Blogs from Perth City, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, Oceania - page 42


Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City January 5th 2007

We left Bali airport at midnight and made a 2 hour 55 min flight to Darwin where we had to change after a 2 hour wait and jump onto a much smaller plane to fly to Alice Springs. The flight there only took a couple of hours but we were so shattered we slept for most of the way. It was also morning in OZ and just getting light so we could see just how remote the outback really is. We had to get off the plane again in Alice Springs for about 30 minutes, then board to finally make our way to Perth. We had been wondering about whether or not to go to Ayers Rock as we only have 2 months to do Australia and flights cost an absolute fortune, we certainly dont have ... read more
Perth Skyline
Scarborough beach
Simon (Nice boy)

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City January 4th 2007

Here we are in Perth now, a simple four hour flight west all over the same country. Australia is such a huge place its hard to comprehend. We are now in Western Australia which is one of the least populous states. Only 2 million people live in this state and most of them live in and around Perth. With an area four times the size of texas and about a zillion times the size of the UK its safe to say there is enough room to swing a cat. Perth itself is ............ nice, it doesn't feel like a busy city and there is loads of open space and the surrounding landscape is very green. The pace of life seems pretty chilled and people are all laid back, although Perth does not seem to be the ... read more
Scarborough Beach
The Swan

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City January 3rd 2007

I am not a person built for night shift. Or restaurant work. Therefore, combining the two can be disasterous. I worked 10 and a half hours today. Well, closer to 11. 5pm to almost 4am. I was only scheduled to 3. After about 3:20, my brain started to go. I started to make stupid mistakes and I was basically just falling asleep. Finally, a manager let me go home. Apparently, you're expected to stay after your shift is over. I think thats crap. But, I need the job so bad that I have to put up with it for now. Seriously, I left one form of hell (Dowerin) for another. I've been having a really blah few days where I've just been sad. I dont know why really. Maybe it has something to do with never ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City January 2nd 2007

Friday 29th December We had one last day before flying on again and decided that we should really explore Melbourne a bit after spending several days in the area but not really exploring. The first stop of the day was a short walk to the Victorian market. The place was huge and sold everything from food to didgeridoos. We had a good wander around and Alex bought herself a fancy looking hair pin which calmed the shopping urge for a bit longer. We then caught a free tram from near our hostel which took us on a circuit of the city centre. Half way round we decided to jump off seeing as the tram was fit to burst with all the locals and tourists getting a free ride. We crossed the Yarra river to the southern ... read more
Scarborough Beach
New Year
Perth Cup

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City January 1st 2007

I had a quiet night. I couldn't afford to go out, so I just stayed at the hostel. I was mostly alone, since all but two people went out. and those two people aren't friends of mine. They were nice enough, but it just wasn't so fun. Thankfully at ten to twelve, Howard (aka H) came back and I got a new years kiss. I think I would have been rather upset if I hadn't gotten one. People finally started to come back around 1, so the night got pretty fun after that. We had a little dance party in the TV room (people not involved must have thought we were crazy). At about 3, Serage and Lee came back, telling everyone that Tammy had to go to the hospital. Someone had bottled her over the ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City December 26th 2006

Its not Christmas at all, really. The heat makes it like any other day, really. We had Christmas dinner, though. Everyone paid $20 and we got breakfast, lunch AND dessert! it was fantastic. Then, we drank goon. I tied tinsel around my cup and made it christmas goon. I believe today we're having the goon olympics. I'm not sure what it involves, but if it involves goon, i'm in! I'm still not a fan of Christmas. Believe me, I try to be, but I just can't get into it. I'd love to be able to avoid it. Aside from Christmas, things are going alright. I'm getting desperate to find a job. If I can't, its back to Adelaide for me. I'll get back to Perth again as soon as I can, but I'll have to go ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City December 20th 2006

We left for Australia a few Saturdays ago, excited of the prospect of a new country and the second part of our adventure around the world! We landed very excited to be greeted by Annmarie! My cousin! For me it was a great relief to see some family, and knowing that we had accommodation, especially with Simon not having a bag- it certainly took the pressure off of us! For the first few days we simply slept, played pool and drank (a little) The first week in Perth was slow and very chilled. We experienced the laid back life style, playing pool all night and drinking the finest wine! Its great not having to pay to play pool- especially as we haven't quite mastered it. We have caught up with John and Elaine (Another of my ... read more
Swan Bell Tower
Relaxed into the new style of living

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City December 19th 2006

I realized today that I haven't updated in over a week, so I figured it was time. No news really. Still having the time of my life in the hostel. I've met some amazing people here from Perth, as well as all over the world. Seriously, I love this place. I moved from my mixed dorm into an all female dorm. My room before stank, and the air conditioning didn't work as well as I would have liked. Now, even though there's four more beds (and again I've got a top bunk), I'm a lot happier. Its far too hot here to have the air conditioning on the brink. I'm still looking for a job, and in my opinion its going well. Ok, well not great. My effort at applying is impressive, but I haven't gotten ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City December 12th 2006

HELL YA! I have been back in Perth for a day. And I coudn't possibly be happier. This is totally where I've needed to be, and I should never have left. I watched three people drink piss today. Like...real people piss. It was shocking. The guy who pissed in the bottle drank it first. The others followed. Ick. Having the time of my life again guys, so no worries about me anymore. I've got nothing bad to say about this place. Did y'all know we actually do say "aboot"??? its unfortunate. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City November 28th 2006

Oh my god, we actually made it to Perth and our camper is still working, with a little TLC from Hannah and I! We had a good drive around Perth and ended up camping the first couple of nights in a place close to a beach, what a surprise, we love beaches and they are really big here (and did I (H) mention the west coast is on the Indian Ocean - beautiful turquoise waters!!)! We moved on to find ourselves a cheaper campsite with a reasonable location to the local bus network for exploring Perth city properly! We've both loved wondering around Perth, greatly needed our Boost (fresh fruit juice franchise!!) drinks, lovely... After getting the Christmas shopping done and sent home we looked for some fun stuff to do! And wadda ya know, we ... read more
Wine tasting..
Hannah's B'day Lunch

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