfalls die Tempelanlage. Ein Grossteil ist zerstoert, weil die spanischen Eroberer Steine fuer ihre Haeuser und ihre Kirche brauchten. Der Rest ist durch die Archaeologen schon ausgebuddelt, doch es gibt noch viel zu tun. Die Steine liegen fugengenau aufeinander, Goetzen vervollkommnen das Bild. Die Steine selbst sind teilweise durch Metallanker verbunden. Dazu wurden in die Steine Nuten geschlagen, die Steine aneinander gefuegt und anschliessend die Nuten mit einem Metallgemisch ausgegossen. Vor dem Tempel bzw. dem Observatorium... read more
Die Gottheit Wiracocha
Uebersicht ueber die Tempelanlage
Eine Statue

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku September 24th 2007

Yesterday we visited Tiwanaku, an important pre-Inca settlement, some 50km or so out of La Paz, up on the High Plateau. We left after a breakfast consisting of mate de coca (which is delicious!) and a small, buffet breakfast. Climbed up to El Alto at 4050m. We had stunning views of La Paz on the way up. Going through El Alto was fascinating as it was Market Day, so the place was absolutely crammed and packed of local flavour. We didn´t stop but our heads swivelled and eyes were spinning to catch everything. The bus then drove along the High Plateau, a valley, some 4060m above sea level. The place consists of farming communities as the Plateau is pretty fertile land. This time of year, the farmers are praying for rain as the soil is too ... read more

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