Blogs from Auckland, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 343


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland September 14th 2005

Hi guys , Dave here - well we arrived in Aukland - another 5 star HOSTEL! note superman senior that thats not the same as a 5 star hotel, it just means you get a bit more for you 8 pounds a night - like a clean toilet for instance. Anyway it was a nice day and i thought to myself 'why not go and throw myself of the highest tower in NZ i mean whats the worst that could happen?????'. So i did a base jump of the Sky tower.........twice. Pretty amazing experience and after watching spiderman the night before i now know how my childhood hero feels!? Id say the worst part is the first step off the platform, after that its a one way ticket with a great view. Gem manage to take ... read more
waiting for the fall
Falling from heaven
Landed and still speaking

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland September 8th 2005

Hi there all Well it's Friday morning for us, now recovered from the jet lag. Both Helena and I have been having some very weird moments, such as waking up in the middle of the night (lunch time in the UK) even though not hungry, trying not to fall asleep during the day and feeling very much like drunks due to tiredness! Luckily that is all past now and our body clocks have adjusted to Kiwi time! The hostel is in a camden-town-esque area with a high punk and street culture scene. Auckland city central is about 2miles square, surrounded by acres of suburbs. It has the feel of most Ports, being slightly rough around the edges but very alive and vibrant. Colonial Architecture meets American fast food and Asian skyscrapers is the best description I ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland September 6th 2005

Good evening all! We have arrived in New Zealand, Auckland! The weather is spring like, slightly damp in the air but comfortable (not cold!) The flight was crazy, left the UK at 4.00pm Sunday, arrived here Tuesday at 5.15am! Crossing time zones all over the place, we were finger-printed in LA, along with everyone else; while the plane was refuelled. However we did get free Tea and snacks. The trip added up like this: 10.00am leave sunny Ashford, 4.00pm leave UK = 10hr flight. 2hr stop over in LA. 15 hr flight to Auckland. 2hr bus ride on shuttle bus to hostel (crazy taxi driver!), due to heavy traffic in the city. We have both decided that we wouldn't want to stop over for a night in LA, as it would have made it far longer, ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland September 4th 2005

Ryan and Cara were going to go for a walk in Cornwall Park. They asked Nathan if he would like to come along. He said yes, I will take the work jeep and we can get the top off coz the weather is lovely. On the way we picked up Jock coz he has two broken wrists from Snowboarding in the South Island, and might be bored at home. These are random photos of it coz the weather was nice.... read more
nathan chasing a cock
nathan cara lamb wall

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland September 3rd 2005

Okay where did we leave you? Think our last blog was to say that Elinor, Laura and Simon had arrived safetly and that they were coping with jetlag well. So 1st day in Auckland on Tuesday and the travellers managed to get down before 9amm to get breakfast, very impressive. We headed out into the town centre and straight for the sky tower, which just dominates the sky line. Spent some time viewing the whole of Auckland and beyond from the different level platforms and watch some nutters jump off on the bungy they have there. Very sunny day so the views were spectacular. The glass walkway reminded me of blackpool towers although slightly different view?! Took the free bus (big reed one) to the port and hopped onto a ferry to waiheke island. Hired a ... read more
before te waterfalls
Huka falls and the gang
Elinor boarding plane

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland September 3rd 2005

The first of hopefully many more road trips and weekend trips to come. Check out all the cool pics of the game! It was heaps of fun. I had the tickets, so we all followed me. I got into the stadium and started walking up the stairs because I was fairly sure that the seats were up higher because they were not too expensive. After looking around for a few minutes we could not find the row we were supposed to sit in. I finally asked an usher and he pointed down to the field and said way down there. I was thrilled and jogged down there. Our seats turned out to be amazing. They were not in the center of the field, but on an angle, which was fine. It was easy to see the ... read more
Go Joe Go!
Tana Umaga
400th AB Game

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland August 29th 2005

Hi there, gem again, well early in the morning here in Auckland. We picked up my friends Elinor, Laura and Simon yesterday and yes there was some tears at the arrivals gate. Lovely to see them, feels very strange walking down the street and them being there. Their journey was very long as they have to be and they only managed 4 hours sleep and so were walking zombie all of yesterday. But they managed to stay awake till 9 so did better than me. We managed to navigate our way to the hotel through the maze of Auckland traffic. Think London but not recognising anything and no congestion charging. The hotel is clean, smart and has a fab shower and lounge area. Was getting panicy that it would be a horrible place due to the ... read more
first night for the new pommes

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland August 23rd 2005

Now in Auckland! Made big mistake going through customs.......forgot about an apple in my bag and have had to pay a (omg this keyboard doesn't have a pound sign!) 75 squid fine anyway. And I didn't get to eat my apple :( So much for being careful about letting in diseases, I touched the apple and two security blokes, and he used the example of the maybe being fruit fly eggs on it. Well they could be all over his hands by now! No point worrying now, going to go to bed in a minute get some shut eye before an early start tomorrow.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland August 22nd 2005

Home Well after about 4 and a half months I’m back home. Really great. First thing I noticed is that people seem more friendly. Don’t know if people really are friendlier here in NZ, perhaps it’s just that you always feel more comfortable at home. You know how things work etc, so you perceive that things are easier and more friendly. Having said this, just after the SMILING NZ immigration officer had checked my passport at Auckland Airport, he said “Welcome Home”. Awesome. What now? Arggggh! Back to the grind, looking for a new job. However I will try and take a few photos of Auckland and post them here ... Hopefully will get around to making a website with more holiday photos ...... read more
Auckland Sky Tower & Central Auckland
Queen Street
Train Station

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland August 20th 2005

Thank you everybody for coming, I had the most fabulous evening. I couldn't have hoped for a better send off. I would like to also thank my mother (God! this is sounding like an Oscar speech!) who kept the food flowing all night! And the rest of my family who helped me with the party. To be surrounded by such a bunch of lovely and loving people gives me the strongest feeling of what home is. This will let me throw myself into the wind, with the knowledge of where I come from and where I will come back to. Let the journeys begin! ... read more
Me and Benny
Mike and Me
Me and Simon

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