Blogs from Auckland, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 346


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland May 20th 2005

After getting quite dissolutioned by the South Island I had one entire day to see the city of Auckland and note the differences between the North and South Islands. I hired a car for a day and drove around. The weather is probably the main difference, I had stripped off my jacket and two jumpers and was only down to two shirts and I was happy with that. There was definitely more Maori people around this city but unfortunately it seemed as though most of them were living in the poor parts of town. It is an interesting city and was good to see that it has both beaches and bays. But as night fell, I started to reflect on my New Zealand experience and on how the kiwis sell off everything for tourism. I ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland May 12th 2005

Airbus to airport Chance meeting with the Swiss girls Waiting for the plane. Doh! Got back last night and was ready to unpack and wash up before bed. Wait a second, where's my toothbrush? Oh no...don't tell me when I was packing in the dark yesterday morning I missed my black toiletry bag on the floor. By some strange luck I had downsized my toiletry bag a few days ago so I was only missing a few essentials like my toothbrush, toothpaste (it was from India and wasn't quite the Colgate that I'm used to at home so it wasn't that big of a loss and it did cost me less than $1.), my contacts (but I was due to change them next week anyway), deoderant (thank goodness it is not hot and sticky out today! ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland May 11th 2005

Picked up by Robbo Back in Auckland this evening All day on the road. I got up pretty early this morning and had a leisurely breakfast. It was kinda funny. Finally after weeks of not remembering any of my dreams I finally remembered one. I guess it was because I was almost ready to wake up. In my dream I was getting ready for bed (you know my bunk bed from when I was a kid!) and had just settled in and fallen asleep. Then all of a sudden I hear an alarm go off...what? I just went to bed. It took me a few seconds to register that it was my watch beeping away and for real it was time to get up! Well, the Stray bus was very on time this morning to pick ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland May 8th 2005

We’ve had an absolutely manic month - catching up with friends (many meals/drinks out :-)), finishing work, going to hen/stag parties, visiting Great Barrier Island, attending and helping at Kenny and Luke’s wedding… There are lots of photos for you to enjoy, and a wee bit of writing, but as it’s after 11 in the evening here and I haven’t yet packed my bag, I’m going to (try to) keep it short. Finishing Up We both finished work at the end of last week, and both of us were very sad to leave colleagues and friends that we have made over the past 7 months. We both had a good few nights out with colleagues and friends, and we were both given a good send off. To all our new friends in Auckland - we’re going ... read more
I can't believe he actually let Graeme talk him in to jumping.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town...
One last look at the park near our flat...

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland April 25th 2005

Walkabout Auckland Cruised around Auckland Domain Auckland Museum Yesterday I had a another lazy start. I can't believe that I slept in til 10AM! I decided that I should get unlazy and after making something for breakfast I decided I should enjoy the good weather and walk over to Auckland Domain...lots of green space! I walked by the duck pond, Winter Gardens and stopped off at the Auckland Museum. Quite interesting! I learned a lot about the Maori and the history of Auckland. They had a special exhibit for ANZAC (Australian New Zealand Army Corps) on the Gallipoli campaign. It was quite interesting to read some of the personal accounts that were displayed. I was in the museum for at least two hours which could explain why I was not all that interested in the third ... read more
Victoria Park Market

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland April 24th 2005

Well, I went away fishing with my friends Wes and Scott for 4 days over fall break. as the weather is turning colder, we decided to try and do some late season trout fishing down at Lake Waikeremoana, which is about 4-5 hours southeast of Auckland in the Te Urewera National Park. We ended up doing a 'luge' or alpine slide in Rotorua on the way down, and wes and scott thought it was funny to run me off the track. ha ha. we eventually got to the lake and pitched the tents. i cooked dinner while the boys played beanie, a fun card game which i got the hang of later. the next day we hiked up to waikereiti, a smaller alpine lake where scott caught a nice trout. we made it into fish tacos, ... read more
scott and his fish
beech forest

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland April 23rd 2005

Kia Ora from me I made it to New Zealand After some long flights. After what seemed like forever in airplanes and airports I finally arrived in Auckland yesterday around lunch time. Phew! The flights themselves were pretty uneventful. Although the girl beside me on the flight to Sydney was a bit of a lush! I think she ended up having six Bloody Mary's (always ordered in two at a time) and a few glasses of wine as well. Meanwhile I'm ordering drinks such as water and Gingerale. lol The movies that were playing weren't very good. Well unless you're an “Electra” fan. haha I pretty much kept dozing on and off and did some reading since there were a million and one magazines to read…what a treat! Hmm, the only other "highlight" I can think ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland April 22nd 2005

Hello to all. Upon arriving in Auckland, New Zealand I was greated with a warm welcome at the airport by the Green's, who are good friends of my parents. I spent four days with them seeing the sights of Auckland, eating delicious meals and learning about New Zealands rich culture. I made my way up into the Sky Tower, which is the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere, and had a great view of the city, surrounding bays and many huge sailboats. Auckland is a lively and outdoorsey community. The greenery and trees in the area are quite luxurious. The Kauri trees here live for thousands of years and provide a great resource for the economy. After my stint in Auckland I went on a fast track through the North Island, as I was told to ... read more
Maori Modern Warrior
Maori Canoe

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland April 17th 2005

Auckland… the biggest city in New Zealand… the end of my NZ experience! We arrive here late on Saturday, just in time to take the super fast elevator up the Sky City tower, about 200m high, and see the city and its surroundings before and after sunset. Surprisingly, there was another high adrenalin experience here: standing on the glass bottom in a height of almost 200m…it’s a lot scarier than sky diving :-) even though I knew it was totally safe, I was terrified! At night we finally felt that we reached a real city. The area where we stay is full of cafes, bar and restaurants. We decided to celebrate properly our last evening together in New Zealand and chose the best restaurant that the Lonely Planet offered us: it’s called Chandelier (in Ponsonby st., ... read more
The most scary thing in NZ
The tower at night
Our farewell dinner

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland April 17th 2005

That's right. Time for a new continent. And I choose....New Zealand. I keep trying to catch up with this Canadian but he keeps evading me like an elusive fish. I arrived to Auckland two days ago and will continue to the Maori town of Rotorua and then on to Wellington, followed by some tramping (hiking) in the southern island. Graham has been in NZ one week and is already down in Wellington, making his way to the south island. Hopefully we'll reunite at some point. Nevertheless, my last few days in Asia were amazing. It was the Thai New Years, and they certainly know how to celebrate. I met up with some old friends from Chiang Mai as we joined in the festivities of the Water Festival. The city of Chiang Mai is surrounded by a ... read more
New Years in Bangkok - Songkran Festival
Auckland at night
another chiang mai water festival shot

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